Chapter 417: Stocking up on food (2)

As soon as Shuyue moved into her new home and got familiar with the surrounding environment, she started to go out to dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms to stock up on mountain products. Bai Lienan Qingyuan saw that Shuyue was not tired, and the two children just had this little hobby. Don't hold them back.

Shu Yue carried baskets of food to her house. Dried vegetables, mushrooms, and fungus were all drying out in the yard.

She also went to the small valley occupied by her family every few days to pick ripe fruits and eggs from the grove.

Bai Lienan Qingyuan will also move some food, fruits and vegetables to his new home in the name of supporting his hometown outside the mountains during holidays.

Although there is little information inside the factory, they still know that there is a good harvest outside and how many kilograms there are. There is a relative in the countryside who will send some food that they can't eat. No one really makes any guesses.

Shu Yue's little life was full and busy. There were four hundred kilograms of wheat piled in the warehouse, two hundred kilograms of dried vegetables, dried mushrooms and dried fungus. They also had dozens of kilograms of dried fruits. The persimmons and chestnuts were almost ripe. , Shuyue was still gearing up to do something more, and her mood was high when she thought of the persimmons and chestnuts in the house.

However, Shuyue didn't know that she was busy with Yuyu and Grandpa, and in the eyes of other people in the factory, she felt that she was being abused by Bai Lie and Nan Qingyuan.

 Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a good idea for such an older child to run into the mountains to work every day and several times a day?

Someone looked at Shu Yue who was tired and out of breath, and secretly mentioned the matter to the Women's Federation.

On this day, someone from the Women’s Federation came to the door.

They are two eldest sisters who have a background in ideological work.

The eldest sister stood in the yard, looking at the dried vegetables and mushrooms all over the yard, and sighed to Nan Qingyuan and Bai Lie: "Who is willing to ask older children like yours to do this? Isn’t there enough food in our factory’s canteen?”

This sentence made Nan Qingyuan and Bai Lie confused.

But Nan Qingyuan has rich experience in dealing with this kind of old lady. You can listen to whatever she says and just stay silent. Bai Lie followed suit and kept silent.

The elder sister carried an enamel jar with her and took a drink of water, "Comrade Bai Lie, you are an employee in the factory, I have to criticize you.

 Deputy Director Bai, you are the leader, so I have to criticize you.

The two children in your family, as old as they are, have to go to school, read with books, learn knowledge to enrich themselves, and contribute to our country and our people in the future.

 Instead of doing these wild vegetables and mushrooms now, you should do something at any age.

Deputy Factory Director Bai, your level is not low, let alone raising two children, you have ten or eight..."

Shu Yue had just come back from outside, her face was red from the sun, and she smiled sheepishly when she saw someone at home, but the next moment she heard what she said, she quickly interrupted, "Hello, hello, hello.

What, you misunderstood, my uncle and my father are very kind to me.

My father and uncle didn’t want me to go either, but I was so hungry and scared that I couldn’t even eat the wild vegetables. I didn’t have any food at home, so I was scared.

I am going to go there myself. "

 The eldest sister looked at Shuyue with particularly loving eyes.

“What a sensible and good boy.

However, aunt still wants to criticize you. You are still too young. How dangerous is it in the mountains? How many people in your house are on tenterhooks when you go out? If you want to dig wild vegetables, can we do it in the valley or in the woods or by the lake?

 (End of this chapter)

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