The Villain In the Novel Reborn As His Own Daughter

Chapter 1162: Relieved, I pampered her very hard (3)

Chapter 1162: Relieved, working hard to pamper her (3)

As for the other things that are there or not, they are actually not too important in Bai Lie's eyes. In this case, although he is unforgiving and disgusted with the old man, there is not much estrangement.

 And myself…

Shuyue knew that the old man was initially nice to her, just because he wanted to be nice to Ah Can, and because she looked very similar to her father's face when he was a child. So rounding it all off, it was because the old man actually wanted to be nice to his father.

Shu Yue will naturally be kind to her father if she is kind to him.

 This has come around again.

 At this moment, something in Shuyue's heart was relieved.

Facing this old man who is trying to pamper her, she knows very well that her father will no longer mind what happened in the past, so she shouldn't have any knots.

Shuyue hung on the old man's back, feeling unprecedentedly relaxed and relieved.


There is no need for little Shu Yue to worry about the base going into the mountains to find a laboratory. Things at home are gradually getting on track, and everything has a clear division of labor. Nan Qingyuan, old man Yan Xiao and the others have taken care of everything at home, and Shu Yue just needs to eat and play silly.

Shu Yue had known this would happen for a long time, so it was not a surprise.

 She is not really a child. She does not need to worry about things at home. She can naturally find other things to do.

For example, she wants to solve the issue of ‘academic qualifications’.

 The base will issue graduation certificates to all elementary, middle, and high schools.

Shuyue planned to take advantage of the convenience of the base to get her graduation certificate. When she was bored, she would flip through books or chat with Bai Lie and Bai Hengyu. Sometimes old man Nan Qingyuan was present and sometimes he was not.

Nan Qingyuan and the old man became more and more kind to Shuyue.

 In the following days.

Shu Yue’s training and lessons at the base did not fall behind. Bai Hengyu was unconscious and Bai Lie was unresponsive.

Nan Qingyuan, consciously or unconsciously, prepared the best for Shuyue in all kinds of things that Shuyue needed and liked, and seemed to be striving to give Shuyue the fatherly love that Bai Lie had for Shuyue who was still in a coma. Shuyue added.

 This familiar Bai Lie style of pampering a daughter, Shu Yue saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. A feeling called panic spread in a corner of her heart.

Nan Qingyuan’s doting on Shu Yue is different from Bai Lie’s doting on Shu Yue.

 Bai Lie tends to put all the best things that Shuyue may like in front of her, remove all obstacles for her, and pamper her to the sky.

Nan Qingyuan is more inclined to support Shuyue and encourage her by saying that you can do whatever you like and want to do, with him watching from behind.

Nan Qingyuan loves but does not spoil his children. He has a bottom line.


 Since Shuyue is well-behaved and sensible, she will not touch any bottom line at all.

 Secondly, Nan Qingyuan devoted himself to the country in the first half of his life, and in the second half of his life, he had already made up his mind to live for himself. He had long regarded Shu Yue and Bai Lie more seriously than himself.

Nan Qingyuan knew very well that his bottom line was actually to make way for Shu Yue and Bai Lie.

 After he made sure that Shu Yue's temperament would not cause her to do anything terribly wrong, his love for Shu Yue began to become unscrupulous, even worse than Bai Liebi.

This may not be self-comfort after giving up on yourself.

He knew it very well, but he let it go.

Who calls him, he is only a younger brother like Ariel, who owes him a lot, and who calls Ariel just like Shuyue...

 He naturally wanted to give Bai Lie's share to Shu Yue.

Shuyue knew this, and she guessed that her uncle wanted to be as kind to herself as possible during her father's absence, so that her father would not have too many regrets when he woke up in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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