The War of Resistance

Chapter 1015: The devils withdrew!

The latest website: "Little monk, are you full?" asked Ma Erpao, who was leaning on a ridge on the top of the mountain, while the soldiers beside him looked at the two of them with smiles on their faces.

The little monk, of course, refers to the old stupid.

It's just that the head of the big old stupid has disappeared.

The head was gone, of course it wasn't dropped, it was replaced by a wooden barrel turned upside down, just because the old stupid drank the last bit of soup in the soup barrel.

The wooden barrel was turned over, and the big old fool with soup stains hanging from the corner of his mouth answered Ma Erpao naively: "I'm full."

"Have you had enough?" Ma Erpao asked again.

"I've had enough too." The old stupid answered whatever he wanted.

"It's good to eat and drink enough, I don't want to miss my wife and home! Hahaha, hahaha." Ma Erpao laughed loudly.

When Ma Erpao smiled, the others followed suit, even Shang Zhen had a smile on his face.

But Shang Zhen finally waved his hands to signal everyone not to go too far, after all, they are still on the previous hill.

It's just that when everyone's laughter stopped, I don't know if it was a big fool who really didn't understand, but he asked Ma Erpao: "What are girls?"

Everyone was taken aback by what the old stupid said, and then they all laughed, this time even Dong Qiu and Xu Shenwei, who were lying on the edge of the mountain, turned their heads to look.

"This—" Ma Erpao was really stunned by the big stupid question.

yes? What is a bitch? This **** **** is a bitch, how can I explain to you, oh, forget, you are a little monk and not a womanizer!

Everyone looked at Ma Erpao and laughed again, but at this moment, a soldier said amidst the laughter: "Women are women!"

"Oh." The old man replied, but then muttered in a low voice: "My master said that women are tigers."

"What are you throwing? What is a woman? A woman is a tiger? It turns out that women can eat men!" Lu Yichun laughed loudly.

When Lu Yichun said this, the other soldiers laughed again. Among these soldiers, some of them understood the relationship between men and women, some half understood, and some didn't understand at all.

But whether you understand it or not, the relationship between men and women is a matter of human instinct, which soldier can be unhappy?

"Let me tell you what a woman is!" Ma Erpao reacted, but it was obvious that he was going to make a joke.

Shang Zhen didn't want these old soldiers to teach the old stupid badly, but he didn't wait for Shang Zhen to stop him, but he stopped Ma Erpao from talking, because at this moment, there was a "pop" gunshot, and there were bullets They flew obliquely from the top of the mountain where they stayed.

Shang Zhen and the others were all startled. They followed the gunshot and saw Xu Shenwei lying on the ground.

"The devil is coming!" Shang Zhen yelled, and as soon as he grabbed the rifle beside him, he jumped up and ran to the top of the mountain.

The Japanese army's marksmanship is accurate. Didn't the Japanese army shoot at the foot of the mountain and kill Xu Shenwei, who was a sentry, in the head?

At this point, everyone couldn't care less about talking nonsense, they all grabbed their guns and ran over.

But when they ran over to lower their figure, they saw Xu Shenwei moved, he shrank back and turned over again.

At this moment, the others saw that blood was streaming down Xu Shenwei's forehead like an earthworm.

"It's okay, just wipe off the skin and cover it with your sleeve for a while." Shang Zhen, who was there first, said.

Then, Shang Zhen ignored Xu Shenwei, but shrank back, got up, bent over and ran along the edge of the mountain.

And Shang Zhen ran forty to fifty meters, and then he found a place that was not easy to be found by the mountain and lay down on the ground, looking down the mountain with his probe.

Shang Zhen didn't see where the Japanese army who shot Xu Shenwei was, but he saw the Japanese army actually appearing deep in the ravine.

Although he only saw a few Japanese soldiers appearing in the depths of the ravine because of the blocking of the mountain, there was no doubt that there were still Japanese soldiers behind, but he didn't know how many came.

