The War of Resistance

Chapter 667: How can there be a jackal who doesn't eat meat

The Japanese and puppet troops appeared on the dirt road. Due to the twists and turns of the road, when the Japanese and puppet troops appeared, they were only more than 100 meters away from the funeral crowd.

It's just that at this time, those funeral attendants are all kneeling down and kowtow to the old man who died in the village. Presumably, the old man should be the half-child's grandfather.

The so-called death does not matter, you have to cry for the living, the old man is dead, but this etiquette is indispensable.

"Oh, father, you died so miserable, my son must avenge you!" Someone cried very sadly, and made solemn oaths, and those who knelt on the ground in black kowtowed very piously. .

Most of the graves are facing south, so Feng Shui is good.

However, this piece of random graveyard is in the southeast of the village, so those people kowtow to the north, even if the people standing by with a shovel are not from the dead old man's clan, they will only look at those people. People who are kowtowing, who has nothing to do when they turn around?

The crowd was so sad, but they didn't know that the invader's iron hooves were getting closer.

"Still crying!" Hu Zhuzi, who was hiding behind a grave, scolded.

Don't look at the fact that Hu Zhuzi got into trouble with the villagers in the first place yesterday, of course you can call him a tiger, but you can never say he is not kind.

Seeing that the Japanese and puppet troops must have spotted the funeral crowd and hastened their pace and was approaching, Hu Zhuzi was really anxious.

When Hu Zhuzi was in a hurry, he forgot the discipline of the battlefield. As soon as he stretched out his hand in a hurry, he picked up something from the ground and slammed it forward.

Hu Zhuzi's strength is really not small, and now he is only more than 50 meters away from the funeral crowd.

The object he picked up was very convenient, and the weight was enough, so the object drew an arc in the air and flew for more than forty meters, but it hit a wooden sign that was used as a tombstone.

Since the sound was very close to the crowd, some villagers heard the "teng" sound, and the villagers looked around after hearing the sound, so he saw that there was a human leg under the tombstone. bones, but the wooden sign is still trembling faintly!

The villager was taken aback.

He had buried people here before, but he didn't remember that there were bones next to the wooden sign.

Just as he was wondering, he subconsciously raised his head and looked forward again, and this time he just saw a human head popping out from behind a grave!

That person was Hu Zhuzi. Although Hu Zhuzi didn't dare to shout loudly, he was still cursing, and what he scolded was nothing more than "these idiots".

But the villager who saw the tiger pillar didn't think so. The so-called people are scary, but how could the villager think that a human head appeared on a grave and was grinning and cursing at him?

As a result, the villager was so frightened that he let out an "Aw", and stretched out his hand to point at Hu Zhuzi.

And his voice naturally attracted the attention of other villagers, whether they were kowtowing or standing, they all looked at him.

Although the villagers on the side behind him saw the terrified look in front of his fingers, but when the people in front turned their heads to look, they finally saw the Japanese and puppet troops approaching with guns on the dirt road!

"The Japanese are coming!" I don't know which villager shouted, so the villagers finally discovered the imminent danger.

As Wang Laomao thought, are there wolves that don't eat meat?

Just when the crowd started to disperse in a rush, gunshots from the Japanese puppet army rang out!

Amidst the "crack" and "crack" gunshots, several villagers fell down after being shot.

After yesterday, the villagers finally saw the tyranny of the Japanese army. This time, the relatives of the villagers who were shot didn’t care about the shot people anymore. The son reacted quickly and drilled into the grave circle!

"Fight!" Hu Zhuzi yelled in a hurry, and he put his rifle to his shoulder.

However, no matter how fierce he was, he was a veteran after all, and just when he was about to pull the trigger, he subconsciously looked towards Old Mao Wang.

Just looking at it, he saw that the flower mechanism of Wang Laomao was placed beside him, but he didn't even take it, but still observed the situation in front of him.

"Hold on, don't worry!" Qiu Bo, who was lying behind the adjacent grave, said instead.

"Stay safe!" Hu Zhuzi was anxious, but no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't shoot without the order of Old Mao Wang.

At this time, I saw the Japanese and puppet troops chasing all the way from the dirt road. The Japanese and puppet troops in the front had already run to the side of the new grave. Although some Japanese soldiers shot at the fleeing civilians, there were also Japanese soldiers who were holding bayonets. Stab the villager who was lying on the ground and survived the shot.

"Grenade!" Only then did Old Mao Wang shout in a low voice.

"That's right! Use grenades!" Hu Zhuzi finally realized that the Japanese and puppet troops were approaching, and they captured some grenades yesterday.

After a while, Old Mao Wang, who was also holding a grenade in his hand, suddenly shouted: "Get ready—fight!"

Amidst Wang Laomao's shouts, grenades flew out from behind the many graves.

What is misplaced? If it is scattered, it is inconsistent, that is, someone throws it out first, and someone throws it out later.

Is it slow for these soldiers to pull the pin and smash the fuze?

no! It was someone who smashed the fuse and threw the grenade out, but someone held the grenade in his hand for two or three seconds before throwing it out.

The former is eager to kill the enemy, but the latter knows to kill more enemies with the air blast method!

The enemy and the enemy were so close together that Wang Laomao and the others had a grenade flying out from their end. One day the puppet soldiers reacted and yelled and fell down.

However, in the end, some people were knocked down by the explosive grenade before they could react.

But those lying down can be caught, okay?

The grenade exploded after landing, and the explosion fragments that penetrated into the ground must not be able to hurt the enemy.

But the fragments of the airburst grenade went down.

So the Japanese and puppet soldiers who were lying on the ground and still alive were unable to get up after being blown up by the air-explosive grenade.

"Copy guy!" Old Mao Wang shouted, and when he leaned out from behind the grave, the flower mechanism on his shoulder made a "he he he he" sound.

And this time the soldiers behind the different graves did the same, and the bullets shot at the already chaotic Japanese and puppet troops.

The reason why Wang Laomao was not in a hurry to act first was because he was waiting for the best opportunity.

The Japanese and puppet troops running over from the dirt road ran a little There were not many in front, but the brigade was behind, but he was waiting to attack the brigade behind.

By this time, the different combat qualities of the Japanese and puppet troops became different.

Most of the puppet soldiers who were beaten up lay down on the spot, and one puppet soldier even raised his gun while lying on the ground, which was a surrender.

It's just that he didn't think about it, how could it be time to surrender at this time, so he didn't know which bullet he was hit by, and the rifle he was holding horizontally in his hand fell down.

After the Japanese army was attacked by Wang Laomao and his side, except for those who were knocked down and unable to move, the rest of the Japanese army went to the graveyard opposite Wang Laomao and their side.

It is the instinct of all well-trained soldiers to use the terrain to find a bunker when they are attacked.

It's just that the Japanese army was really wrong this time.

On the other side of the dirt road, Shang Zhen and the others were waiting there.

Just as the Japanese and puppet troops were burrowing into the random graves on the other side of the dirt road, a few people emerged from those random graves, and the "he, he, he, he, he, he, he" and "papapa" sounded from the box cannons. Get up, but this time it's all bursts!

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