The weather in Xianyang is still so nice!

Ying Ziyi sat on the colt, looked up at the sky, and sighed inadvertently. The land in Longxi is bitterly cold, and its climate and environment are incomparable to those in the Guanzhong area, which was developed earlier.

In the morning light, Ying Ziyi led dozens of people to ride on the official road, with Xianyang City in front of them. Looking from a distance, the river ahead is like a dragon, and the gate of Xianyang is already vaguely visible.

"Sir, there are still three quarters of an hour, the court meeting should begin." Li Zuoche reminded from the side.

"There's enough time!" Ying Ziyi smiled, and I, Hu Hansan, was back.

Approaching the city gate, Yingzi suddenly felt something and looked up.

Zhao Gao, dressed in black clothes and red ornaments, was seen standing on the top of the city, holding a wine bottle in his hand. He looked at Ying Ziyi and raised his glass in salute from afar.

Is this twenty-five-year-old boy demonstrating?

Ying Ziyi curled his lips and ignored him, riding straight through the city gate and heading towards Xianyang Palace.

Zhao Gao slowly took a sip from the wine bottle, and then he threw the wine bottle down the city wall. He turned around, walked slowly down the city, and murmured: "Ying Ziyi, I really want to see, can you break out of this dragnet in front of you?"

Changping Junfu.

"Is Ying Ziyi finally back?"

Lord Changping is currently greeting guests, two guests from Chu. However, unlike ordinary guests, Lord Changping received these two people in the secret room of his residence.

"Mr. Changping, why do you care so much about that Ying Ziyi?" The man who spoke was younger, standing under Mr. Changping, holding the gift of son-nephew.

"Xiang Liang, you don't understand how scary that person is."

"It's scary, but he's just a child?" Xiang Liang was quite puzzled by the obvious look of fear on Lord Changping's face.

"It is precisely because he is just a child, but what he has done is something that even I can't compare to." Changping Jun sighed slightly and said to the middle-aged man beside him: "Xiang Yan! Ying Ziyi's reply this time Jing, I am afraid that our Chu State’s great cause of resisting Qin will suffer setbacks in our lifetime.”

Xiang Yan is old and prudent, and he didn't frown when he heard what Lord Changping said. After thinking for a moment, a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "It's better to get rid of it."

Lord Changping shook his head, "In Xianyang, every move I make is under the control of Ying Zheng. Unless we can lure Ying Ziyi out of Qin, there is no chance of success."

"Then try to lure him out of Qin. At that time, there will be hundreds of families including Mohists, farmers, Qi, Yan, our Chu... There are many righteous people in the world who want to kill Yingzi. Yi that evil thief, even within the Qin State, there are many people who want to take his life."

Xiang Yan was worthy of being a well-known general in the Chu region, and he immediately saw the turbulent undercurrent in this peaceful Xianyang situation.

"Yes, I will find a way to lure Ying Ziyi out of Qin. This is the only way. I believe that those who want to take his life are impatient." Changping Jun smiled, and smiled strangely.



Ying Ziyi held a bag of snacks in his hand and slowly led his men on horseback to stroll on the street. Dozens of killers who had been ambushing on both sides of the street rushed out and surrounded Ying Ziyi.

"Hey, let me go, when did the security in Xianyang City become so bad? People are riding horses, eating snacks, and shopping happily, and suddenly these things come out." Ying Ziyi was sitting in the small On the colt, he said rather jokingly.

"Ying thief, you are so full of evil that everyone in the world would like to eat your flesh raw and sleep on your skin alive."

"Master, be careful." The guards around Ying Ziyi protected him in the center and pulled out the long knife from his waist.

"Go ahead, kill him."

"Let him kill."

This was an unsuccessful assassination attempt.

The lack of success does not mean that these assassins were unprofessional, nor does it mean that their plan was not thorough.

On the contrary, this group of assassins dared to attack openly on the streets of Xianyang City, which was extremely audacious. They spotted the gaps where the patrolling soldiers were patrolling, and waiting here, the planning was not incomplete.

It was said that it was unsuccessful because these assassins seriously underestimated the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves.

But within a moment, these assassins were subdued by the guards around Ying Ziyi.

A carefully planned assassination failed like this. These assassins did not expect that Ying Ziyi would be surrounded by masters at this moment. The warriors of the Hu tribe in Longxi, the masters of the Chiyou tribe, the elites of the former Zhao army god Li Mu, the imperial guards of the Qin army, and the sword master Gai Nie, the best sword in the world who came from the sky with a startling sword.

"Mr. Gai Nie, long time no see." Ying Ziyi stepped forward to say hello.

"Long time no see. Young master's martial arts skills have improved to a higher level."

"Thanks to my husband for teaching me the Guigu Breathing Technique. After practicing it for a long time, it is quite beneficial."

"Gai Nie, you are helping Zhou to do evil, and all the righteous people in the six countries will not want to kill you and then be quick."

In this touching atmosphere of a disciple meeting his master, there are always some minions who want to jump out and ruin the atmosphere.

Ying Ziyi stepped forward and kicked the man, and said with disdain: "You guys, you have the nerve to claim that you are righteous people after you have worked so hard to deal with a child of mine."

At this time, there were already more people on the street. Seeing the assassin being captured, people stood on both sides of the street to watch the fun.

"Who doesn't know that this young master is kind and lovely, generous, smart, and suave... (a thousand words are omitted here) and is deeply loved and supported by people from all over the world." Ying Ziyi patted himself with his little hand. On the chest, he continued shamelessly: "In broad daylight, in a clear world, you unstable elements who destroy social harmony brazenly commit murders, despise the king's law, and despise the people. Is there any justice?"

Although they didn't know what Ying Ziyi was talking about, the people of Qin around him still applauded and cheered. The scene was so lively and exciting. There was even a meddlesome person who shouted: "Young Master is right!"

"Young Master said it well..."

"You see! This is the cry of the people. You people are destined to be abandoned by the people and abandoned by history. You are destined to be buried in..."

Before Ying Ziyi finished speaking, the assassins couldn't bear it anymore and committed suicide one after another.

"Hey, what a pity. As long as you are willing to accept reform, the people will still give you a way to make a new start." Ying Ziyi said regretfully.

"Sir, they are the dead soldiers of Jixia of Qi State." Gai Nie said.

"From Qi State?" Ying Ziyi wondered when he had offended people from Qi State. It seems that he hadn't! At least I haven’t messed with it yet! These people are really full.

In the restaurant nearby, the Mo family's thieves were leaning on the window frame, observing everything.

"How is it? Xiaozhi, how is this Ying Ziyi?" Gao Jianli asked while drinking.

"This boy is very suitable to my taste." Daozhi smiled and affirmed rather proudly.

"Xiao Zhi, be serious." Gao Jianli couldn't help but say.

Daozhi came over and sat across from Gao Jianli. "The giant asked us to find out the situation, but in my opinion, there is no possibility of success."

Gao Jianli's face was heavy, "Is it really so difficult?"

"This kid seems careless, but the guards around him are all good soldiers, and there are even masters guarding him secretly. The entire Qi army was wiped out this time."

"Then wait a little longer!"

ps. First update

ps2. Please recommend and collect

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