The War of Resistance

Chapter 612: Pretend to be a wounded soldier

What a pity, Shang Zhen sighed slightly in his heart.

What a pity? Just now Shang Zhen spent a very limited time in the cave of the city gate and could not see clearly, but he only picked up three grenades.

Although he just used the air blast method, but the grenade is limited, and the lethality against the Japanese army is also limited after all.

Just let the little devil go? Shang Zhen cast his eyes to the east, the flare bomb of the Japanese army was still shining, and the gunshots ahead were still fierce, it was Battalion Commander Wen who escaped from death and the Japanese army who was marching towards Nanjing city overnight. Fight.

"I said boss, run away! Are you waiting for the food?" Bai Zhan was already in a hurry.

It's just that Bai Zhan saw that Shang Zhen withdrew his distant gaze but looked to the upper left again.

Ok? Bai Zhan followed Shang Zhen's gaze, so under the light of the flares, he saw someone climbing down the rope on the city wall not far away!

At this moment, even though Bai Zhan was used to being clever, he still felt a little dazed, so why are there still people climbing down from the city wall?

Although Bai Zhan has enough brains, he has only been on the battlefield a few times. Before that, he hadn't noticed that Battalion Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu had divided their troops, but Company Commander Lu and the others climbed down from the city wall along the rope. of.

If Company Commander Lu hadn't divided up with Commander Wen and the others before, they should have rushed out of the city by now, so why are there dozens of people climbing down the city wall just grabbing the life-saving straw?

But this is the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, no one can be considered exhaustive, but in the end it still depends on the destiny!

But at this time Shang Zhen looked at the figure who was climbing down the rope from the city wall, and he knew that he still couldn't run!

Company Commander Lu and his gang have rushed out to this point, but how can he ignore it?

So he gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand and took out the box cannon hidden in his clothes, and at the same time took out the magazine with his left hand, and skillfully inserted the magazine into the gun.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Bai Zhan was puzzled again.

How could he expect Shang Zhen not to run away!

"If you are afraid of death, go first, I will not laugh at you!" Shang Zhen said casually without looking at Bai Zhan, and at the same time he stuck himself on the outer edge of the city gate.

There were screams and groans from the Japanese army in the cave of the city gate, but Shang Zhen ignored them, all he cared about was whether there were any pursuers coming out from behind.

After a while, Shang Zhen's body moved, because he heard footsteps, and the Japanese army in the city chased them out again.

At this time, Shang Zhen squatted down and poked his box cannon into the hole in the city gate, but he himself didn't show up at all.

But so what? If you don't watch it, you can't kill you, a **** Japanese devil?

"Papa papa" the continuous firing of the box cannon started,

Shang Zhen used exactly that method of fan shooting, so during his shooting, the footsteps of the Japanese soldiers in the city gate stopped abruptly!

In just a few minutes, Shang Zhen fired four bullets into the hole in the city gate.

Then he stopped firing because all four magazines he carried were empty!

Now he glanced at the distance and then looked beside him, and saw that Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong didn't run away but were looking at him.

Yu Zuolong looked at him with admiration, but Shang Zhen didn't feel it, let alone admiration, it was admiration, and Shang Zhen had seen it a lot.

But Bai Zhan looked at him with a kind of resentment like a resentful woman.

"Come on, run to the south." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

Shang Zhen doesn't want to go west now, because Battalion Commander Wen and the others are fighting the Japanese army.

Although Yingying Commander Wen opened the way for Shang Zhen and the others at the beginning, but now that Shang Zhen is also cut off by Yingying Commander Wen and the others, from a moral point of view, Shang Zhen has no psychological burden anymore.

And to the north, Company Commander Lu and his group are still finishing their descent from the city wall, and he doesn't want to lure the Japanese army over there. Come on, the three of them should run south.

But just when Shang Zhen was about to move, he heard the "thumping" footsteps of the Japanese army coming from the hole in the city gate.

what to do?

Shang Zhen didn't want to fight the Japanese army anymore, and it was too late for him to put the bullets in the box cannon. As for using the 38-type rifle for cover, it's better to forget about using the gun to pull the bolt one by one!

If Shang Zhen is quick-witted after all, he immediately followed Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong to say a few words.

The three of them reached out and touched the corpse of a Japanese soldier outside the city gate a few times, then touched their face again, and then all three of them fell down!

After a while, when a Japanese soldier rushed out of the hole in the city gate, he saw a soldier of their Great Japanese Imperial Army sitting there with blood all over his face and body, obviously he was injured.

"***" The Japanese army began to question, and the wounded soldier made a hoarse voice, but after all, he didn't explain anything, so he stretched out his hand and pointed to the south. At this time, the Japanese army saw a box cannon a few meters ahead. .

What he meant undoubtedly was that the Chinese soldiers who fired the shots ran in that direction.

