The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 3 The problem of high status

"Come on, open your mouth!" Ying Ziyi held a piece of cake and handed it to Xiaomeng's mouth.

Xiaomeng opened her plump little mouth that was already full of pastries and swallowed with difficulty.

"Sir, we... better... learn these... classics first!" Xiao Meng said vaguely.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's eat first. Come on, have another one." Ying Ziyi took the cake and handed it to Xiaomeng. Looking at her slightly childish face, he smiled helplessly in his heart.

"....!" Xiao Meng grimaced and took the cake from Ying Ziyi's hand again.

The surrounding maids looked at these two pretty children who were almost the same age, looking playful, and most of them covered their mouths and snickered.

As for why? Ying Ziyi discovered that since Youtong...ah! No, it was after the training of Daqin’s talent plan started. A progress bar appeared on the screen of this subroutine, which was the progress bar of Xiaomeng's favorability towards him.

The system lists two ways to increase favorability: feeding and giving gifts, while the others are still in gray. Why gray? According to the cheating system, Ying Ziyi cannot be unlocked because his level is too low. What makes Ying Ziyi unable to let go is that what is the upper limit of Xiaomeng's favorability? ? ? , a status that cannot be viewed.

"Your Highness, can we start teaching?" Xiao Meng swallowed all the snacks and said to Ying Ziyi.

"Teaching?" Ying Ziyi looked at the silk book left by Song Longzi. It was densely packed with a series of small characters and a dozen incomprehensible figures.

"This...are we..."

Xiaomeng's brows furrowed and she looked at Ying Ziyi with her big, pure eyes, as if expecting him to say something.

"Dong! The system reminds you that if you make the other party unhappy, your favorability will be lowered! The current favorability is 10, the upper limit is???"

"Okay! Just tell me!" Ying Ziyi clenched his fists. For the sake of goodwill, I endured it.

"Yes, sir!" Xiaomeng stood up and walked to the eaves of the corridor. Behind him was the green lake, dotted with three liang of lotus flowers.

The mirror-like lake surrounded the quiet room where the two of them were. The layout of the quiet room is compact but exquisite. Xiaomeng's young body stands in front of him, the air flow around him is surging, and the clear water in the lake is pulled by the air flow and surrounds him.

Ying Ziyi knew that this was not the ancient times in his memory. He already understood this when he accidentally saw the Potochiro created by Gong Loser.

While serving the empire, the public losers received huge resources for development. Over the years, it has gradually begun to surpass its old enemy, the Mohist School.

"Sir, this is my Taoist philosophy, Wan Chuan Qiu Shui."

As Xiaomeng said, the water flow surrounding him was cut into several sections out of thin air, and each condensed into water droplets.

"It's so magical!" Ying Ziyi wanted to say it, but because of his face, he didn't say it in the end.

"Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruo Zhishui of Taoist Tianzong, there are actually people who can operate these two completely different mental methods at the same time. I really learned a lot."

The insidious voice came, and Ying Ziyi didn't need to turn around to know that the person speaking was Zhao Gao, a young man in his fifth year.

Zhao Gao walked slowly, followed by two girls with identical faces and figures.

Xiao Meng put away her inner strength, and the water droplets turned into fine mist and dissipated in the air. Looking at the person coming, she secretly thought that Qin State was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. She could not see the depth of the person in front of her at all. As for the two girls following him, they can also be considered among the masters.

Zhao Gao approached and saluted respectfully: "Young Master!"

"What's the matter?" Ying Ziyi turned around and asked.

"The king has a decree to send the young master to see you!"

"I know." Ying Ziyi waved his hand, "I'm glad you got the order from the Che Mansion."

"Don't dare!" Zhao Gao bowed slightly and made a respectful gesture.

"Bidong!" At this moment, such a friendly voice sounded in Ying Ziyi's ears.

"The side mission is opened. The dragnet is all-pervasive. As a qualified villain, how can he not have his own eagle dog?"

Mission completion deadline: before Qin destroys the Six Kingdoms.

The condition for completing the mission is Zhao Gao's transfer. (undone)

The mission completion condition is to obtain the Eryue Wang Ba Sword. (undone)

Mission completion condition 3: Have 500 subordinates. Specific conditions: 300 minor minions (unknown), 100 minions (new to the world), 60 minor bosses (little famous), and 30 bosses (rising fame). 10 masters (famous). There are 0 first-class masters (who stand out from the crowd). There are 0 top masters (grandmasters). 0 peerless masters (unparalleled in the world). ? ? ? 0 people. (undone)

Reward for completing the mission: the title ‘Lord of the Dragnet’.

Mission completion progress: zero.

The poster can choose auxiliary subroutines and character detection programs. The host's power detection program. The host level camouflage program. Choose whether to turn it on?

"On. But what about this???"

"Dong! The owner's level is too low and cannot be viewed."

