Chudu, Shouchun.

Shouying, the royal city of Chu State was established on this vast land, only a dozen years ago.

It has been eight hundred years since the founding of Chu. During these eight hundred years, Chu moved its capital several times to Danyang, Yanying, Jiying, Chenying, and Shouying. Among these capitals, Chen Ying and Shou Ying had not established their capitals for a long time. The change of the capital also means the change of Chu State's national power.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, King Zhuang aspired to the throne, and in the Warring States Period, the mighty king devoured Yue. When the Chu State was at its peak, it established its capital in Ji Nan, competed with the Qin State for supremacy in Bashu in Hanzhong, and swallowed up other countries along the Yangtze River. Its military power spread far and wide.

After careful comparison, since Bai Qi uprooted Ying, the power of Chu State has begun to decline. Nowadays, due to the power of the Qin State, the Chu State had to move its capital to Shouchun. This transportation hub is a prosperous place with both water and land. But looking at the whole world, it can only be said to be shrinking in a corner.

In terms of development level, Shouying is one of the few fertile places and prosperous cities in the world.

Changping Junfu. Since Lord Changping returned to Chu, King Chu of Chu gave this mansion adjacent to the royal city to Lord Changping as a token of honor.

The bricks and tiles are newly renovated, the doors are newly painted, and the whole mansion is full of popularity and vitality. While giving Lord Changping this courtyard, Negicu also gave him hundreds of servants and maids.

Of course, the spy between Chu King Fu Chu and the senior officials of Chu State was indispensable. Lord Changping also knew about it, but he still accepted it happily.

Without him, with Lord Changping's ability, there are only a few people in the world who can be called his opponents. Of course, this does not include the King of Chu carrying the cud. If Lord Changping didn't want King Chu to know anything, he definitely wouldn't know.

"Tian Guang, are you saying that the Tenglong Legion led by Long Guang found no trace of Ying Ziyi's three thousand riders?"

Doubtful, quite doubtful.

Opposite Tian Guang looked solemn and nodded. "That's right, Ying Ziyi's three thousand riders seemed to have disappeared. Long Guang searched for them for a whole month, but he couldn't even find Ying Ziyi's shadow."

"It's strange. There is no news from Pingyu City, and no battle reports have been sent from various places. Where did Ying Ziyi go? Where did his three thousand cavalry go?"

Lord Changping paced back and forth, thinking. If Ying Ziyi deliberately hid it, Changping Jun would not be surprised. What's rare is that more than three thousand people and horses disappeared without any reason. How did Ying Ziyi do it?

"So how is Long Guang?"

Unable to think of a clue, Lord Changping asked instead.

"Long Guang had already removed his armor to plead guilty, and the King of Chu wanted to kill him. But General Xiang Yan fought tooth and nail to protect him, so the King of Chu demoted him to a commoner."

"Is that so?" Lord Changping nodded, "What's the situation on the Qin side?"

"Nanyang is not yet stable. It seems that Ying Zheng is not ready to send troops to Chu yet."

"What is supposed to come will always come, it's just a matter of time. I just don't know how many people in the world will be killed when the Qin army arrives in the future?"

Chang Pingjun sighed, and there was nothing he could do.

"Hey!" At this point, Tian Guang also sighed.

"Right now, the most important thing is to find Ying Ziyi's traces." Changping Jun returned to reality from melancholy and ordered. The land of Chu is no better than the land of Qin. It is full of spies from farmers. The title of the largest gang in the world is not for nothing. Any disturbance in the Chu land cannot be hidden from Lord Changping.

Tian Guang bowed and promised, and the figure flashed and disappeared in an instant, as if he had never appeared in this room.

"Ying Ziyi, where are you? What do you want to do?"


"Wow! Is this Shouchun City! It's so big and prosperous!"

On the street where people were passing by, a young boy was shouting and admiring the huge city. He looked like a country man coming to the city.

One moment he was looking through the bulk goods on the street, another moment he was wandering around the streets and alleys, and next moment he got into the shop... Next to the young boy, there was also a servant who was described as wretched and short in stature, and a tall figure. The tall bodyguard, like the young boy, was also acting nonsense.

"Hillbilly!" Many people may have despised this young man in their hearts.

Under the strange looks of everyone, the young man didn't care at all, he was laughing and having fun with the two servants.

"Look, the girls from Chu State are really good-looking, with fair skin, good looks and good temperament."

Monkey, this wretched bitch, commented on a group of women with an "appreciative" look on his face.

"Yeah, yeah!" Ying Ziyi nodded and pointed to a girl in brocade clothes to the east, "Look at that one, with pert buttocks, big breasts, a big oval face, long legs, a thin waist and a cherry mouth."

"Still the same good-looking one, with a graceful figure, fair skin, oval face, light curved eyebrows, and charming charm." The monkey pointed at a woman with an updo to the west.

"Nonsense, it's the girl from the east who is pretty." Ying Ziyi refused to give in and started arguing with the monkey.

"Nonsense, it's the woman from the west who is pretty."

When it comes to appreciating beautiful women, Monkey has always done his part and will not compromise. Even the lord opposite him who once swore allegiance to him was the same.

"To the east..."

"To the west..."

"To the east..."

"To the west..."

"To the east..."

The two people quarreled on the street, regardless of the attention of everyone, and even in the face of the red-faced and angry glare of the person involved.

"What kind of taste?" Black Bear pinched his nostrils and asked. He had been around Ying Ziyi and Monkey for a long time, and he also became obscene. The dispute between the royal sister and the wife had not reached its climax before it was disturbed by this guy.

"In my opinion, the woman from the north is more beautiful."

Ying Ziyi and Monkey looked in the direction pointed by the black bear and saw a black line.

The woman that Black Bear was pointing to, let alone her appearance, probably weighed over 200 kilograms just based on her body shape.

"You have such a strong taste!"

Ying Ziyi and Monkey said in unison, and instantly lost interest in continuing the quarrel.

"Hey, you two wait for me!"

Black Bear was still immersed in flirting with the woman. Unknowingly, Ying Ziyi and Monkey had walked more than ten meters away. Black Bear was immediately anxious. Under the woman's sad eyes, he left her behind and ran over.

After a day trip to Shouchun, Ying Ziyi and the others returned to a shop in the west of the city. Inside, Fatty Jin was already waiting.

As the chief shopkeeper of the Linglong Chamber of Commerce, Fatty Jin has been committed to trade with the Yueshi of the Western Regions, and has not dealt with business in Chu for a long time.

It's just that this time the situation was special. When he received Ying Ziyi's order, Fatty Jin was shopping in Yuezhou again, so he hurried to Shouchun.

In the secret room, Ying Ziyi looked at Fatty Jin and asked, "Have you found the person I asked you to find?"

"After receiving the Young Master's order, my subordinates sent people to Chu and Qi to search, and several candidates have been identified. Their information is very similar to what the Young Master described."

"Yes! That's good. I'll go there in person in a few days and search it out. You can help me make arrangements." Ying Ziyi nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes! Young Master." Fatty Jin was already used to Ying Ziyi's surprise.

"Also, all businesses in Shouchun should be withdrawn!"

Fatty Jin looked at Ying Ziyi in surprise, wondering what the young master was planning?

ps. Please recommend and collect~~~

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