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Cheng Huan sighed.

In my memory, the relationship between the mother and the child is not good. The original owner deliberately ignored the child. The child is still young and has the instincts of a small animal. Usually, he would not be clingy to the original owner.

It's just that the mother and child are dependent on each other, even if they are beaten and scolded, the child is still attached to the mother.

Cheng Huan carried the child to his own room according to the fragments in his memory.

The room is actually similar to the attic, only five or six square meters in total, with only one small window that cannot be opened. There is a small bed about one meter in the room, and some clothes are piled on the bed, which does not look very clean.

There was a smell of something spoiled and fermented in the room, and it was very stuffy because of the airtightness. Cheng Huan just entered, and before he had time to find the source of the smell, his body began to protest against the environment.

The fragments in memory were a little unreal. At first, Cheng Huan thought the room was a bit small, but when he came in, he realized how bad the environment was.

How could she have the heart to put a child in such a place?

Cheng Huan spurned the original owner again in his heart, turned around and walked out of the room.

The house is small, and there is only the master bedroom in the living room. Cheng Huan put the child on the original owner's bed, only to realize that the child hadn't eaten or bathed yet.

As a four-year-old child, the little guy obviously doesn't have the skills to cook and bathe. The original owner thought he was annoying, so he would only wash him when he couldn't bear it.

Cheng Huan didn't know when the original owner last bathed his son, but just looking at the clothes on the little guy, it should have been a long time.

No wonder she just kept smelling something weird.

As a southern girl, Cheng Huan couldn't stand going to bed without taking a bath, so she bent down and pushed the little guy's arm.

Wake up.

The child was already sleeping soundly, but he woke up after being pushed twice by Cheng Huan. He rubbed his eyes and opened them. When he saw Cheng Huan, he shrank back, clenched his fists, and looked at her stubbornly without speaking.

Cheng Huan sighed again.

She leaned closer and said as softly as possible, You're dirty, I'll take you to take a bath.

The child still didn't relax.

At first, she could ignore it if she didn't notice it, but now that she noticed it, Cheng Huan couldn't stand the smell even more. She stretched out her hand, and forcefully carried him out of bed under the scared eyes of the child, and walked to the bathroom opposite.

The little guy was probably afraid of being beaten. Seeing that Cheng Huan just hugged him and did nothing else, he gradually relaxed. He put his head close to Cheng Huan's shoulder and slowly raised his arms. .

He put his hands behind his back as if startled, and carefully peeked at Cheng Huan's face, lest she would be unhappy.

Cheng Huan felt a little sad, obviously she should be the most unscrupulous age...

Thinking of this in her heart, the expression on her face became more relaxed. Cheng Huan smiled, stretched out her hand and scratched the little guy's nose: Open your hand, and undress you.

Jiang Xingchen felt that the mother in front of him was a little different. She didn't know how to smile when taking a bath, didn't talk to him, and didn't want to look at him.

But he likes a smiling mother, she looks so pretty when she smiles.

Cheng Huan had no experience in raising children, and it was his first time bathing a child, so he was inevitably flustered when he moved. Fortunately, the child was very obedient, he didn't cry or make trouble, and he did what he was asked to do.

Jiang Xingchen stood barefoot on the ground, and Cheng Huan squatted beside him, holding the shower in one hand and scrubbing him with a bath towel in the other.

The weather is hot, and children are also active. They sweat a lot every day. After a few days, the dust and dirt on their bodies have accumulated a thick layer.

The little guy is only four years old, and his skin is very tender. Even if Cheng Huan controlled his strength, his body would turn red after rubbing, like a boiled shrimp.

Jiang Xingchen looked down curiously. Because Cheng Huan had a good attitude, he became more courageous, and reached out to touch the particularly red spot on his stomach.


Cheng Huan was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was calling himself: Well, what's wrong?

The little guy pointed to his belly: I'm red.

Yes, you are popular. Cheng Huan pulled his arm and said casually, Almost familiar.

What is ripe?

The little guy is only four years old, and because he has been neglected and doesn't know much, Cheng Huan put down his arm after wiping it, and explained to him: It is edible when it is cooked, but it is not edible if it is raw.

She touched the little guy's belly: Otherwise the belly will be uncomfortable.

Then I'm cooked, can I eat it? Jiang Xingchen was curious: Mom, do I eat it?

