The War of Resistance

Chapter 517: "Broken soldiers" experience (1)

It was getting dark, and there were lit kerosene lamps in the house.

And the dim light of the oilless lamp illuminated a room full of people.

These people included some soldiers brought by Shang Zhen, as well as the broken soldiers they rescued.

The flame of the kerosene lamp flickered non-stop, illuminating the expressions of everyone in the room.

Shang Zhen didn't rescue many rout soldiers, there were only seven of them in total, and what surprised Shang Zhen and the others was that there was a female policeman among the seven!

It was already noon when Shang Zhen and the others finished saving people.

Since they not only rescued those rout soldiers this time, but also saved the people in the village, they naturally received warm hospitality from the people in the village.

They fell asleep immediately after eating and drinking, and now they are just waking up.

The place where they live now is the ancestral hall in this village.

It stands to reason that the ancestral hall is a place to worship the ancestors, but Shang Zhen and the others together now have close to 40 people. How can there be such a big place for them to live in the village?

In the end, the old man in the village told them to sleep directly in the ancestral hall.

The old man also said, there is nothing wrong with living in the ancestral hall. You not only protect the villagers, but also protect the ranking of our ancestors. It is only natural to live here!

After all, everyone was still young, had eaten enough and slept enough, and their spirits had recovered more than half, but now Shang Zhen and the others were about to listen to a soldier tell about his experience.

The reason why Shang Zhen and the others wanted to listen to these soldiers talk about their experiences was still proposed by Chu Tian.

It was just because Chu Tian had been refuted by Shang Zhen, although he was speechless at that time, but afterwards he felt very unconvinced.

Just because Chutian said at the time that the officers and soldiers on the road were rout soldiers, and those people like himself followed the 67th Army to protect these rout soldiers who had no fighting spirit, and then these people became spy screens again. Great irony.

At that time, Shang Zhen's retort was, how do you know that he didn't have a **** battle with the Japanese army before he became a rout?

Now seeing that they rescued some rout soldiers, Chu Tian asked to hear the stories of these rout soldiers, that is to say, how these rout soldiers fought **** battles with the Japanese army before they became rout soldiers.

In fact, Shang Zhen didn't intend to argue with Chu Tian again, but he really wanted to know more about the entire Songhu battlefield, so it wouldn't hurt to come and listen to these defeated soldiers talk about their respective battle experiences.

"I am guarding Jinshan Guard, and my name is Li Chenghong." The soldier said.

"What is Jinshanwei?" Shang Zhen didn't know where Jinshanwei was.

In fact, not only Shang Zhen didn't know, but even the soldiers of the Northeast Army under him didn't know about it.

The three northeastern provinces do not have a long history, let alone names such as "Jinshanwei" and "Tianjinwei".

"Just take it as a place name. This time the Japanese devils came ashore from there." Li Chenghong explained.

Shang Zhen and the others nodded, and they understood what Li Chenghong said.

"It turned out that there were still quite a lot of troops guarding there. I heard from the chief that there were four divisions and one reinforced brigade. But then the Shanghai side became more and more aggressive, and the higher-ups transferred all these troops away." Li Chenghong spoke again, But this time Shang Zhen and the others didn't interrupt him, they just listened quietly.

"When the little devil really starts to attack from the sea, our troops there will only have one battalion and two companies, one artillery platoon, and some local troops, like her." Li Chenghong stretched out his hand as he spoke. He pointed to the policewoman who was also listening nearby.

Shang Zhen and the others took another look at the policewoman.

The policewoman looked twenty-three and four, wearing a black police uniform with four pockets. As for the hat, she probably lost it during the war.

As for his appearance, he was still upright, with delicate features, but there was a thin scratch on his face that had scabbed over, and he didn't know what it was.

"We are guarding a small town with a total of twenty-three people.

After the Japanese devils went ashore in the assault boat, they first released smoke bombs.

There were fifty or sixty Japanese devils in the first wave of attack. Our platoon leader saw that we had too few people, so he separated all our platoons and divided them into small groups to fight.

I won’t say much about the fighting process, because I don’t know, I was sent by the platoon leader to find the battalion commander to call for reinforcements.

I found more than 300 reinforcements, and it took me more than an hour to call for reinforcements.

But when I returned to the position, there were only two wounded in our platoon who were still alive, and they were all seriously injured. As for the others, they were all killed! "

Li Chenghong paused for a while when he talked about it, obviously he was a little sad.

However, Shang Zhen and the others did not comfort Li Chenghong.

This is war, especially China's war against the Japanese invaders. It is normal for the enemy to be strong while we are weak, and many of our own dead. up.

Just imagine, the enemy is stronger than their own in every aspect. Apart from not being afraid of death, what else can they use to attack the enemy?

"When the reinforcements arrived just in time for the second attack of the little devils, and this time we fought back and forth, I estimate that seventy or eighty Japanese devils were killed.

But the casualties on our side were not small. The Battalion Commander Wang who came to support was seriously injured.

Although he was carried away on a stretcher by his soldiers, I guess people must have died in battle. "Li Chenghong narrated again.

Although Shang Zhen and the others didn't say a word, they also knew in their hearts that the seriously injured Battalion Commander Wang should have died in battle.

As far as the current Chinese army is concerned, there are no rear hospitals, and there are very few medicines to treat gunshot wounds. As long as the back is seriously injured on the battlefield, it is equivalent to being declared dead.

"But no matter what, our position has been held, and the devils have retreated." Li Chenghong narrated the whole process very flatly.

It stands to reason that repelling the Japanese attack should be something to be happy about, but no one can see that he is the slightest bit happy.

"We beat the little devil away, and it was too late to help the wounded. At this time, we heard gunshots from another village not far away.

So those of us ran to that village. We knew that there was more support there because there were only thirteen policemen guarding that village.

When we got there, twelve of the thirteen policemen were killed, and there was only one left, which was her. " Li Chenghong once again pointed to the policewoman.

Shang Zhen and the others all looked at the policewoman, and at that moment the policewoman said, "I took my life.

The Japanese devils fired at us, they were killed, and I was buried by the shells. "

At this point, the experience of Li Chenghong and this female policeman is over.

There was silence.

After a while, someone said something astonishing, it was Old Mao Wang.

"His grandma has a leg, and I want to scold Yin (people) again!" Old Mao Wang said He didn't even notice, but he was already scolding someone.

Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao knew something about the Songhu battlefield. They heard Chang En, the commander of the 108th Division, say that the Japanese army landed from Jinshanwei in Hangzhou Bay.

Since the enemy and us are still in a stalemate in Shanghai, once the Japanese army landed from Hangzhou Bay, it was equivalent to inserting a knife from the rear of the Chinese army.

As a result, the Chinese army had to retreat quickly in order to avoid being completely encircled and wiped out, which also caused this major retreat.

The Sixty-seventh Army of the Northeast Army was blocked in Songjiang County and fought a blocking battle just to prevent the Chinese army from being encircled and wiped out.

As a result, they fought for three days and three nights, and in the end there were only about 400 soldiers left in the 67th Army.

It's just that neither Shang Zhen nor Old Mao Wang knew at this time that not only were there only about 400 soldiers left in the Sixty-seventh Army, even the commander Wu Yong had already died in battle.

And since Wu Keyong fell into the Suzhou Creek from the beginning to the end, no one has ever found Wu Keyong's body again!

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