The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 50: No one can understand it!

Chapter 50 No one can understand it!

"What did you say? Hashimoto Squadron lost contact?" It was not until the next day that the news of Hashimoto Squadron reached Major Fujiwara's ears, which surprised him.

"Why are you reporting now?" Major Fujiwara looked at the communications soldier in front of him and asked in a cold tone.

“Hashimoto Squadron has always had the habit of maintaining radio silence, and it was only twelve hours later that we confirmed that they had lost contact.” The signal soldier explained bravely.

 In fact, the Japanese troops attacking Burma were dispersed, and many squadrons deliberately silenced their radios in order to gain military exploits.

 Only when a certain strategic location is captured, the radio will be turned on.

 Coupled with jungle areas, radio signals will also be affected.

 So it is common to lose contact.

 But it’s very abnormal to have no contact for 12 hours like this.

“Could there be a problem with their radio?” Major Fujiwara still couldn’t believe that a squadron would suddenly disappear.

"Before this, Hashimoto-kun sent me a telegram. They discovered that an expeditionary force was diverted. Could it be that they deliberately did not turn on the radio in order to follow them?"

The signal soldier was a little hesitant about Major Fujiwara's guess, but finally gritted his teeth and insisted.

“Your Excellency Major, the situation you mentioned has a high chance of happening. We are more inclined to have an accident with Hashimoto Squadron.”

Hearing this, Major Fujiwara frowned even deeper. It was not a good thing for a squadron to lose contact.

“Send someone to look for Hashimoto Squadron immediately.” Before he could finish his words, someone else rushed in and said in a panic.

“Your Majesty, Major, something happened to Hashimoto Squadron.”

"What?" Major Fujiwara couldn't sit still at all. He stood up suddenly and looked at the other party in disbelief.

 “Baga, what’s going on?”

"The sentries on guard discovered several natives. According to their confessions, Hashimoto's squadron was ambushed by the expeditionary force and all were in pieces." The lieutenant looked at Major Fujiwara who was about to become furious and said quickly.

Hearing this, Major Fujiwara slammed the table.

“Baga, expeditionary force? Why is there an expeditionary force here? This is absolutely impossible.”

 He is already considered a mid-level officer and knows a little more information.

 The 200th Division, the leading force of the expeditionary force, has set off from Lashio and is heading towards Tonggu.

 It is expected to arrive in two to three days.

As a result, someone now told him that the expeditionary force was already under his nose, which was simply unbelievable.

“Major, your Excellency, this is true. In order to prevent the news from leaking, the expeditionary force has wiped out all the indigenous people in the village.” The lieutenant explained quickly.

 At this moment, Major Fujiwara was completely speechless.

“Is it true? The entire Hashimoto squadron was shattered?”

“Yes.” Although the lieutenant was a little disbelieving, he still nodded.

"Baga, gather the troops. I will avenge Hashimoto-kun and kill all the damned Chinese people." Major Fujiwara roared with murderous intent on his face.

"Your Excellency Major, I think we should calm down now. Captain Hashimoto's previous inference may be true. In order to block our Imperial Army in Tonggu, the expeditionary force specially sent a force to attack the rear of our Imperial Army." Lieutenant La Major Fujiwara is eager to take revenge.

"Now that the British army is in full retreat, the expeditionary force wants to stop our imperial army's attack with a partial division? This is a dream." Major Fujiwara stubbornly believed that this was definitely a cover-up.

 It was just to attract the attention of the imperial army and thereby distract the main force of the Japanese army.

You must know that the troops attacking Myanmar are only tens of thousands. Once the troops are dispersed, it will affect the subsequent attack.

 What Major Fujiwara said is not unreasonable. After all, the decisive battle with Tonggu is imminent. As long as we capture this place, the Japanese army will sweep across Myanmar.

 Even the main force can be concentrated to attack southwest Yunnan, thus completely completing the strategy of besieging the Chinese.

"First report the situation here to His Excellency Colonel, and wait for the new order." Major Fujiwara thought for a moment. If he was reckless again and caused problems to a whole brigade, he would be the sinner of the imperial army. He simply reported the information here and waited. Order.

 “Hai.” The lieutenant responded quickly.

 On the other side, the 200 Division is marching towards Tonggu day and night.

According to the combat mission, they will be stationed in Tonggu, take over the defense of the British army one after another, and cover the safe retreat of the British army.

"Master, this British army is completely different from what you imagined. It is completely defeated at the first touch and has no will to fight."

The 200th Division was formerly the direct tank battalion and was also the first mechanized division. It had a very tenacious will to fight.

 So it is impossible to understand the British army's behavior that was on the verge of collapse.

In their eyes, the British army is the world's largest power. How could it be so weak?

“I don’t understand either.” Division Commander Dai Anlan also didn’t understand why the British army was so weak.

But he must obey the orders of his superiors and go to rescue the British army that is about to be besieged.

 At the same time, he had a bad idea in his mind, that is, the British army might completely abandon Burma.

 It’s not surprising that he had this idea. In fact, the British army did not behave like they wanted to hold on.

He can understand the shrinking of the defense line, but at least he must resist continuously.

The results of it?

 Collapse at the first touch and flee in the wind.

Even when the Japanese troops were still a few kilometers away, the British troops thought of escaping.

 For a while, he was also a little confused about such a battle situation.

"Okay, stop rambling. Let us inform you that all troops will speed up their march and must rush to Tonggu within three days. Our ally, the British Army, is urging them again." After thinking about it for a while, Dai Anlan couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask the troops to speed up. speed.


At the same time, Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army also marched from Mandalay to the Tangji area to replace the British troops there.

“Tuanzuo, this British army is indeed not as strong as imagined.” Zhang Lixian asked with some confusion as he looked at the dejected British army retreating back.

"Yes, the British army is indeed too weak, but the equipment provided is quite simple. They are all beautiful weapons and equipment." He Shuguang, who had just changed his clothes, was still in excitement. He also followed the British army's fighting will. A few words to echo.

"It's indeed too weak, and it doesn't fit the title of the first great power at all." Yu Xiaoqing was also a little puzzled, but he couldn't explain why.

“Where are Cun Yunsheng’s Sichuan Army Corps?”

Yu Xiaoqing’s words stunned several people.

“I don’t know. Since they entered Myanmar, their radios have been silent and they have not actively contacted us.” Zhang Lixian shook his head and said.

"Perhaps you are hunkering down somewhere to wait for the beautiful equipment." He Shuguang's words made Yu Xiaoqing shake his head.

“Impossible, it’s impossible for a person who is so proud to act like a coward.”

 “Perhaps a victory has been won.”

"Is this possible? I haven't received a notification yet." He Shuguang hesitated for a moment. Normally, any number of Japanese soldiers killed would be reported and rewarded.

Each unit will also receive notifications from Shangfeng, but now except for the great victory from Ren'anqiang, there are no other notifications at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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