The War of Resistance

Chapter 1002: unsuccessful attack

Two puppet soldiers on the carriage shot out and grabbed Xiao Dizi again to prevent him from moving. At this time, the third puppet soldier reached out with a knife to cut off Xiao Dizi's other ear.

No one knows what those puppet soldiers think.

Maybe they got angry with the Japanese army. They couldn't offend their Japanese fathers, so they vented their anger on the captured Chinese soldiers.

Perhaps they were originally from bandits, and it has become a habit for bandits to abuse captives or abuse the people they kidnapped.

Perhaps they also believed that when they abused the captured Chinese soldier who refused to bow to them from the beginning to the end, there were other Chinese soldiers watching from a distance, and they wanted to use this to provoke those Chinese soldiers to show up.

So these forgetful puppet soldiers wanted to be hammered.

With a "snap" gunshot, the puppet soldier who was reaching out to grab Xiao Dizi's ear was shot and fell on the carriage!

Normally speaking, the sound of gunfire means the start of a new battle, which means that the Japanese and puppet troops were ambushed.

When the puppet soldiers heard the gunshot that day, they instinctively fell to the ground, and several other puppet soldiers on the carriage also turned over and jumped off the carriage.

Unexpectedly, the gunshots were not as expected, the bullets splashed like water, and the Japanese and puppet troops were not shot one after another.

But just as the Japanese and puppet troops lay down and pulled the gun bolt, gunshots suddenly rang out on the hill that was only sixty or seventy meters away from them.

And the gunshots were continuous and rapid bursts, "pop", "pop", "pop", bullets flew down from the hills, and several Japanese and puppet soldiers were shot in an instant.

At this time, the gunshots of the Japanese and puppet troops also rang out.

The number of Japanese and puppet troops is definitely quite large, although only a very small part of them turned over the hill.

At this time, the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand was still making "pop" and "pop", but he was already cursing secretly in his heart, this time the **** is over!

Just now Shang Zhen wanted to use his gun in addition to being angry, but as a commander, no matter how angry he was, he habitually considered the consequences of starting this battle.

It was not his original intention to start a fight with the Japanese and puppet troops now.

Now there are only about twenty of them, so even if the Japanese and puppet troops are two hundred, how can they shoot each other face to face instead of engaging in sneak attacks with the Japanese and puppet troops? Isn't this courting death?

He was thinking about what move to use, but at this moment the gun rang out. After all, Shang Zhen underestimated the psychological impact of the cruelty of the Japanese and puppet troops on the soldiers.

He didn't fire the first shot, it was a recruit who saw that the puppet army was going to harm Xiao Dizi again, so he couldn't help it, so he fired that shot.

To be honest, I can’t blame this recruit. What the Japanese and puppet soldiers have done has exceeded the bottom line of human cognition of that recruit. His brain is so hot that he will die if he wants to die. Kill him first!

In an instant, Shang Zhen's magazine was emptied, and the bullets fired back by the Japanese puppet army also flew up the hill.

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't care how many Japanese and puppet soldiers he had hit.

No matter how accurate the marksmanship is, it is impossible for him to wipe out the Japanese and puppet troops on the opposite side.

"Why shoot? Run for your life!" Shang Zhen yelled.

After he finished speaking, he stopped shooting, and ran down the mountain as soon as he shrank, and by this time, some of the soldiers under him had only fired two shots, while some didn't even need to shoot, because they had already been shot. The gun fired, and was hit by the bullets of the Japanese puppet army under Yamashita!

With Shang Zhen's roar, his soldiers finally woke up.

Most of the soldiers put away their guns and ran down the mountain. Someone even yelled, "Don't you run away?" just because the soldier he yelled was the only one who stayed where he was.

"It's my fault, I won't be alive today!" The soldier shouted, and then he aimed forward again. It turned out that it was he who fired the first shot of the day.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who had already rushed down the mountain, really didn't care about his soldiers.

From Shang Zhen's point of view, fighting is also a science. If they want to ambush the Japanese army, if they are replaced by their original gang, they will have to give the Japanese army a sudden firepower attack!

But luckily now, the soldier fired the first shot without authorization, but they didn't even fire the machine gun.

If the machine gun did not fire, it would be fine, but it would be fired with a rifle, so why should a platoon gun be fired?

But if it is you who have to shoot at the Japanese army, then you have to be 100 meters away, right?

Run after shooting, as long as you run fast enough, the Japanese devils may not be able to catch you in this terrain.

But what is it now? Shooting at a distance of only 50 to 60 meters from the Japanese and puppet troops is not the way to be a death squad, but if you really want to be a death squad, wouldn't you rush up with a bundle of cluster grenades?

Destroying the enemy and preserving oneself are ultimately contradictory.

Why didn't Shang Zhen understand that if the twenty or so of them were wiped out by the Japanese puppet army, it would not be a matter of minutes, but it would definitely not be more than half an hour.

It is true that this area is mountainous and wooded.

But that mountain is not a high mountain, and there is absolutely no such terrain that one man is in charge of the other.

Then no matter how angry you are in your heart, you are fighting the Japanese army here, except for your courage, Shang Zhen can't see any benefits!

And because it is too close to the Japanese puppet army, if there is any hesitation, as soon as the Japanese puppet army fires on the opposite side, or even if the Japanese puppet army that has not come over from behind the hill makes another detour, then the two of them will be smashed together. More than a dozen were blocked on this small hill that was not very high at all.

Then when they went up the attack, they died one after another, or were they captured and captured before they were killed by the enemy, and then let them beat their heads and cut off their ears one by one?

Shang Zhen has always been afraid to avoid this kind of thing, in his opinion, it is really a tiger's tongue!

In fact, Shang Zhen's point of view on how to preserve oneself and **** the enemy with passion is actually the same as that of his group of old people, such as Wang Laomao and the others.

It's useless to kill enemies with blood and blood. I can kill five or eight. Why do I have to kill one or two and die with others!

Of course, the premise of doing this is that you don't use self-preservation as an excuse to just play sidelines and not hit.

When rushing down the mountain, Shang Zhen was running like flying, and he still didn't forget to glance back. He saw the soldiers running down from the gap in the woods on the hill, and the first one to rush out of the woods didn't seem surprised. To his surprise, it was still Big Old Stupid, Li Qingfeng, and Wang Xiaodan.

It is impossible to say that people have no Zhen really cared about the three people he had brought to resist the Japanese.

Of course, Wang Xiaodan took the initiative to follow him to fight against Japan. Although his performance was a little bad at the beginning, he has made great progress. Shang Zhen also saw it!

Seeing those three people coming out, Shang Zhen felt a little relieved, he turned around and continued running.

The place where he is running now, that is, the open space under the hill is nearly 100 meters long, and the terrain has ups and downs only after rushing through this open space.

He urgently needs to run behind the mound in front and turn back to cover the soldiers.

But he also knew that with the speed of these soldiers, they might be exposed to the guns of the Japanese puppet army when they ran more than half of the distance in this open space, so with the marksmanship of the Japanese puppet army—

Forget it, let's rush over first, so the imminent survival crisis at this time made Shang Zhen once again take out the speed of a 100-meter sprint and rush forward.

(end of this chapter)

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