In the eyes of the Japanese army, what they saw was naturally a seriously wounded companion showing them the direction of the deserters, so those Japanese soldiers bent over and carried the 38 big caps, and ran past Shang Zhen and the three of them. ran over.

Even, there was a Japanese soldier in the back who was shaken by his comrades in front. When he saw his own wounded under his feet, he stopped in fright, but he ran too fast and hurriedly, and staggered. He just lay down, but he was lying on the wounded man on his side!

At this time, another Japanese soldier who was following behind this Japanese soldier also stopped in his footsteps and screamed.

And the so-called wounded Japanese soldiers were of course Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen originally wanted to play dead, but he couldn't do it!

If he pretended to be dead, the Japanese army would either run to the west stupidly, or they would find the soldiers who had come down from the big wall.

After all good things are done, after all, he still has to take care of them, so he sat up again.

As a result, he also guided the Japanese army, but he also collided with the Japanese army behind him.

"****,***" God knows what this Japanese soldier who lay on Shang Zhen and just got up was muttering. Since those Japanese soldiers just ran past, Shang Zhen didn't dare to make a move, so he could only rely on this The name of the Japanese army.

At this time, the flares in the sky were brightly lit, but the Japanese soldier was lying on Shang Zhen's body with his back to the sky, and Shang Zhen couldn't see his face clearly.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen was shocked, because the Japanese soldier not only muttered, but grabbed his chest as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Shang Zhen couldn't help being startled, this little devil is Gaha? Could it be that the Japanese devils are beasts, and even their own wounded soldiers have to strip their clothes?

But Shang Zhen only relaxed after such a tense body.

Now that he thought that he was pretending to be a wounded person, did he guess what this Japanese soldier was doing? Isn't this guy looking at his wounds and trying to rescue him?

At this time, Shang Zhen sneaked a glimpse of the Japanese soldier who was stretching out his hand to pick off his clothes, wearing an oval red cross badge on his upper arm.

Of course, Shang Zhen knew the red cross, and it turned out that this guy was really the little devil's health guard.

At the same time, Shang Zhen noticed that the other Japanese soldier who was following behind had already put down a small box on his back, which was also marked with a red cross.

It turned out that these two guys were really the little devil's medical soldiers, Shang Zhen thought and felt happy at the same time.

Although it seemed that the two Japanese soldiers were going to rescue him or the three of them, how could Shang Zhen feel any gratitude in his heart?

The enemy is the enemy, and people are only helping their own companions!

If these two guys knew that the three of them were Chinese soldiers pretending to be Chinese soldiers, the doctor with the lancet in his hand would probably cut his own throat!

The flare in the sky was about to fall again, but the Japanese army's second flare hadn't fired yet.

But at this time, the Japanese medical soldier who was helping Shang Zhen was already confused. He unbuttoned the chest of the wounded man in front of him. He also touched it with his hands, but why couldn't he find the wound?

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the wounded man under him had raised his upper body, and he subconsciously stepped aside.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt as if his body was struck by lightning, and then he stared at the wounded man he was saving. He didn't react at all, he just wanted to speak but He couldn't say it anymore, blood gushed out of his throat!

He never understood how he died.

At this time, another Japanese soldier who was standing behind him and opening the medicine box suddenly saw a metallic luster on the back of the comrade in front of him, shining in the afterglow of the flare.

He froze for a moment, he suddenly felt that the luster was very familiar, that - that was the tip of the bayonet of their Imperial Japanese Army!

It's just that when the Japanese soldier was about to yell out, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower body. The pain came so fast and so intensely. At that time the tide came wave after wave, but now this pain is like a hurricane!

The hurricane devastated everywhere, and not a single blade of grass grew. The sudden severe pain caused him to let out a muffled groan before falling down!

It was the **** of a 38-style rifle that hit his crotch hard just now!

It was Yu Zuolong who made the Just now, Shang Zhen made Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong pretend to be wounded and fell to the ground, but Yu Zuolong was also keeping his eyes on the two Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese soldier who was rescuing Shang Zhen was blocked by Shang Zhen's body and did not see Shang Zhen's movements, but Yu Zuolong who was at the side could see clearly that Shang Zhen was lying on the ground as the When the Japanese army got on his body, they pulled out the bayonet hanging from his waist.

Now Yu Zuolong is completely convinced by Shang Zhen.

What Shang Zhen said was right, they didn't fight the Japanese army head-on, but it didn't mean that they killed fewer or even more Japanese devils than their comrades who fought in positional warfare!

Then, seeing Shang shake his hand, how could Yu Zuolong be idle?

The hope of getting out of the city is just around the corner. At this time, Yu Zuolong suddenly doesn't want to fight **** with the Japanese army and die together, because he found a better way to fight devils!

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