The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 98: They are all elites, they look jealous!

Chapter 98 They are all elites, I am jealous of them!

“Tom, ask Chennault to dispatch the air force to support the Myitkyina front line, and also airlift a batch of supplies.”

“As for the heavy artillery, tell the Sichuan Army that they will need to hold on for a while and transportation will take time.” Stilwell thought for a while and said.

 After all, this matter involves the British army, and he still needs to communicate with the British army.

  Even if communication is good, it still takes time to transport.

 After all, heavy artillery is very troublesome to transport.

 Before this, the Sichuan Army still needs to continue to hold on.

 At the same time, Cun Yunsheng shook his head when he suggested that the next target of the Japanese army would be India.

 India is not Burma. It is a place restricted by the British and it is absolutely impossible for the Japanese army to get involved.

Once the Japanese army really dares to attack India, what awaits them will definitely be a strong counterattack by the British army.

 Stilwell still believes this.

 After all, Myanmar is different from India.

There is also a group of young men and women in Myanmar who send intelligence to the Japanese army and lead the way.

 There is no such soil at all in India.

But this is a reason to convince the British army.

Of course, all this will have to wait until he arrives in Imphal.

 After thinking for a while, he drafted another telegram to Du Yuming.

 The general meaning is that the Fifth Army can support a group of artillery to the Sichuan Army.

Of course, the support is not free, and a batch of materials will be compensated in the future.

I have to say that Stilwell is still a better person than the British army.

If the British troops had taken the initiative to send a telegram when they were evacuating, the expeditionary force would not have been so angry.

This kind of betrayal of friendly forces is really irritating.

Du Yuming, who received the telegram, looked at the telegram and was silent for a long time. He did not expect that the defenders of Myitkyina were really the Sichuan Army.

 In this case, the Fifth Army will be saved, or most of the expeditionary force will be saved.

As long as Myitkyina is in hand, they don't have to cross the virgin forest.

 Normal soldiers will be threatened with death when crossing the virgin forest.

  Not to mention the wounded, they are basically certain to die.

Even many of the wounded had made plans to sacrifice themselves once Myitkyina fell, so as not to drag down the larger army.

Du Yuming is aware of these situations, but there is nothing he can do.

 Now that he had received the exact news from the Allied Forces Command, Du Yuming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he did not call back in the end.

 The main reason was that he had not thought clearly about supporting the artillery of the Sichuan Army Corps.

 After all, his mission is to bring the expeditionary force back.

 What's going on with supporting the artillery of the Sichuan Army Corps now?

If the Sichuan Army Corps is affiliated with the Expeditionary Force, it can allocate artillery openly.

However, if it really belongs to the expeditionary force, I am afraid that the Sichuan Army Corps will also be cannon fodder.

  After all, without beautiful equipment, they would not have been able to achieve such a proud record.

 This is the unanimous thought of all expeditionary force officers.

Moreover, if Shancheng knew that he secretly allocated artillery to the Sichuan Army, the crime would be even greater.

 So this is the reason why he didn't think about it well.

“Military seat, I think we can leave those wounded to the Sichuan Army Corps.” Seeing Du Yuming getting entangled, the adjutant reminded him in a low voice.

Hearing this, Du Yuming was speechless for a while.

  To the wounded, he owed more.

 Now that they have to be left behind again, I feel even more uncomfortable.

As if he could see Du Yuming's confusion, the adjutant said again.

“Military seat, actually keeping the wounded is the best way to deal with them.”

“Now the troops are short of food and medicine, and the wounds of many wounded soldiers have become pus-filled. Without medicines, it may be difficult for them to return to the country alive.”

“Even if they return to China, I’m afraid there won’t be enough medicine to treat them.”

“You must also know the price of drugs on the domestic black market. Their lives may not be worth the price of a box of drugs.”

The adjutant’s words were very straightforward, but they deeply hurt Du Yuming.

"Looking at the Sichuan Army Corps, they belong to the Allied Forces Command and have no shortage of food, medicine, weapons and ammunition. Leaving the wounded soldiers to them will not only save their lives, but also deepen the relationship between the two sides." the adjutant advised again.

 After hearing what the adjutant said, Du Yuming took a long breath and finally said softly.

“You are right, leaving them in Myitkyina and handing them over to the Sichuan Army is the best solution.”

“Contact the wounded soldiers privately and inquire about their wishes. If you really don’t want to stay, follow the team back home.”

“The same goes for the refugees. Let’s make it clear to them.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be so good if we return to China. The Japanese army’s next offensive will definitely be in southwest Yunnan, and a war will still break out by then.”

“Looking at Myitkyina, with beautiful weapons and equipment and solid fortifications, it shouldn’t be a problem for the Sichuan Army to block the Japanese attack.”

 Du Yuming thought a lot in that moment. Personally, he did not want to abandon the wounded and refugees, but from a strategic perspective, leaving these burdens behind would allow the Fifth Army to return home faster and ensure a certain combat effectiveness.

 Even in the upcoming battle in southwest Yunnan, we can even be put on the battlefield.

  It can be said that the adjutant's suggestion definitely spoke to his heart.

“Yes, I understand, military officer.” The adjutant nodded.

“Send a telegram to Stilwell and tell him that we will carry out the order.” Du Yuming added again.

   “Yes.”     Next, although the Fifth Army's marching speed was very slow, it was very smooth.

 Because the Japanese army’s attention was drawn to Myitkyina.

 Especially the air force took turns bombing Myitkyina.

 Especially the trenches on the shore were bombarded every day.

"Military seat, walk another twenty kilometers and you will reach Myitkyina." In fact, Du Yuming already knew that Myitkyina was ahead without the adjutant reminding him.