What should come will always come, Shang Zhen couldn't help sighing, but he didn't know if he could make it through this time, and he didn't know if the national army on the other side would send troops to help.

Shang Zhen and the others attacked the Japanese army who were setting up guns at the root of the mountain, and grabbed the ready-made rice and vegetable **** in the Japanese barrel, but Shang Zhen did not lead anyone to evacuate the mountain.

That's because Shang Zhen and the others really have nowhere to go now.

If you go down the mountain and return the same way, you will probably run into the Japanese army who heard the news. Besides, it is impossible for them to wipe out the Japanese army at the root of the mountain. If they hide three or five times, they will shoot them black when they are going down the mountain. , then their team with only eleven people left, which is considered a class, is over.

But it is impossible for them to go to the national army positions.

The Japanese army appeared here before, and they were still far away from the national army's position. If the defenders couldn't distinguish between the enemy and us, but then used heavy machine guns and light machine guns to rush them again, then they really couldn't do it.

So Shang Zhen's solution was to stand up, anyway, they were full and drank some of the soup left in the bucket, so they could consume it until dark.

It's just that what should come will come after all, no, is the Japanese army coming up again?

"Let's fight!" Lu Yifei, who followed Shang Zhen, asked.

In Lu Yifei's view, they are now at the top of the mountain, and the Japanese army is at the foot of the mountain, so they are shooting condescendingly, and they must have the advantage.

But he didn't expect Shang Zhen to shake his head.

"No, it's not enough for us to shoot at the little devil." Shang Zhen replied.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that his group was condescending.

But so what?

They could see the Japanese soldiers below the mountain, and the Japanese soldiers below the mountain could naturally also see them on the mountain, although due to the terrain, they would have fewer body parts exposed than the Japanese soldiers.

But the problem is, the Japanese army's marksmanship is accurate! Shang Zhen can definitely be regarded as a sharpshooter in their group, but Shang Zhen has every reason to believe that as a sharpshooter like himself, there must be half of the ten devils, so how to fight?

So, don't fight! Anyway, this mountain is high enough and the **** is steep. If the little devils attack the mountain, it will not be too late for them to attack.

On this hillside, if a devil wants to go up the hill, he has to use one hand to grab the bushes, so how can he shoot with the remaining hand?

"On the one hand, leave one person to monitor the movement of the devil, and don't shoot when you hide it. The rest of the people are going to guard the mortar, and quickly build a bunker or something. If the devil uses the cannon, it will not work. !” Shang Zhen ordered.

Under Shang Zhen's order, the soldiers moved.

So next, the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain shot machine gun bullets to the top of the mountain, and the dust on the edge of the mountain top was blown up.

However, the soldiers received Shang Zhen's order and did not fight back at all except to carefully monitor the movements of the Japanese army. In this way, it was even less likely that they would be found in the sight of the Japanese army under the mountain.

But the Japanese army was not stupid, and they didn't dare to attack upwards seeing such terrain. The Japanese army also felt that it would not be worthwhile to occupy such a hill with a lot of casualties. Of course, maybe they were waiting for the guns.

Some Japanese soldiers tried to get the mortar, but they were knocked down by the soldiers on the mountain, and the rest could only hide at the root of the mountain where they could not be found, but they Wanted to move the cannon but couldn't.

But just when Shang Zhen thought that they would stay with the Japanese army down the mountain until an accident happened again.

The soldier in charge of monitoring the Japanese army suddenly shouted: "Look, the little devil has withdrawn!"

When Shang Zhen probed to look, sure enough, he saw that the Japanese soldiers who had been hiding in the dark place of the valley ignored them on the mountain, but ran desperately towards their original direction.

After Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, he retracted and ran towards the national army position. When he looked at the national army position with binoculars on the top of the mountain for a while, he shouted: "Hurry up, little devil! Guns, the little devils are all withdrawn!"

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