The Villain In the Novel Reborn As His Own Daughter

Chapter 1188: Passing by Baijia Village (1)

Chapter 1188 Passing by Baijia Village (1)

Shuyue walked all the way back to Baijiacun.

 After leaving the city, the "liveliness" in the city was gone.

It is the time of autumn harvest. Unless something happens to the commune members, they are basically not allowed to ask for leave. Even if they ask for leave, sorghum, corn, and rice are all being harvested. Cows, donkeys, and mules are all important laborers. It is impossible to ask them to work. Car's.

  Since the members did not go to the city, and the activities in the city did not have time to spread to the countryside, Shu Yue felt inexplicably relieved.

The bluestone courtyard at the foot of the mountain is next to the hillside. There are about ten acres of corn planted on the gentler **** of the hillside. There are many people here now. This is the only way Shuyue must pass home.

On the road, it is inevitable to meet people from the village.

There are thousands of people with different looks, but what the villagers of Baijia Village can see are not many fair, tender and beautiful ones. Shuyue has such delicate and beautiful cheeks with baby fat, and she can reveal her dimples by licking her lips slightly. She's cute and sweet, which makes her happy to look at, but she doesn't.

 Hence, people in the village still recognized Shu Yue at a glance.

Bai Jianguo was here. He heard the commotion and rushed over. He dispersed the crowd that was surrounding Shuyue asking questions. Hearing Shuyue greet him, she responded with a smile and was curious, "Shu girl, what happened at this time?" I'm home?

Your uncle and the others just left two days ago. "

Jian Zhong and Jian Ge would go back to the village every once in a while. Shu Yue went to college. Bai Jianguo heard about it from their mouths.

Shu Yue blinked and dragged Bai Jianguo towards their home.

It’s actually not far here, just a few steps away.

The villagers followed the booing but didn't say anything else. After all, it was very close here. On the other hand, Bai Jianguo was the captain. It's hard to tell if Shuyue had any trouble with him. That matter would naturally be handled by the captain.

 They automatically started whispering again, talking about the training school at the base.

 At first, there were only a few people in the village who stayed at the base to go to school. In the subsequent rounds of enrollment, people from the village also signed up, but very few were admitted.

 Most of these people stay in junior classes for three to five months.

 Some can’t persevere, some can’t bear the hardship, and some have substandard results…

However, during these few months at the base, there are also subsidies. Not only can I have enough to eat, but there is also a subsidy of about 20 yuan a month. In a few months, I can take home hundreds of yuan. What is not worthwhile? .

Of course, the longer you stay at the base, the more money you will get.

For example, Erya stayed at the base for eight months. She brought home a total of nearly 200 yuan and various things.

After Erya returned to the village, the village also looked up to her. She insisted on finishing junior high school and came back to work as a scorekeeper.

Now I have married into a town. Under the arrangement of my husband's family, I have joined a supply and marketing cooperative as a worker. I can stand at the counter and look at people with my chin raised.

There are also bases that directly arrange work, which is even more jealous.

For example, Shi Tou is one of those who graduated from the junior class but failed to pass the intermediate class.

 But he works hard and has a flexible mind. Except for his cultural achievements, which are a little behind, he is pretty good in all aspects.

 National development requires talents, and Shitou is lucky not to randomly recommend a factory as a security guard or as a workshop worker.

He was sent to the training camp at the base for two years of special training. Later, because of his outstanding performance, he was recommended to a defense machinery unit to engage in certain confidential security work.

Of course, the villagers did not know such details. They only knew that Shitou went to a machinery factory to work as a worker and provided an iron rice bowl.

This is a kid who grew up right under their noses in their village and became a regular worker in a big factory!

 (End of this chapter)

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