Ying Ziyi was quite excited. This was his first time going out with the army.

The army marched together, the chariots and horses were like dragons, what a spectacular sight. Under the leadership of General Wang Jian, 50,000 elite troops from Xianyang, the capital of Qin, set off and rushed to the front line.

The huge and luxurious carriage that Ying Ziyi was riding in stood conspicuously among this mighty team. Ying Ziyi is a very special being in the army and has any position, so he does not have to be responsible for specific things. This is very embarrassing in the hierarchical army. However, as he was the master of Qin, the generals had to show their due attitude towards him. King Qin's original order was to let Ying Ziyi familiarize himself with military affairs in the army. Qin's laws are strict. Even if the opponent is just a six-year-old child, there is no room for Wang Jian and other generals not to take him seriously.

So to sum up, Ying Ziyi is a soy saucer, but a soy saucer with status.

Ying Ziyi stayed safely in his large carriage covered with fine velvet blankets, eating the bright red grapes from the Western Regions, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Gai Nie was riding outside to protect him, while Xiao Meng was in the carriage. Looking at the somewhat lazy Ying Ziyi, he asked, "Aren't you worried?"


"When the army rises, the outcome is unpredictable. If the army is defeated, you have a special status and will be the first to bear the brunt. You will be the target of the feudal princes and hundreds of schools of thought."

"Just because of an illusory divination, you all regard me as Tang Monk Meat."

"Who is Tang Monk?"

Ying Ziyi's subconscious words did not realize that there is no such thing as a monk nowadays, let alone Tang Monk.

"A bald man." Ying Ziyi said awkwardly.

"Oh!" Xiaomeng said without being entangled, "Do you know Canglong Qisu?"

"That legend can control the power of the world?" Ying Ziyi said, but it was mostly mocking.

"you do not believe?"

"If there was such power, how could Emperor Zhou lose his country? Why would the world have been in conflict for hundreds of years?" Ying Ziyi sneered at this common scam in martial arts novels.

"I think it is precisely because of the existence of Canglong Qisu that the already chaotic world becomes even more noisy."

Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment, suddenly thinking, and then shook his head, "Canglong Qisu does exist, but no one knows the secret behind it, because the people who control the royal family of Canglong Qisu have never We haven’t gathered together yet. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

"Huh?" Ying Ziyi raised his head and looked at Xiao Meng's serious look, which didn't look like a girl at all. He was a little surprised as to what was in this little loli's head? He picked up a grape and handed it over.

After being fed by Ying Ziyi for so long, Xiaomeng had become somewhat accustomed to his behavior, so she took the grapes from his hand in one gulp, and Yaoyao swallowed them, then continued: "The starry night is shining with fire, making most of the world red. Even if it is Neither my sect nor the elders who are good at divination in the Yin and Yang family can determine what this really means? The world has been in dispute for hundreds of years, and the time has come for unification. Among all the countries in the world, our sect is most optimistic about Qin. You My father is a very courageous man, and the world should be unified in his hands, so our sect follows the trend and has never done anything contrary to this. The Yin Yang family has done more radical things. Zong surrendered to the Qin State and placed himself opposite the Guandong Kingdoms."

Ying Ziyi picked up another grape, stuffed it into Xiaomeng's mouth, and asked, "So?"

Xiaomeng bit the grape, hesitating, but finally said: "But this is just one of them. According to the astrological revelation obtained by our sect's divination, after Qin unified the world, the disputes will become more intense, and the troubled times will not end. But since then After the night fire passed, the stars changed and became very blurry. This means that you may be the one who can change the world."

Come on, when did my brother's status in the world reach this level, and he could actually be placed in the same position as Canglong Qisu? Thinking about it, it’s really a little exciting?

"Do you believe it?" Ying Ziyi smiled.

"It turns out I didn't believe it."

Ying Ziyi stuffed two more grapes into Xiaomeng's mouth, "What now?"

"I still don't believe it now!" Tsundere Xiaomeng turned her head away, only to hear her somewhat vague words.

Although the Qin State sent troops to the Yan State this time, it shocked the world, but what Ying Ziyi didn't know was that what attracted more attention was his existence.

