Chapter 55 Aowowowow (3)


The dog moved and hid Shuyue behind his back.

 Shu Yue: “…”

Shuyue didn't understand what Gouzi was going to do, and she was very anxious.

She really didn't want the child to hit the dog, but Shuyue was more afraid of the dog breaking out. It would be really bad if the child who looked not much older than her did anything bad to him.

Shuyue pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, and gave the dog a bear hug. She tilted her head and looked at the child, and said very seriously: "My little uncle is really well-behaved."

 So you’d better leave quickly!

Shuyue only saw the other party look at her deeply, then turned and walked back.

Seeing this, Shu Yue's expression relaxed, and she lay on the dog's body and didn't want to move.

The dog barked and did not move despite being held by her, but at this moment, the child who had left earlier came back with a soft and not very strong straw basket in his arms, and put the basket towards As soon as he put it on the ground, he turned around and left again.

 In there…

 It’s food!

 Chestnuts, pears, persimmons!

Shuyue was stunned and quickly climbed down from the dog. She didn't care about the contents of the basket and hurriedly chased after him. However, within a short time, the child had disappeared.

Shu Yue looked back at the contents of the basket that was half as high as her head and felt mixed emotions.

Gouzi barked to draw Shuyue's attention. Shuyue glanced at Gouzi. Although she didn't know whether it could understand, she still discussed with Gouzi: "Little uncle, that kid hit you. This may be a sign of leaving a child behind." I came down to apologize to you.

 Look, let’s go down the mountain to his house later and return this thing to him. Then I’ll cook meat for you, okay? "

 That child just now, he was still bare legs and feet...

How could they take that man’s things?

The dog barked, and Shuyue's eyes were bright: "Uncle, you are so kind."


But at this moment, shouts came from the bottom of the mountain, and various voices calling for Nidan Tiechui Da Niu Erya and others came and went. It seemed that the previous wolf howls had summoned the villagers working nearby.

Shuyue looked at the contents of the straw basket and saw that the villagers were about to come. She was worried that the contents of the basket would be rushed to the public, so she hurriedly put the straw basket and its contents into the space with the help of the dog.

 As for the rabbit…

 Shu Yue had not yet thought about what to do with the rabbit, but the dog lay down at this moment.

She and Gouzi didn't have that much of a tacit understanding, so she made some guesses. She held a small basket and tentatively climbed onto Gouzi's back. Gouzi didn't struggle, so Shuyue moved faster.

The dog waited for her to sit down, barked, picked up the rabbit and walked down the mountain.

Bai Lie knew that his daughter was going up the mountain. He recognized the howl of the dog, but he didn't recognize the other sound. He was afraid that Shuyue had encountered a wolf. Even if he knew what the dog was capable of, a wolf would be behind the dog. There was a food delivery person in front of him, but Bai Lie couldn't help but worry. He dropped the farm tools in his hands and ran away.

 I never expected to encounter it here.

Bai Lie took Shuyue off the dog and saw the rabbit in the dog's mouth. He didn't care and asked Shuyue.

 “What’s going on? Did you meet a wolf?”


Shuyue briefly told Bai Lie what had happened. Bai Lie looked strange and raised his hand to pat Gouzi's head.

 “Ouch, ow, ow, ow…”

The dog swung its tail a few times and howled a few times, and Shuyue saw Bai Lie nodding.

Following Bai Lie were two burly men from a small mountain height. When they asked about the situation, Bai Lie's tone was a little incomprehensible: "It's a lost wolf cub. It has been scared away by my brother."

 Shu Yue: “…”

   ! ! -


                           #Bai Lie grew up drinking wolf's milk and spent a lot of time with dogs. He can even guess and understand.

 (End of this chapter)

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