The front of the little guy was washed clean, his face was pink and tender, his eyes were big, obsidian-like pupils occupied most of the area, his eyelashes were long and dense, his nose was small, and his mouth was also small, like a pendulum. Dolls in a shop window.

A scream from the old aunt aroused in Cheng Huan's heart, she leaned over and took a bite on his face, and then commented: It's delicious.

The little guy was very happy. As soon as Cheng Huan backed away, Jiang Xingchen leaned over and kissed him. The child's soft lips imprinted on her face, which made her heart soften all of a sudden.

Mom, you are delicious too.

Yes, we are all delicious. Cheng Huan patted him and said, Switch to the other side and wipe your back.

The little guy's chest and back were equally dirty, and Cheng Huan wiped it almost inch by inch. After wiping, he touched it with his hands and changed the place if he felt that there was no problem.

Cheng Huan had been squatting for a long time, and her legs were a little sore after a long time. She stood up and took a rest. When she squatted down again, she caught a glimpse of a dark spot on the little guy's waist.

She thought it was something dirty at first, but when she got closer, she realized it was a birthmark. The birthmark was in the shape of a butterfly, very regular, as if printed on it.

Cheng Huan felt that he had seen this birthmark somewhere, but he couldn't figure it out after careful consideration. He thought it might be affected by the memory of the original owner, so he didn't care.

After washing the little guy, Cheng Huan wiped him clean, wrapped him in a towel and carried him out of the bathroom.

The child didn't have any clean clothes, and Cheng Huan didn't want to put those dirty clothes on him anymore, so he simply let his buttocks be naked.

She put him on the bed, wiped his hair half dry with a bath towel, touched his little face and said, Xing Xing, don't run around on the bed, mommy is going to make you dinner.

The little guy's eyes brightened: Is the star me?

The original owner didn't give the little guy a nickname, and he didn't call it that much when we get along with each other every day. It's all yours.

Naturally, it was impossible for Cheng Huan to learn from the original master, and he felt that the full name was too unfamiliar, so he simply repeated the name and used it as a nickname.

Yes, the star is you. Cheng Huan replied.

Seeing the excited little guy in front of her, she thought of her little niece, who was obviously the same age, and the little niece was domineering at home, but this little guy was so happy for a familiar name.

Jiang Xingchen blushed with joy, and said the name foolishly.

He moved to Cheng Huan's side, hesitated and leaned over, seeing that she was not pushed away, he boldly stretched out his hand to hug her waist.

Mom, he said, I am a star.

Well, you are a star. Cheng Huan touched his hair and patted his little hand: Okay, I have to cook, Xing Xing is hungry.

What responded to him was a roar from the little guy's stomach.

Cheng Huan laughed.

The little guy felt a little ashamed, he let go of his mother's hand, blushed and fell on the bed, covered himself with a bath towel, determined to be a turtle.

Don't cover your head, you can't breathe. Cheng Huan pulled down the towel a little, and walked out the door in the little guy's sight.

The original owner is not a person who knows how to live. She doesn't like to cook, and there is not much food at home.

Cheng Huan searched around in the refrigerator, but only found a handful of dried noodles, a few eggs, vegetables and meat.

The types of ingredients are too simple, and Cheng Huan can't make any flowers. She fried two poached eggs and boiled a pot of water for the next.

While waiting for the water to boil, Cheng Huan rearranged the memory of the original owner.

The memory fragments I saw before were all in the past, this time Cheng Huan found her current living situation in it.

The original owner stayed with Mr. Jiang for one night, and the two sides together took nearly five or six hundred thousand. In the past few years, she was going to have a baby and didn't have a job. The money was spent almost the same, and only the last three to forty thousand dollars were stored in the card. The password of the card is the date of the night she had with Mr. Jiang.

It seems that he still doesn't give up.

Cheng Huan didn't have that part in his memory, and he didn't know how good-looking Mr. Jiang was that made the original owner so obsessed.

The water boiled, and Cheng Huan put the noodles in, thinking about messy things while moving.

The original owner is good-looking, and his son is not bad, but the mother and son don't look alike, so Xing Xing should follow his father whose name he doesn't know.

I just don't know to what extent it looks like, does that cheap father also have a birthmark?

Cheng Huan thought about it, but the movements of his hands suddenly stopped.

Cheng Huan, Jiang Xingchen, regular butterfly-shaped birthmarks...

Why is this so similar to the novel she read before? !

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