102 Suspicious scent

***[Crown Prince Robert]***

Fake is just fake.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just as a stone cannot become a jewel no matter how pretty it is, a fake is always a fake.

Even the woman who I thought looked a lot like her at first, had a completely different face from Catherine when I looked at her a few times.

Why did I mistake it for her at first?

Robert blankly looked up at the ceiling.

Today, I decided to meet the father of the woman who was supposed to be my concubine.

Baron Haas.

That man is like a rat.

It traps people and ruins them, talking as if they are working for them.

Because of him and his daughter, the sky is literally falling down and I can’t go anywhere to complain.

I am only told that you are the worst.

Even though it was over there that set the trap.

no one understands


Robert lowered his back loosely as he sat in his chair.

He is half lying in a chair.

everything was annoying

I wish it would just turn into water droplets without doing anything or just disappear into the air like dust.

My mother keeps urging me to give up Catherine, but does the heart move so easily?

While the mother herself could not stop hating the second queen.

If there is any magic that can change minds in an instant, Robert himself wants more.

If I can change it, I want to completely abandon my longing for her.

‘Really… Why can’t I forget her like this?’

At first, I was simply drawn to beauty.

But now it seems that the soul is bound to her.

I was so thirsty for her that I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

I don’t know why.

And at the same time, I hate the peacock gnome.

‘I really have no idea why.’

I really don’t know why I hate it so much.

Ever since I was little, I just hated him.

As time goes on, that feeling intensifies.

Yesterday I had a dream where I finally strangled him.

It was a very vivid dream, in which hatred moved to the fingertips and pressed down on the guy’s neck.

Robert raised his arm and looked at his fingers.

It seems that the touch of the dream still remains.

That moment when his pulsating skin slowly calms down at your fingertips and finally cools completely.

Suddenly, he remembered the first time the child stood in front of him.

At first I thought it was a girl.

[I’ve never seen such a pretty child. Maybe the duchy is trying to pass on the family line by deceiving women as men. Because there is only one heir in that family.]

It’s because I remembered that someone said that even in my young mind.

Hearing that adults were embarrassed by a young girl, he thought it funny inside.

If it were me, I thought that I could crush him coolly on the spot.

No matter how pretty or how good the lineage is, at most, they come from a duke’s family.

I think I laughed in my heart that I was inferior to me born into a royal family.

However, he was shabby with the child in front of him.

Her mother’s eyes twinkled with admiration, which infuriated her, making her act even more foolish.

I know that myself, but I was so angry that I couldn’t help it, and I couldn’t stop it.

From then on, Robert continued to hate Duke Weiss.

It kept getting worse and worse.

“Baron Haas has arrived.”

At the servant’s words, Robert opened his mouth while staring at the ceiling.

“Ask them to come in.”

“… majesty.”

“Didn’t you hear?”


The attendant left, and after a while Baron Haas entered.

‘The girl’s father. The person who drove me into a trap. damn bastard A rat.’

Robert grinned, still looking at the ceiling.

“Welcome, Baron Haas.”

Can you keep smiling even if you ignore and behave like this, Baron? Don’t you still know that you can’t seize power just by pushing a daughter into the Crown Prince? Thanks to you, the evaluation of the crown prince has fallen terribly, and now, proper families do not want to give their daughters even for maintenance, but do you still think you got lucky?

With that thought in mind, I turned my head and looked at Baron Haas, who greeted me politely.

Robert’s behavior is excessively rude even for a royal.

But Baron Haas’s face didn’t change at all.

There is still no disappointment towards Robert in his small eyes.

was smiling


Does this man really believe that he can gain something by having a little connection with the crown prince?

So are you happy?

It’s stupid.

He felt like an idiot for being deliberately rude.

Suddenly, Baron Haas made a worried expression.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince, are you not sleeping well? Your complexion is not good.”


Maybe it’s because of you

After this man’s daughter made a fuss at an evening party, her dreams began to deteriorate little by little.

The day I met her was especially severe.

‘Come to think of it, it’s the same even after meeting this man.’

A father and daughter combined to become a nuisance that brings nightmares.

Robert stood up and opened his mouth curtly.

“What is the business that came to me today?

“I’m sorry. Actually, there are several people who want to meet Your Highness, and that’s why…”

The point is to gather supporters.

The Baron named several people.

They were all insignificant people.

Really insignificant families, as if they had to help from this side rather than sponsoring them.

A snort comes out inside.

Suddenly, the baron seemed to emanate a sweet scent.

It’s so light that I’m not even sure if I smelled the real scent.

‘But this incense.’

It seems that this man’s daughter also had a similar scent.

Could it be that father and daughter are so poor that they use the same thing?

No matter how much money you have, you should use these things properly.

You will be laughed at by other nobles.

‘You must have known that much.’

Robert was about to say something, but the next moment the scent had already disappeared and he could no longer feel it.

Seeing that it disappeared so quickly, it might simply be someone else’s scent.

Robert was about to speak but fell silent.

I feel like my head hurts a bit.

After listening to Baron Haas for a moment, Robert forced him to withdraw.

The headache got worse.

An attendant came in and announced that he was due to meet someone else in an hour, but he couldn’t hear because of the headache.

My head hurts so much.

“I need to rest for a while. Wake me up when it’s time.”

“Yes, Your Highness. But… are you okay? This has happened a lot these days.”

