The War of Resistance

Chapter 443: way home

Five days later, four horse-drawn carriages came running from east to west, and Shang Zhen and the others were sitting in the carriage.

They successfully sent the guns and ammunition to the Eighth Route Army contact point on the edge of the Taihang Mountains, and then returned.

Even though the horseshoe he couldn't hide the laughter on the carriage.

"Platoon leader, you can't bully us anymore, the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are the same!" Chen Hanwen said to Old Mao Wang in one of the carriages.

"Who is the platoon leader? Where is the platoon leader? Am I the platoon leader now?" Old Mao Wang turned his eyes to Chen Hanwen.

Rao Chen Hanwen was a half-talented scholar, but he was also questioned by Wang Laomao and he was speechless. Yes, Wang Laomao was the platoon leader, and that was old Huangli.

Among the people in Shang Zhen, no one has ever said that Wang Laomao is the platoon leader. Although everyone recognizes that Shang Zhen is the boss and Wang Laomao is the second child, the company commander of Shang Zhen was appointed by the brigade commander Liu Chengyi. , but who has ever appointed Wang Laomao as an official?

"Don't compare everything with the Eighth Route Army. The poor Eighth Route Army is like a beggar!" Hou Wangshan said at this time.

Hou Kanshan's words naturally meant to defend Old Mao Wang. This time when Shang Zhen and the others went to the village where the Eighth Route Army was in contact, they happened to meet an Eighth Route Army there.

They had exchanges with the Northeast Army and the Eighth Route Army. The philosophy of the Eighth Route Army is that officers and soldiers are unanimously forbidden to beat and swear, which is why Chen Hanwen said so.

Hou Kanshan's words naturally resonated with the soldiers on the carriage.

Yes, the Eighth Route Army forbids beating, swearing, and speaking kindly.

But the Eighth Route Army is really poor. There are several people with a gun, and that gun only has a few bullets. The bullet belt looks like there are a lot of bullets, but in fact it is filled with grass sticks or sorghum that are the same size as the bullets. Pole!

Because of this, when Shang Zhen sent the guns and ammunition over, they were warmly welcomed by the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army doesn't care if they call them brothers and they call them "comrades".

Just this made Shang Zhen and the others feel very fresh.

The Eighth Route Army also said that soldiers can call their officers comrades, and officers can also call soldiers comrades. There is nothing wrong with this.

But in the national army, if you dare to call the chief a comrade, **** can be punched out for you, who the **** is **** with you?

For this reason, Chu Tian also asked the company instructor of the Eighth Route Army, what do you mean by comrades? The instructor said that a comrade refers to a person who has the same aspirations and ideals, and there is no distinction between high and low in revolution.

Ah, everyone knows this concept in later generations, but it is so novel and likes Shang Zhen and the others who are used to it in the old army.

But this is because the Eighth Route Army gave them a good impression, and the Eighth Route Army gave them a bad impression of being poor, so Hou Wangshan had the above words.

Seeing what Hou Wangshan said, the soldiers in the same car also said yes, the Eighth Route Army is really poor!

But at this moment, Old Mao Wang said: "Haven't you heard a word? Do you know what it means not to bully a young man and be poor?"

Wang Laomao's words made everyone in the car fall into deep thought.

At this time, Qian Chuan'er suddenly said: "I don't know what old Uncle Wang is saying, I just know a little bit."

Everyone asked, "Which point?"

Qian Chuan'er smiled and said, "I knew that someone's flattery didn't work out, and they got caught on the horse's hoof!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed coaxingly. Qian Chuaner's words were undoubtedly referring to Hou Wangshan.

At this time, the little dustpan slipped by the side and said: "You are too right, the dead monkey is so aggressive, you must not let him drive the carriage!"

Everyone in the car laughed again.

Hu Zhuzi reacted slowly, so he didn't think there was anything funny about what little dustpan said.

But he thought about it again, everyone said that he usually doesn't use his brain, so he should think again.

After a while, when everyone had finished laughing, Hu Zhuzi suddenly burst out laughing.

Hu Zhuzi's smile made everyone stunned, why is this still a slow twist!

"Why are you laughing like a tiger? Do you understand?" Hou looked at the mountain and asked Hu Zhuzi.

"Why don't I understand?" Hu Zhuzi raised his eyes and asked back, "You can't flatter, you can only flatter horseshoes, who dares to let you drive the car, why don't you take everyone to the ditch?"

With a sound of "coaxing", everyone laughed again, and said while laughing, "This time Hu Zhuzi was right, finally he was smart for a while."

When Hu Zhuzi heard that everyone was praising him, he felt complacent and said, "Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year? The horse manure has a fever!"

Seeing Hu Zhuzi looking at the mountain with horse dung from Bihou, he sarcastically said: "I have never seen such a big pile of horse dung like you. How much grass does the horse have to eat?"

Hu Zhuzi didn't take it seriously, so he said "hehe", and everyone continued to laugh.

Everyone's laughter was so loud that Shang Zhen, who was sitting in the front carriage, turned his head to look.

However, Shang Zhen still sat in the first carriage, while old soldiers like Wang Laomao sat in the third carriage.

When Shang Zhen looked back again, his gaze met that of Leng Xiaozhi who was sitting in the second carriage.

Although the eyes of the two people are divided at the first But in the eyes of the two people, there is always that full of affection.

On a cold winter day in the mountains, Shang Zhen got a cold kiss from that girl.

In the mountains and fields in early autumn a few days ago, in that dark night, Shang Zhen's hand touched the girl's cool skin.

At this time, Shang Zhen had already thrown his dream of finding a wife with a thick waist and a round **** to Java.

And he also remembered the sentence he heard in Chen Hanwen's love letter to Li Yajuan written by Qian Chuan'er, "The mountains and rivers are vast, and there is no galaxy in the world that is you, and there is no one that is not you."

This is an era of war, but it is also an era when no one laments that people's hearts are not ancient, and the feelings between men and women are still so innocent.

It's like the ancient young men and women who just earned each other's love tokens and would not change until death.

So Shang Zhen thought that Leng Xiaozhi was already his woman!

The carriage continued on for a while and Gao Huaide, who was in the same car with Shang Zhen, suddenly pointed to the front and said, "The village in front is the one we heard the gunshots last time. Should we go and have a look this time?"

If Gao Huaide hadn't reminded Shang Zhen, he would have forgotten about it.

At that time, Shang Zhen and the others had pulled several carts of ammunition, and when they passed by, they took a detour.

But this time they have already done it lightly.

Afterwards, Shang Zhen also heard Gao Huaide say that there is Gao Huaide's foothold there, so there will be no problems there, right?

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen said, "Miss De, you are in charge of this matter."

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