All right! Ying Ziyi recognized that there was actually another level above the peerless master, and he couldn't check it yet. He glanced at the gloomy Zhao Gao. At this time, a holographic screen appeared in front of his eyes, and when he saw Zhao Gao, a message appeared.

Character name: Zhao Gao

Character gender:? ? ?

Character identity: Order of Zhongche Mansion of the Qin Kingdom, Lord of the Dragnet,? ? ? ,? ? ?

Character level: top expert (first-generation master)

Character evaluation: scheming and ruthless. Beneath the melancholic appearance and sinister eyes lies great ambition.

Danger level: S

System prompts: If you fight with him head-on, the poster should run away!


In front of the gate of Zhuhong Palace, Ying Ziyi and Zhao Gao were waiting quietly. In the palace, Qin King Ying Zheng was discussing with a group of generals headed by Wang Jian and a group of civilian officials headed by Li Si about attacking the six countries.

Defeat Yan or Wei?

There was a lot of noise in the palace, but Ying Ziyi outside the palace didn't care at all.

None of my business!

Among the six kingdoms of Shandong, except the Chu State, it is now capable of fighting. Qi is far away on the coast of the East China Sea, so there is nothing to worry about. Yan and Wei had no time to take care of themselves. It is not enough to protect the country on its behalf.

Chu is the great trouble of Qin! But the Chu State will not send troops for the sake of Yan and Wei. It is still unclear.

Whether you defeat Yan or Wei, the chances of winning are extremely high.

Ying Zheng noticed Ying Ziyi's figure outside the hall, raised his hand to greet him, and the hall suddenly fell silent.

The civil and military ministers looked at the young figure slowly entering the palace, wondering what the king was going to do?

"See you, father!" Ying Ziyi saluted.

"Ziyi, did you hear the discussion just now by the ministers in the palace?"

"Yes, Father!"

"Then do you think we should attack Wei first or Yan first?"

What? How can you ask a young child about military and state affairs? All the ministers in the palace were astonished.

At this moment, Ying Ziyi also heard a sound in his ear.

"Bidong! The main mission is Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms. One-sixth of the progress has been completed. The mission completion condition is the destruction of South Korea (completed).

Mission completion condition 2: The destruction of Zhao State (not completed). Mission completion conditions include the destruction of Wei State (not completed). The conditions for completing the mission are the destruction of the Four Chu Kingdoms (not completed). The conditions for completing the mission are the destruction of the Wuyan Kingdom (not completed). Mission completion conditions include the destruction of Qi State (not completed). Mission completion reward: King Qin's Yun Ruo. The system reminds you that the host’s choice can trigger the side mission ‘Yi Shui Gehan’. "

"Yan Guo!" Ying Ziyi said it without thinking.

"Why?" Ying Zheng asked.

Could it be that my brother would say it was to complete the mission?

"Because the architecture of Yan State is very nice!" Ying Ziyi said innocently.

"Hahaha!" King Qin laughed. "Okay, then let's attack Yan State first!"

As King Qin's laughter spread throughout the entire hall, the voice of that cheating system program rang in his ears again.

"The side mission 'Yi Shui Gehan' has started. As a qualified villain, you cannot miss any opportunity to fight against the autumn wind."

Mission completion condition 1: Jing Ke enters Qin. (undone)

Task completion condition 2: Jing Ke assassinates Qin (the original poster must accompany the King of Qin). (undone)

Mission completion condition three: Jing Ke’s death. (undone)

Mission completion reward: Famous Sword Canhong.

puff! Ying Ziyi almost spurted blood. This task is theoretically easy to complete, and Jing Ke will definitely come to assassinate King Qin. The key is the second condition. He must be present when Jing Ke assassinates King Qin.

Ying Ziyi looked at his somewhat thin figure, and then at the happy King Qin. The future is really gloomy!


"Unscrupulous, unscrupulous!"

Jicheng, the capital of Yan.

In the palace, King Yan was pacing back and forth and shouted angrily.

This scene that happened in the Qin Palace quickly spread throughout the world. All countries know that King Qin decided the order of conquering the world because of a child's words.

What does this mean? It’s obvious that you don’t take the princes of the world seriously!

The most important thing is that Yan State is the next target of King Qin. This is how Yan Wangxi can not be anxious.

Prince Dan of Yan and his uncle Yan Chunjun stood at the bottom, motionless waiting for King Yan to finish his anger.

"You tell me, what should we do? What should we do!"

When the anger was vented, King Yan was happy that the king who was in charge of the Yan Kingdom finally calmed down.

"Qin's army is at its peak, and Han and Zhao have been destroyed. No one in the world dares to attack it. Yan is a small country! We cannot resist forcefully. It is better to cut off the land to protect the country." Yan Chunjun said.

"I know this too. But Qin is a country of tigers and wolves, and is greedy. I'm afraid that my desires will be hard to satisfy!"

"Father, see you soon!" Before Yan Chunjun could finish speaking, Prince Yan Dan spoke first.

