The Villain In the Novel Reborn As His Own Daughter

Chapter 1140: I'm afraid they all know

Chapter 1140 I’m afraid they all know

 Shu Yue doesn’t know?

 She knows.

The ginseng that Shuyue brought to Yunlan was about 140 to 50 years old. Such ginseng was actually hard to come by. No matter how many people wanted to pay for it, they couldn't buy it.

It’s not that she couldn’t bring out the older one. Even compared to the one she gave to Lu Jingyi, Shuyue still had one that was older.

 However, one is enough to irritate the eyes.

Shu Yue is young. She was born in 1960 this year and in 1953. She is only seven years old. At such an age, there are many things that she cannot handle.

Shu Yue took out these, which was enough for Lu Jingyi and Yun Lan to do their best.

Lu Jingyi would have tried his best to help Shuyue find a solution. Shuyue took out the ginseng to give Lu Jingyi a reason to use the Lu family's energy when really needed.

 Similarly, if there is that thousand-year-old ginseng hanging on Yunlan, he will do his best.

Shuyue forced herself to calm down and finished these things. All that was left was to watch these adults busy at work.

Yan Xiao and Yunlan both frowned.

They both tended to think that there was something wrong with Bai Hengyu's brain.

The head is very complicated, and they have no clue now. What is even stranger is their diagnosis. The results of their diagnosis are that Bai Hengyu is very healthy, even compared to ordinary children of his age. His physical fitness is even better.

 However, he vomited blood and was still unconscious here unable to wake up.

 This is very inconsistent.

Lu Jingyi finished contacting the people there and came back to see them sitting there quietly without talking. He looked at Shu Yue who was a little lost and said, "Go and pack some clothes for your little brother. We will go to the capital later."

Shuyue blinked and nodded.

Despite this, he did not take his eyes away from Bai Hengyu.

 She has been thinking about the causes and consequences of this matter since she just handed it over to Lu Jingyi.

 I don’t understand why Yuyu is like this all of a sudden.

She wiped her eyes randomly with the back of her hand, and then Lu Jingyi asked her to tell her carefully whether there was anything intentional.

Shu Yue shook her head, trying not to make any choking sounds, and trying to keep her tone as calm as possible.

"I don't know, Yuyu and I were taking a nap. I woke up, and so did Yuyu. Then I said a few words to him, and he vomited blood and fainted."

Shuyue actually had some vague guesses.

These are not without warning.

  Previously, the time for their trip to another time and space had been adjusted to midnight, but this time it was during lunch break.

Think about it again, over there, Bai Lienan Qingyuan suddenly asked her to take it easy.

 Bai Lienan Qingyuan prepared for her one hundred and eighty dowries according to ancient rituals, as well as a few inconspicuous dowries and several legs according to the current dowry, all of which were handed over to her.

 That day happened to be the last day.

It happened that Bai Lienan Qingyuan took Shu Yue to say goodbye to Jian Zhongyan Xiao over there.

There are so many coincidences!

 They probably all know that day is the last day!

Yuyu, her, dad, uncle and everything else, the image of the world shattering into pieces and disappearing before my eyes reappeared in my mind.

Her eyes were wet with tears. Shuyue knew that she might never see her father and uncle over there again. Tears were about to fall down her face when she thought of Bai Hengyu, whose condition was unknown.

Shu Yue's consciousness fell into space and she glanced at Bai Lienan Qingyuan, who was lying there quietly. Her eyes were sour for a moment, and her eyes fell back to Bai Hengyu.

Shuyue knew that it must be something over there that affected Yuyu!

 But, she was so powerless, she couldn't do anything.

 (End of this chapter)

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