Yin Yang family.

In that vast and mysterious palace like the stars, Donghuang Taiyi was standing at the end, his eyes hidden in the black mask looking at the graceful woman in front of him, the Moon Goddess.

"You are still one step behind after all." Donghuang Taiyi's voice seemed a little regretful.

"Heh, heh, heh!" Walking step by step, Luna had exhausted all her strength. She was half-bent at the moment, her fair face under the gauze was covered with fine sweat, and she was breathing slightly, letting go of the resentment in her heart.

"Only very few people can stand where you are now, even if there is still one step behind."

"But, I still failed, compared to my sister." Luna said unwillingly.

"Yes, you are not Concubine Yan, so you failed. But it is also because you are not Concubine Yan that you are where you are now."

The Moon God did not understand what Donghuang Taiyi said, and Donghuang Taiyi had no intention of explaining further.

"You go down! Ying Ziyi has left Xianyang and is on his way to Yan State. This time, you go!"

"Yes, Your Excellency Donghuang!"


Farmhouse, Shennongtang.

Thousands of people with thousands of faces, the Zhu family followed the Shennong order at this time. The makeup on his face turns blue for a while, red for a while, and purple for a while, which shows that he is in a mood and plot.

The Zhu family was walking back and forth, but a middle-aged man opposite him was drinking calmly. This man, with a dignified appearance, leaned forward, picked up the wine bottle, and poured the wine into his mouth like a pour. Looking at the Zhu family in a hurry, the corners of his eyebrows were slightly slanted, a bit cynical and unruly.

"Brother Liu Bang, what time has it been? You are still in the mood to drink here. Xia Kui issued a secret order from Shen Nong to the Sixth Hall of the Farm to capture Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of King Qin alive."

"Isn't it the Shennong Order? Why are the Zhu family brothers in such a hurry?"

"How can this keep me from panicking? Is Xia Kui confused? He openly went to provoke Ying Zheng."

"Mr. Changping!" Liu Bang smiled and said a name, but did not go on.

In fact, when the Zhu family came to this name, they had stopped walking back and forth. He thought carefully, and the makeup on his face no longer changed so dramatically.

"You mean, this is all for Young Master Fusu."

"That's right. According to my informants, the other five halls of the farmhouse have already started moving."

"So what do we do?"

"Work is done without effort."

"What a great strategy. I heard that Shengqi has already been dispatched this time. Let's sit back and watch the show. Hahaha!"


Gathering and scattering quicksand.

There is a shark-tooth sword stationed in Wei Zhuang, sitting on a big stone. He has long white hair and sharp eyes like a falcon staring at the mysterious young man hidden in the darkness in front of him, Mo Qilin.

"Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of King Qin, has already set off with the army to the land of Yan. It has been found that the Mo family and the farmers have signs of mobilizing their troops and preparing to go to the land of Yan. The other hundreds of families and forces from various countries will not be willing to be lonely. .”

"Hey! Who is this Ying Ziyi? He can stir up half of the world and cause chaos in the world." At this time, Sister Chi Lian was no longer the Korean Princess Honglian. After spending several years in the world, the youthfulness and innocence of a girl have faded away, and she has gained the maturity and charm of a woman. His speech also became explicit.

"Interesting!" Bai Feng was unparalleled in his qinggonggong. He tapped his toes on a branch nearby and his body was agile. In the quicksand, he was originally responsible for reconnaissance tasks, so he was often at a high place. At this time, I heard the conversation not far away and said a word without thinking.

"He is an anomaly!" Wei Zhuang's deep and deep voice said.

"An odd number?" Sister Chi Lian asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that is an anomaly that may change the world!"

"Zhuang, then should we go to Yandi?"

"I believe that destiny is in one's own hands. Only the weak will pray for the unpredictable providence."

"In addition, during this trip, Gai Nie will serve as Ying Ziyi's escort." At this time, Mo Qilin added.

"Gai Nie, are you still the same?" Wei Zhuang clenched the shark's teeth with one hand and stood up. "Let's go to Yan State."

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