"The greed of the Qin Dynasty can never be quenched by water! Today's plan can only be quick and slow."

"Wang Er, tell me."

"Yes!" Prince Yan paused, "Slow down the policy, reform the military system, the official system, encourage farming and mulberry cultivation, communicate with trade...!"

"Prince, it's better to wait and see. Let's talk about another strategy!" Before Yan Prince Dan could finish speaking, you waved your hand impatiently, signaling for him to come up with another strategy.

"As for the other strategy, it is... to assassinate the King of Qin!" The last four words, Yan Dan bit hard.

"Wha...what?" King Yan did not expect that Yan Dan's other strategy would be this. He always thought that Yan Dan was just a gentle and steady gentleman. Unexpectedly, he also has such a crazy side. "Are you crazy! Do you know what the consequences will be if you fail!"

"Of course I know, it's just to speed up Qin's attack on Yan. But if it succeeds, father, have you thought about the results?"

Yan Dan's words were like a huge temptation. For a moment, King Yan felt that his blood was speeding up.

"Yes! If it succeeds, what will happen to a Qin State that loses Qin Wang Yingzheng, and a Yan State that defeats the violent Qin?" Although Yan Wangxi is greedy and selfish, he is by no means stupid. In a moment, he had already calculated the pros and cons.

"Your Majesty, what the Crown Prince said is a plan to harm the country!" Lord Yan Chun said urgently at this time.

"you say!"

"The Qin Palace is strictly forbidden, and King Qin is surrounded by experts. There have always been countless nobles from the six countries who wanted King Qin's head, but who succeeded in the end?"

"Just because others won't succeed doesn't mean we won't succeed. If we didn't succeed before, it doesn't mean we won't succeed now!"

"It seems that the prince must have a perfect countermeasure!" Yan Chunjun said sarcastically.

"Perfect, there is nothing perfect in the world." Yan Dan smiled and bowed to King Yan, "Father, the survival of the Yan country depends on this battle!"

"Okay! I'll leave this matter to you." Yan Wangxi waved his hand and motioned for Yan Dan to go down.

"Brother Wang! You know that the prince's move will cause great disaster to the Yan country!" After Yan Dan left, Yan Chunjun said with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you have a better way?" Yan Wangxi asked.

"The King of Qin wants to attack Yan, but he wants the land of Dukang, not to destroy Yan. Wei and Chu are Qin's biggest troubles at the moment."

Yan Chunjun is a villain, so he doesn't feel any burden when he talks about cutting soil.

"Yes, Brother Wang is right. Just because Ying Zheng wants it, do I have to give it to him?" Yan Wangxi said angrily, his face reddening, his wrinkled skin surging up and down. This is the long-lost anger of a king. However, Yan Wangxi still said feebly: "You go down first!"

"Yes!" Yan Chunjun lowered his head and retreated unwillingly.


"Husband!" Princess Yan walked slowly in palace attire. Although there was nothing faulty about her etiquette, she could not hide the haste in her steps and the urgency revealed in her steps, in order to see the husband she had missed for a long time as quickly as possible.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so preoccupied?" As he got closer, he discovered that Yan Dan was leaning on the railing and looking into the distance, with a sad look on his face.

She had never seen her husband show such a look. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his face, unknowingly stained with a touch of vicissitudes of life. The resolute edges and corners are like a sword sinking into the sand, wiping away the former spirit.

"The fate of Yan has reached an extremely critical moment. Zhao Zheng's past ambitions will finally be realized with the help of Qin's unique weapon!"

"King Qin?"

"Yes! When I was a hostage in Zhao State with him, no one knew him better than me. At that time, he dreamed of changing this decadent world, unifying the world, and creating a country that had never appeared in the past."

"Isn't that great?" Princess Yan asked cautiously.

Yan Dan looked back at his beloved wife, his eyes filled with unprecedented vigilance. However, the strange look finally passed away, and Yan Dan turned around again, looking at the last ray of light of the setting sun, as red as blood. "No! No one can predict what consequences he will have when he achieves his goal? Killing is inevitable, and how many people will die because of it? Turmoil, hunger, war, disease... Most importantly, his The ambition is so big that no one can see the end of it. I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know where he will take the world? I can't let it go. Therefore, I have to take a risk. Once is enough A gamble that ruined the fate of Yan State and my wealth and life."

"Go down! Also, pack your bags and get ready early." Yan Dan said extremely tiredly.

"Husband, Yue'er hasn't seen you for a long time. She misses you very much."

"Yes!" Yan Dan nodded. At this moment, he no longer had the energy to care about anything else, not even his beloved daughter.

"Hey!" With an inaudible sigh, Princess Yan's beautiful face showed a look of sadness, and she turned and left.

"Big man!" Just as Princess Yan walked away, a dark figure appeared in the dark house behind Yan Dan.

"Help me find someone...!"


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