 Because there were Japanese fighter planes flying into the distance from time to time in the sky.

 “It seems that the war in Myitkyina is stalemate.” Feeling the roar from the sky, Du Yuming said with emotion.

“Military seat, people from the Sichuan Army are here.” At this time, the reconnaissance battalion reported that there were people from the Sichuan Army ahead.

Hearing this, Du Yuming was stunned, and then said quickly.


"just in front."

 “Let’s go, take me there.” No wonder Du Yuming was so excited. If the Sichuan Army had not guarded Myitkyina, they would probably have to go into the virgin forest now, and they would not be as relaxed as they are now.

 He would go to see people and thank them face to face, both emotionally and rationally.

Even if the other party has a low military rank and a low position.

“Are you from the Sichuan Army?” Du Yuming asked when he saw a young lieutenant colonel.

“Yes, sir, Cun Yunsheng, Lieutenant Colonel of the 45th Independent Regiment of the Sichuan Army, has met sir.” It was Cun Yunsheng who came to greet the Fifth Army.

When he learned that the Fifth Army was about to arrive in Myitkyina, Cun Yunsheng was still very excited.

 Mainly focusing on the soldiers of the Fifth Army.

 After all, Stilwell sent him a message asking the Fifth Army to support a group of artillery.

The Fifth Army is basically composed of elites, and there is no shortage of technical arms. He is not greedy. As long as one battalion is enough, let him form an artillery battalion and a tank battalion.

Zhao He has asked him several times, when will the tank platoon be formed?

 Now that the Fifth Army is here, how can a mere tank platoon be worthy of the Sichuan Army?

 It has to be a chariot camp after all.

So he went 20 kilometers out of the city to greet him personally, and even brought the guards with him.

"You are Cun Yunsheng?" Looking at the lieutenant colonel who was in his twenties at most, Du Yuming felt a little dazed for a moment, as if he saw himself back then.

“Yes, sir.” Cun Yunsheng said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

“Did you occupy Myitkyina? And fend off the Japanese attack for several days?” Du Yuming asked again.

"Yes, it's us." Cun Yunsheng's words caused quite a stir in the Fifth Army.

Hearing this, Du Yuming looked at the other party deeply, and finally asked sheepishly.

"Is there any supplies in Myitkyina? Our supplies are almost exhausted, and we are still some distance away from returning home. If there are no supplies, I'm afraid..." The following words were not spoken, but the meaning was obvious.

Cun Yunsheng didn't talk nonsense and said straightforwardly.

"Yes, the supplies here are much more than those in Lashio. There are grains, medicines, weapons and ammunition, etc., especially grains, which are enough to feed 100,000 people for a year and a half."

This is really not a lie. The British army worked hard to collect these supplies, but in the end they all took advantage of the Sichuan Army.

But the Sichuan Army and the refugees only have a few thousand people, and they will not be able to eat them all in a few years.

Even Cun Yunsheng is still worried about how to deal with these grains.

 Can't they all be burned?

 That would be too wasteful.


 His words made the soldiers of the Fifth Army's eyes light up, and they all looked at Cun Yunsheng with red eyes.

 Many people even burst into tears, especially the wounded soldiers. When they heard that there were medicines, they knew that they had hope of living.

Du Yuming even stepped forward to hold Cun Yunsheng's hand and kept expressing his gratitude.

“Thank you, brother, if it weren’t for you, the tens of thousands of people in our Fifth Army would be dead.”

As he spoke, Du Yuming's eyes turned red, and his tense nerves became much more relaxed.

 With supplies, his Fifth Army can return home.

 No wonder he was so excited.

On the other hand, Cun Yunsheng looked very calm and looked at the other party calmly.

“Sir, we are all Chinese soldiers. We are indistinguishable from each other. Saving you is also saving us. Now Myitkyina is also in danger. My troops are being bombarded by Japanese heavy artillery and fighter planes, and the losses are relatively large.”

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go back to Myitkyina first and let the brothers rest for a while."

"Yeah." Du Yuming nodded and immediately ordered the troops to march towards Myitkyina.

Looking at the fifth army in front of him, Cun Yunsheng felt excited in his heart. These are all elites.

As long as he leaves a few hundred men for himself, his Sichuan Army will be completely transformed.

 At the same time, he looked towards the virgin forest further away. In any case, the Fifth Army did not have to go into the virgin forest this time.

 I feel a little sorry for the 200 Division, but if they had listened to their own opinions, it would not have turned into a tragedy.

Honest words can't persuade the damned, and mercy can't save people.

 We can only hope that those troops who entered the virgin forest can return to their motherland safely.

And he will continue to fight in Myitkyina to let the Japanese army know that even with heavy artillery and aircraft, there is no way they can break through the Sichuan Army's defense line.

 “There are so many refugees?” Cun Yunsheng’s eyes lit up as he looked at the numerous refugees behind the team.

"Yes, they all retreated together from Mandalay. After all, the Japanese army will definitely liquidate them after taking over Myanmar." Du Yuming explained at the side.

“Captain Cun, there is something I need to discuss with you.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party in confusion and then asked.

 “Sir, if you have anything to say, please tell me.”

"It's like this. I want to keep those refugees with you. Although it will be a safe journey, the Japanese army will never give up attacking southwest Yunnan and completely cut off the China-Myanmar Highway. So I guess a war will definitely break out in southwest Yunnan. These refugees If you go back with us, you may still be attacked by artillery fire," Du Yuming said.

There will be more in the afternoon! Try to finish all the updates before 9pm today. The old rules are changed first and then changed!



 (End of this chapter)

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