Xiaomeng was very angry, but she didn't know why she was so angry.

She is currently in Tangli Palace of Yandu. On the throne of King Yan in the past, Ying Ziyi was lying on it. The throne is so spacious that Ying Ziyi could use it as a bed. In fact, that's what he did. Surrounded by more than ten women who were vying for his favor, their identities were very mixed, most of them were the concubines and daughters of King Yan. They only wanted to please Ying Ziyi for one thing, to survive.

King Yan fled. Before leaving, he withdrew the Yan palace guards who were chasing Yan Dan. He took his favorite children, concubines, and dozens of ministers, and headed for Liaodong under the protection of thousands of banner guards. It was just that time was in a hurry, and except for the necessary seals and belongings, he brought nothing with him, including most of the concubines and princesses staying in the palace, as well as the treasures in the Yan Kingdom's treasury.

The soldiers are approaching, and these women staying in Yan Palace are worried about their future fate? Fortunately, they heard a piece of news. The commander-in-chief of the Qin State, Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of the King of Qin, was a womanizer. So, they had an idea.

In troubled times, women mostly exist dependent on men. Being able to be attached to such a powerful person is exactly what these women in Yan Palace dream of. Most of them were pretty in the Yan Palace, and they all gathered in the Tangli Palace just so that Ying Ziyi could see them. Just when they were about to try their best to charm Ying Ziyi, they were stunned.

"Wow, Yan Palace is so beautiful. Look at the paint panel, it's still new! This headlight, wow, it's painted gold..."

A pink and tender kid in brocade clothes walked in, but what's with the country bumpkin smell all over his body?

Looking at him, there was only a little girl and an uncle holding a sword. There were no extra people around, so a bold woman stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, where is Young Master Yingzi?"

"That's me!" The country bumpkin boy in everyone's eyes was holding a golden plate and biting it. It seemed that he wanted to verify the gold content of the plate and did not notice them at all.

"...!" This young man who looks like a rich man from the countryside is the commander of the Qin army?

There was no news in Yan Palace, and the girls did not expect that the commander of the Qin army they wanted to seduce was actually a six-year-old child.

How can you seduce a six-year-old child?

But Ying Ziyi refused to leave. After estimating the approximate property value of Yan Palace, he suddenly found that there were more than ten beauties in front of him. He walked over blankly, with an innocent expression on his face and drooling, "Sisters, can you play with me?"

The girls were stunned, and they didn't know who was the first to react and said, "Young Master wants to play, it's our blessing."

Surrounded by more than ten girls, Ying Ziyi began to play happily.

It was not until two hours later that Xiaomeng looked at Ying Ziyi on the throne and became more and more interested in playing with those Yingying Yanyan, without any intention of stopping. She finally broke out.

"That's enough!" Xiaomeng's voice spread throughout Tangli Hall, driven by powerful internal energy. The energy contained in this voice shocked all the women. Even Ying Ziyi was the same. He looked at Xiaomeng and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Gai Nie stood motionless with his sword in hand, like a clay statue. It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household chores, and he has also seen things like women becoming jealous because their husbands have extramarital affairs. But this was the first time he had seen a little girl become jealous because of a little boy's philandering. It happened that these two children were not ordinary people, and it would be really troublesome if they fought. He cares about whoever he likes, but Gai Nie can't control him.

So Gai Nie closed his eyes, keeping his eyes out of sight.

yes! What's wrong with me? Xiaomeng asked herself, she couldn't find a reason to question Ying Ziyi. correct! I know what's going on.

Xiaomeng walked to the center of the hall, faced Ying Ziyi, blushed and said in a milky voice: "Ying Ziyi, as the commander-in-chief of the Qin army, you control an army of 300,000 people, but you only have If you know that you are having fun, where will all the people in the world go?"

"What the hell are all the people in the world?" Ying Ziyi asked secretly, what happened to Xiaomeng? Is the aunt here? ah! No, she is still young, but there is still a saying in the world that she matures prematurely. Could it be...

"Excuse me, what are you referring to specifically?" Ying Ziyi asked anxiously.

"This...!" Xiaomeng was at a loss for words, but soon she remembered something again and said: "The King of Yan has fled, and the land of Yan is full of refugees. The moment you are here, they will suffer more."

"Didn't Zhang Han and the others be arranged to maintain order? Officials sent by King Qin are about to arrive."

"Wars are spreading and bandits are increasing. The moment you are here, they will cause more trouble to the Yan Kingdom."

"This! I have arranged for Li Xin and others to suppress the bandits."

"Many nobles of the Yan State are in exile. Their existence is very detrimental to the rule of the Qin State."

"This! I've asked Wang Jian to advertise for recruitment."




"You...you bastard, do you know how many kings in the past have perished because of being addicted to women?"

Xiao Mengli was at a loss for words and began to get confused.

"You believe this too!" Ying Ziyi waved his hand and smiled. Looking at Xiaomeng, the disdainful expression on Ying Ziyi's face seemed to be telling him an ancient truth full of bad ideas of feudalism. The truth is: you women! Long hair and short knowledge.

"You...you...I'm ignoring you!" Xiaomeng's face was already red and she was about to turn around and leave. Ying Ziyi seemed to suddenly remember something, "I forgot something very important."

"What?" Xiaomeng asked softly, looking a little embarrassed.

"Young men, come here." Ying Ziyi shouted.

Outside the palace, two rows of Qin soldiers marched in neat steps, "See you, Young Master!"

"Where is King Yan's treasury? How is it doing now?"

"Please rest assured, young master, my subordinates know that Yan State's treasury is a top priority, and have ordered people to surround it and guard it for even a moment without permission."

Underneath is a handsome-looking young man with red lips and white teeth.

"May I have your name?"

"I'm Li Ergou! I'm General Meng Tian's general."

Ying Ziyi nodded, "Er Gou! I think you have a great future! Let me tell Meng Tian that you and your one hundred brothers will obey my orders from now on!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Ying Ziyi discovered through the system that Li Ergou was young, and had the same yellow hatred bar as his stupid brother Hu Hai.

"Er Gou! I have something to tell you."

"The master has orders, and all his subordinates will obey them!"

"Tell your brothers to take this... this... this...!" Ying Ziyi pointed to the pile of belongings he valued just now, "Pick these off and pack them away."


"By the way, there are still goods in the Yan Kingdom's treasury, so I'll ask you to load them into the truck." Before leaving, Ying Ziyi did not forget to give his instructions.

"...!" Li Ergou muttered in his heart, he and his master recruited us just to make us do hard work!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please recommend and collect~~~~~~~~~~~~

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