The Villain In the Novel Reborn As His Own Daughter

Chapter 1150: Nan Qingyuan: Shushu has grown up (2)

Chapter 1150 Nan Qingyuan: Shushu has grown up (2)

With their level of ferocity, it doesn’t matter where they are, and if they take a few more glances, they will probably be able to figure it out, and Shu Yue doesn’t dare to be careless at all.

 Shu Yue plans to raise Nan Qingyuan and Bai Heng fat in the future, so the food problem must be solved first.

She and her grandfather still have a ration at the base. If Nan Qingyuan comes back, the base's treatment will probably not be restored, but at least a subsidized ration and money will be provided.

However, the rations at the Huangnian base are also limited. Shu Yue wants to feed Nan Qingyuan and Bai Hengyu openly, take good care of their bodies, and not treat others in the family badly. Naturally, she has Food is more convenient.

 Isn’t it normal to have food at home to match the rations from the base, and to be able to eat well and be well fed?

Of course, the above are put out for home consumption, but more importantly, they are for others to see.

It is normal for people in their family to have rosy complexions to let others know that their family still has some food. However, if Nan Qingyuan Bai Heng is really replenishing her body, Shuyue still prefers the output of space and the water produced by diluting space water in the greenhouse. Fresh vegetables.

˜Originally, fresh vegetables and meat are healthier and more nutritious, and having space and water supply is naturally better.

Shuyue went to the greenhouse to pick some vegetables, and smuggled a few twenty- to thirty-centimeter-long fish from space. She took two to make soup later, and kept the rest in the large pool in the greenhouse.

Lu Jingyi helped to get the fish fry in the lotus pond in their courtyard garden, so it was not surprising that she could bring the fish out.

It's a pity that the weather is too hot, otherwise Shuyue could use the excuse that Yuyu left some fresh meat when she was here with her a few days ago and take out some meat.

Shu Yue found a place for everything and had no intention of using anything in the space anymore.

Shuyue has always been like this.

After Bai Lienan Qingyuan's accident, he was even more careful. Except for a few people who replaced the vegetables and meat from outside with the vegetables and meat in the space, and occasionally gave himself and Yuyu Mo a special meal, all his actions were basically the same as Bai Lienan Qingyuan's. Abyss related.

 After today, except for stuffing small things for Nan Qingyuan and Bai Hengyu in private, she will not use the space anymore.

 If you don’t want to expose the space, it’s naturally best not to use it.

 Everything you have done is likely to have traces, which is why Shuyue had to find a provenance for everything as soon as she took out the things.


In the sweltering kitchen, the little girl sitting on the wooden stake in front of the stove had her face burned red by the fire in the stove. There was a fine sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose. A strand of hair stuck to her cheek, but she was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking. What.

This is what Nan Qingyuan saw when he was pushed over.

He was stunned for a moment, his heart was sour and soft, and he felt very distressed.

 Previously, when there were guests, when Shuyue served them with fruits and tea, Nan Qingyuan felt that his niece had grown up without them seeing it. Now the feeling was more intuitive.

But, if possible, they would rather the little girl never experienced this and remained careless.

 In the past, they were reluctant to let Shuyue enter the stove on such a hot day, let alone ask her to squat at the mouth of the stove to light the fire and cook.

He looked at the fish scales in the basin next to the bucket and the pile of fish internal organs that he had cleaned out, and he felt even more distressed.

 He gestured, and the people behind him were instructed to push the wheelchair into the house.

 (End of this chapter)

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