Chapter 229 The Terrible Man!!

At the end of the day’s classes and after dinner, the students meet up and go to the large bathhouse.

For people who are used to bathing, it will feel uncomfortable not to take a bath for a day.

Yuyuki also took a change of clothes and went with Kanzaki and the others.

Due to the large number of students, three large bathhouses for students have been opened on the boys’ side, which are used separately from each other.

If you have a cleanliness fetish, you can also use the time to stagger each other, or even wait until the evening to enjoy it alone.

The school is still very generous in this regard, and does not care about the problem of water and electricity, and gives all choices to students.

As long as you are sure to pass the exam, everything is free.

“It’s a strange combination.”

Looking at the members of the bathhouse, Kanzaki was a little confused.

You can see Sudo, Yamauchi and Yahiko of Class B Shibata and Class A, Masayoshi Hashimoto, and Kaneda of Class D, and others gathered around their waists with a white towel around their waists, and you can see Hirata lying in the bathhouse taking a bath with a tired face, and Ayakoji is also standing expressionless not far away.

Unlike the Dragon Garden’s group, the relationship between the other groups has improved somewhat in the past few days, and even if they belong to different classes, they have established a certain degree of friendship.

It’s just that this kind of friendship is probably also a fragile thing in the face of the temptation of Ascension.

“Oh, Kanzaki, this side and this side~”

Discovering Kanzaki’s figure, Shibata not far away waved and ran to the two of them, and Ryuen and Katsuragi and the others did not seem to be interested in turning away directly.

“What are you doing over there?”

“We’re talking about who’s the biggest in the grade.”

Shibata pointed to the white towel around his waist, found the figure of the night snow, and after some hesitation, he said, “Heavenly Emperor, do you want to participate together?” ”

“No, I’m not interested in this kind of thing.”

Night Snow turned and walked aside.

He sensed the slight temperature difference in Shibata’s tone.

At the sports festival, Shibata, as the leader of the class boys, was very enthusiastic about anyone, and this time it was obvious that he was a little embarrassed.

Although Kanzaki and Katsuragi are not people who like to spread rumors, as a member of the class, they will also objectively convey information to the people in the class.

The fight with the Dragon Garden was not a problem, and some people would even applaud it, but the problem was that the fight was too fierce.

The people around him also had such a slight change in their attitude toward him, and Ye Xue did not have the idea of building a good relationship with them, anyway, after graduation, he also ran to his own things, and there was no need to make friends.

As long as you install the dark children in each class and control the leaders of each class, it is enough.


“Who else?”

“Since there is no one, then I am the king of the first grade!”

On the other side, Sudo suddenly opened his arms quite in the style of a master, triumphantly straightened up Kaneda across the waist with some Bengan’s defeat, and shook his head with a slight smile that aroused a hint of interest in the night snow.

“It’s awesome, this size is worthy of the first-year king.”

Yamauchi and others around him also have some praise and praise.

“Just this king, don’t be funny, Sudo!”

Yahiko of Class A said with some disbelief, “With this little strength, don’t think that you can beat our Class A classmates Katsuragi!” ”

“Ge Cheng?”

“Indeed, if you only look at your physique, maybe Katsuragi can beat Sudo.”

Many people will silently look at Ge Cheng, and the night snow sitting under the nozzle also looks at Ge Cheng around them, although these are not interested, but it is still okay to have fun to take a look.

This guy is also sitting under the spray head and squeezing the shampoo.

“It’s pathetic…”

Seeing an interesting scene, Ye Xue pulled the corners of his mouth and thought silently.

Originally, I thought that Ge Cheng chose to shave his head for hobbies or other reasons, but now it seems that he is really bald.

That bottle of shampoo may also have some hair care and other effects, Ge Cheng is not so indifferent to the performance.

Yahiko also gathered in front of Ge Cheng at this time and looked at the big brother he admired, “Please, Ge Cheng! ”

“Don’t do that, I’m not interested in this kind of game.”

“That’s not okay, it’s not only about the dignity of men, it’s also about the prestige of our class A!”

“It’s a boring game.”

Ge Cheng was still indifferent to the shampoo touched his head and pressed, this kind of boring little thing, far less important than his hair.

“It’s not like that.”

Hashimoto Masayoshi also walked up behind Katsuragi and encouraged, “As Yahiko said, this is related to the dignity of our class A, and the only one who can fight against Sudo should be yours.” ”

The palm of the night snow is tight.

How could this guy know about Katsuragi’s size problems, although there are toilets and other reasons, but there is nothing to always pay attention to what these problems do.

Although the judgment may be somewhat one-sided.

But Yuyuki suddenly felt that Hashimoto Masayoshi was a little scary and moved the stool under him a little farther.

The boys around them also hurriedly coaxed, “This is Class A, and it’s not a big deal.” ”

“Yes, isn’t your class A afraid?”

“Ge Cheng, you are the last hope of Class A, you must not back down~”

“Yes, anyway, the victory or defeat is a matter of an instant, what are you afraid of?”

Yamauchi and the others are also watching the hilarity, and the only person who really puts the face of the class on this is probably Yahiko.

“Forget it, let your pleasure be.”

It was really grinding, and continuing would also prevent him from washing his hair, Ge Cheng got up and turned around and drew the towel from his waist, facing Sudo.

Dragon vs. Tiger duel.

Yamauchi, who was afraid of the world’s chaos, crouched down and looked back and forth in front of the two people, his eyes more serious than ever.

“Actually… It’s actually average.”

Shibata and others also came to verify the authenticity, but Yamanai’s judgment seemed to be extremely accurate and irrefutable.

“I knew Gecheng would be okay.”

Yahiko excitedly waved his fist at the air, and then raised an eyebrow at Yamauchi and the others.

“It’s already possible.”

Being stared at by a group of boys dead at his treasure, Ge Cheng opened his mouth slightly uncomfortably.

“This is the so-called Warring States Chaos, heroes come out of nowhere, and two kings appear at the same time in the first grade!”

“It’s really rare for a sword with such a gap.”

Shibata and others also applauded and sent their praises, and after careful identification, they could only feel that the gap between the two people was only a millimeter.

“Spray, although it is a little uncomfortable, but I also admit it, Ge Cheng, you are qualified to be my opponent!”

Sudo suddenly showed approval and patted Katsuragi on the shoulder.

“Well, well. Thank you? ”

Ge Cheng, who didn’t know how to reply, nodded and turned to wash his hair, finally having time to take care of his father.

“Sigh, spray, sigh.”

“Although I see that you have a feeling of fighting to the death, this is still too naïve.”

Ishizaki wrapped his arms around his arms and looked back and forth at the two treasures, shaking his head with a sigh. One

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