"Ying Ziyi is in Huaiyin?"

Farmer Shennongtang is at the helm.

When the news about the Jiangkou Gang was presented, Liu Ji, who was in charge of the division's affairs, said something unconsciously, his surprise palpable.

It’s not that he didn’t know that Ying Ziyi led three thousand cavalry into the Chu region and disappeared, but what he didn’t expect was that Ying Ziyi was so bold, going deep into the heart of the peasant family, and being so high-profile that he didn’t seem to be afraid of others at all. Know.

Are you young and energetic, or do you have a different strategy?

Damn your youth and arrogance, Liu Ji thought. The person who dares to lead three thousand cavalry into the Chu land. What is more important is the person who dares to lead the three thousand cavalry into the Chu land and has not been attacked and destroyed by the crowd. Will he be a young and energetic person?

Liu Ji stood with his hands behind his back in front of a pond. The clear water is long and the breeze is gentle, giving you a very comfortable feeling. He is tall, handsome, and handsome. Just standing there quietly is enough to attract the attention of many people.

Of course, it’s a woman’s gaze.

Liu Ji was a drinker, a womanizer, a gambler, and had a bold personality. He caused many affairs in his hometown in Peixian County. Although it caused turmoil among his neighbors and disharmony in his family, Liu Ji never tired of it.

At the end of the world, heroes emerge in large numbers. After the death of the ancestral dragon, dragons appeared everywhere. In the eyes of the world, and even in the eyes of his family, Liu Ji is just a bastard who enjoys eating, drinking, and having fun. But who would have thought that in another time and space, it would be this bastard who finally conquered the world, had the last laugh, and created the world. The Han Dynasty has a four-hundred-year foundation.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"If you pass this news up, it won't be my turn to take care of these things?"

Liu Ji smiled, feeling quite pleased with himself. But soon, he stopped laughing.

A younger brother hurried in and whispered a few words in his ear. Liu Ji's expression changed drastically, he left the courtyard and walked into a villa.

"Brother, why are you here?" The person who came was none other than Liu Ji's eldest brother, Uncle Liu. An honest Chinese character for "crop".

When Uncle Liu saw Liu Ji, he immediately slapped him in the face. Liu Ji didn't hide either. Youdao was like an eldest brother like a father. With Liu Ji's martial arts skills, his elder brother's slap was neither painful nor itchy.

Liu Ji was not angry, but asked in confusion: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Uncle Liu looked at Liu Ji, his face flushed and angry. "It's okay for you to be messing around in Pei County. At least my father can take care of you. But what kind of trouble did you cause outside? That you caused a strongman to break into the home and kidnap the whole family?"

"What?" Liu Ji was shocked. He was a child of a peasant family. How could anyone dare to fight against him in this Chu land?

"Who kidnapped my father? What special characteristics do they have?" Liu Ji calmly asked in the crisis.

"They, they..." Uncle Liu is just a farmer. He has never been to any other place in his life, so he doesn't know what is distinctive or not.

"Who knows! The land of Pei is in chaos right now. There have been several major kidnapping cases, and everyone is in danger." Uncle Liu was heartbroken and didn't know what to say.

"What? A major kidnapping case. Who else was kidnapped?"

"Who else is it? They are not your usual friends, Zhou Bo, Lu Wan, Fan Kuai and the others. Even Xiao He who returned to his hometown did not escape the vicious hands of those people."

"What's going on?" Liu Ji was shocked. Kidnapping his family could lead to vendettas, grudges and money, but the brothers who kidnapped him in his hometown were undoubtedly here for him, Liu Ji.

who is it? I can't live with myself like this. While Liu Ji was thinking, he glanced at the helpless Uncle Liu and asked, "Brother, how did you escape?"

"Me? Hiding in the cabinet, they didn't find me." Uncle Liu seemed to know nothing. Recalling the dangerous situation, he suddenly remembered and said, "By the way, they also left I picked this thing up. "Net!" "This is a token. It is made of bronze. On the back of the token is a spider, and on the front is the seal script of the State of Qin, a dragnet.

Liu Ji glanced at the thing in his elder brother's hand and understood everything at any time. At present, Zhao Gao has been imprisoned by the King of Qin, and the elite of Luowang have been killed in Nanyang. In today's world, if there is anyone who can come up with this thing, there is only one person.

"Ying Ziyi!"


When Liu Ji mentioned this name, something suddenly sounded, and he became alert and wanted to tell the guards outside the door to be on guard.

"What is my young master's name that you can call directly?" A joking voice sounded, and Liu Ji knew it was too late, so he protected his brother behind him.

"Who is breaking into Shennong Hall without permission?" Liu Ji also asked many times, intending to delay time. Everyone had already announced their family status.

The ghostly figure flickered in the small room. Liu Ji could barely follow the figure with his eyes, but Uncle Liu was different.

"There's a ghost!"

The screams sounded, and Uncle Liu's face was full of fear, and he couldn't help shaking.

Liu Jigan had no intention of appeasing his eldest brother. He shouted, "No need to pretend, your Excellency, please show up!"

Delaying time is of no use. Liu Ji is now certain that everyone outside must have been brought down. Otherwise, if you noticed something strange in the house, you wouldn't have come in to check it out after such a long time.

The wretched figure of the monkey appeared in front of the two brothers and laughed: "How can a handsome young man like me look like a ghost?"

Although the person in front of him has nothing to do with Yushu Lingfeng or Mr. Jia. However, Liu Ji still praised: "Your Excellency has great martial arts skills and is not ordinary. Although his appearance is different, he is indeed worthy of the title of the best young master in troubled times."

"Well! I like to hear what your boy says." Monkey enjoyed the flattery very much. After waiting for a while, he added, "As expected of the person my young master asked me to specially invite, he is indeed extraordinary."

Liu Ji was a bit older than this monkey. When he called him a boy, he felt a little dumbfounded in his heart, but his face didn't show it. "The young master you are talking about is the 14th Young Master of Qin State, Anxi Jun Ying Ziyi?"


“I wonder where my brothers and family are at this moment?

"They are all well arranged, don't worry. When will you come with me?"

"Just now!" Liu Ji turned around and gave a few instructions to his elder brother, then followed the monkey and left. He didn't like the feeling at the moment, as if he was leading the way. Liu Ji followed the man with a strange description and walked out of the Shennong Hall sub-rudder. The corridor and the room were filled with the farmer's subordinates. Some just fainted, while others had no breath.

Besides the helm of Shennongtang, there were more than a dozen civilian swordsmen standing there, many of them good ones.

Under the white clouds, blue sky and gentle breeze, Liu Ji sighed in his heart and felt a strange feeling. Whether it was anger, resentment, or the feeling of relief when someone finally discovered Liang Yu, who had been buried in the soil for a long time, Liu Ji couldn't tell. Maybe it was a combination of both.

In the end, Liu Ji turned this special emotion into a long sigh: "What earth-shattering thing have I done to make the Fourteenth Young Master look down on me?"

Liu Ji's words, in short, why the hell did I get shot while I was lying down?

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