Ying Ziyi came out of the villain's space, and the sky was dark. It was still sunny at noon, but by this time, the sky was like black ink rolling, the light was twisting, the rain clouds were approaching, and the buzzing sound was loud.

Ying Ziyi stood up and organized his thoughts. Just now I just focused on wrangling with the system, but now I notice, why will the world be destroyed if the task is not completed?

Of course, this cannot be the work of the villain system. Is there any information hidden in it? By the way, Xiao Li? Ying Ziyi thought of this foreign woman.

The rain was getting heavier, hitting the railings in a steady patter, and was blown into the inner room by the wind. In the house, the fire was blazing, exuding light and warmth. A cold wind blew and the fire danced.


Ying Ziyi shouted loudly, and the girl rushed in immediately. She closed the door to the corridor and said, "What's the matter, Master?"

"Call Xiao Li over. I have something to ask her."

"Xiao Li? She has been waiting for you outside the house." Xiao He said, and she called Xiao Li over.

The girl slowly approached and looked at Ying Ziyi, "I finally found you."

"How did you find me?" Ying Ziyi asked curiously, and sat down as he spoke. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for Xiao Li to sit down as well.

On the warm plush carpet, Xiao Li bent his knees, crossed his legs to the side, and sat down. The short skirt was spread out, and the outer layer of tulle covered the white skin between her legs. She stared at Ying Ziyi, with a smile on her face, as bright as a flower blooming.

Xiao Li is a foreign girl, very different from the women from the Central Plains. Her figure is taller and plumper, but her skin texture is firm and fine. Her long blue hair is tied into a ponytail and hangs to one side, and her exquisite headdress is anything but Chinese. Every move she makes is pure and noble, and her inner noble temperament reminds people of the holy goddess in the myths and legends of the Western Regions.

The girl's eyes never left Ying Ziyi since she entered the room. Ying Ziyi felt strange being stared at by such a beautiful girl. The girl opened her mouth slightly and said: "Follow the guidance of the goddess. I have already gone to see it. The door of time and space has been opened by you."

"The gate of time and space?" Ying Ziyi secretly thought, it couldn't be the bronze gate in the underground palace under the Black-spotted Tiger King's cave, right?

"Yes, that is the last stronghold of the Chi You clan, and it is also the temple that worships Chi You. What is sealed behind the gate of time and space is Chi You's remnant soul. And you are the one who released it."

"...!" Ying Ziyi felt that he had been cheated. If it weren't for the cheating system, there would be no need for him to go to such trouble.

"I seem to have gotten into trouble accidentally." Ying Ziyi said bitterly.

"Yes, but this is not the end yet. Back then, Chi You created eighty-one demon gods of war. After that earth-shattering war, only one survived. Together with the Chi You sword, it was kept in the capital of Loulan. This one fell from the sky. The Demon God of War made of stars contains huge power. Once Chi You's remnant soul merges with it, the consequences will be catastrophic and the world will be destroyed."

Isn't that Gundam? Ying Ziyi complained secretly. "It's okay if the Demon God of War and Chi You swords are destroyed."

Xiao Li was stunned and said: "The fallen stars contain huge power, which can wreak havoc on the earth and benefit the people. Therefore, they were not destroyed at that time. The goddess transformed the God of War and used the dragon soul as the key to unlock the God of War. The key, just like this, cannot bring out the full power of the Demon God of Soldiers. Chi You himself can control the Demon God of Soldiers. Once Chi You's remnant soul merges with it, it will have the effect of destroying the world and destroying the earth. There will be no power on the earth. It can be stopped. Is this why I'm looking for you?"

"What do you mean? What does this have to do with me?"

"Because Chi You's remnant soul is in your body! From behind the gate of time and space, it entered your body through the goddess's bracelet."

Ying Ziyi was startled, looked around at himself, and checked his whole body, "No! I didn't find anything different?"

"You haven't noticed it now, just because the power of Chi You's remnant soul is still very weak. Another point is that you are very special. No one can stay calm under the erosion of Chi You's remnant soul, except you."

"That being said, I'm quite happy."

"But, this is only now." Xiao Li interrupted Ying Ziyi, but what he said next made him feel a little creepy, "As time goes by, the power of Chi You's remnant soul will gradually increase. By then, I'm afraid even It's you, and you can't stop it. Your body will be transformed into a demon, your will will be eroded, and while you gain powerful power, you will also turn into a confused puppet. Then, Chi You's remnant soul will control your body and merge with the Demon God of Soldiers. The violent energy cannot be stopped, and there will be no living thing on the earth.”

"Haha! Are you scared of being a brother?" Ying Ziyi said disdainfully, then held Xiao Li in his hands, approached her and asked, "Is there any way to make this guy leave me?"

Xiao Li smiled, "Only the most holy Crescent Spring water can drive away evil. And the key to unlocking all this is the dragon soul guarded by the Nine Sons of the Dragon God."

"There is one more question." Ying Ziyi stood up and looked at Xiao Li, who was a head lower than him, with great seriousness, and said, "In this case, why don't you kill me and let the whole thing be settled."

What Ying Ziyi said was not a joke. Xiao Li found that the face of the young man in front of him was not as tender as a child, but had a trace of vicissitudes that only adults can have.

Xiao Li lowered his head and murmured: "Because I can't do it."

"What's the reason?" Ying Ziyi asked strangely.

"You have a very special temperament. The understanding of this does not come from me, but from the memory deep in my mind that does not belong to me. Moreover, I don't like killing."

Maybe Xiao Li didn't realize that she didn't reject the approaching Ying Ziyi. As for the reason, I'm afraid even she herself can't tell.

"Okay then!" Ying Ziyi said, "After I finish handling the matter in Wuchecheng, let's set off! Find Dragon Soul first, and then go to Loulan."

The next day, Ying Ziyi arranged all the things in Wuchecheng. Including giving Li Zuoche several cavalry battle formation maps, asking him to train the newly arrived Zhao Kingdom and Black Bear's 500 Hu army, and asking Gong Shuyi to start building Potu Saburo and Batwing, and letting Shengqi return to The farmer works as an undercover agent.

After arranging everything, it was already sunset. Ying Ziyi rode his pony on the ancient road of Longxi, taking four beautiful girls, Xiaohe, Xiaohu, Xiaodie and Xiaoli, on his tragic journey. journey to save the world.

ps. Please recommend and collect

~~Thank you Yao Xiechen for the big reward, countless wintersweets in the sea of ​​​​stars~~~~~~~

~~~~Thanks to Sui Feng for being so great, Star Soul. To be so great, Zhui Feng z being so great, The Seventh Cultivator of the World being so great, and Huagu Chengshang being so great for the reward~~~

~~Thank you to DestroyGod. I would like to ask Feng Denglin. I am an old bookworm in my early childhood. Do you love flying? Big, a big reward from Helan Fashion~~~~~

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