Was it

But it is also difficult to answer.

When I move my jaw, my head seems to vibrate.

Robert furrowed his eyebrows and shook his hand a little.

Closing his eyes, Robert fell straight into his dream.

This time, it is the dream of Duke Weiss.

I hate you.

I hate you.

I hate you.

Even in his dreams, he hated him so much that Robert gnashed his teeth.

***[Heroine Oscar]***

It seems that the royal family’s support began belatedly.

The news came that the soldiers of the Kingdom had departed in a hurry.

In order to show that the royal family cares, it seems that Prince Emile goes directly to the areas that have been severely damaged.

I was told they were leaving in two days.

The preparation period is too short for the prince’s departure.

It probably wasn’t planned that way from the beginning.

‘1The queen must have insisted on doing that.’

Robert’s position is getting narrower.

His actions at the New Year’s banquet made even the slightest expectations disappear.

On the other hand, Prince Emile came running as soon as he heard the news of the banquet hall.

The royals don’t put apologies in their mouths.

Even Prince Emile did not say sorry in front of the child’s body.

can not do.

However, his face was full of regret as he bit his lip with tears streaming down his face.

Anyone’s eyes could see it.

If that face was a calculation, he would be a really good actor.

I thought that was Prince Emile’s sincerity.

What I feel, other people feel the same way.

He was a prince who had been praised for being excellent.

The gaze that looked favorably on Prince Emile was increasing before he knew it.

As a queen, she must have felt that she was getting more and more crowded.

‘She will wish Prince Emile dead this time. With sincerity that can’t even be compared to before.’

Areas with the greatest damage are, after all, areas with many demons.

If you go, you will most likely die.

It’s perfect for setting something up.

Even knowing all of that, the king couldn’t have had a better solution than sending Prince Emile away.

It would be more important now for the royal family to show themselves taking risks and resolving them.

‘The only two princes worthy of becoming kings in this country are Robert and Emile.’

Besides that, there are a few men who are of royal blood.

However, the king had no other concubines besides his two wives.

There are only a few lovers outside the palace.

A lover’s child is treated as an illegitimate child and has no right to succeed to the throne.

It may be possible if the king recognizes him as his own child, but even so, the possibility of becoming king is infinitely low.

Even in a situation where all the deficits died, there was no hope at all if it did not happen.

Even if the king wants it, others do not acknowledge it.

When Emil died, no one else would become king, no matter how stupid Robert was.

I called the captain of the escort into the room.

“Did you call, Duke?”

“Um. I have a request.”

“… please… is it?”

The captain of the escort made a strange expression.

And somehow borderline.

Maybe it’s because it reminds me of things from when I was younger.

I laughed lightly.

Not too long after I remembered my previous life, I wondered what it would be like to convert some of the escorts into soldiers to cut costs and utilize manpower.

They said they were simply escorting the duke, but in my eyes, that number seemed too large.

I simply asked what it would be like to do that, but the escort captain and Benno desperately explained the need for an escort.

Even if the duke’s family perishes, even if everyone turns their backs on them and betrays them, even if the duke is useless trash, the guards are on the duke’s side.

So even if everything else was reduced, I heard a lot of nagging that I should never touch the number of people in the escort.

I called the escort commander closer.

“Don’t be so vigilant. It’s really just a request.”

“Because the duke always says something unexpected… If you have a serious expression on your face, your body naturally becomes tense.”

“hahahaha. It’s sad that I can’t deny it by telling you not to exaggerate.”

The captain of the escort smiled softly.

Almost everyone in the Duke’s family must have had a hard time as I dabbled in this and that, started a business, and went around.

But among them, Benno and the escort captain were probably the ones who paid the most attention.

Even if he didn’t know it, the heart of the escort captain who was busy protecting a young duke like me must have rotted twelve more times.

“I’m always thankful.”


Suddenly, the words came out.

In an instant, the escort captain’s face widened to his neck.

The appearance of making a slightly angry expression, it seems that it is quite embarrassing.

I cleared my throat lightly and opened my mouth.

“Could there be one or two people who are good at escorting? Of course, I’m not talking about the duke’s escort. But it would be nice if they belonged to the duke’s family and were good at escorting. Enough to protect them from being noticed by others.”

“When escorting, the most important thing is what kind of person the target is. It’s hard to answer without knowing that.”

I took a small breath.

“Prince Emile. I’m going to attach an escort to him.”

“That’s… difficult, duke. It’s difficult to escort the royal family with tolerable abilities. Besides, the royal family has a royal family escort.”

“So covertly.”


The captain of the escort looked at me quietly.

“For now, I’m thinking of temporarily attaching an escort during this monster subjugation. The Duke’s family is also going to borrow a form of putting out some soldiers for the monster subjugation, and send them in with them.”

“Do you think you can’t trust the royal escort?”

“Maybe. I wonder if there’s at least one person who makes a bad attempt. But losing Prince Emile would make the situation in this country too uneasy.”


The captain of the escort shut his mouth and began to think quietly.

I mean, he would have noticed right away.

1 It was a famous story that the queen thought of Prince Emile like a thorn in her eye.

“There is one person who can be such an escort.”

I knew the name the escort captain brought out.

He is one of the captains who lead the duke’s soldiers.

I knew that most of the people in the duke’s family were related by blood, but hmm, the captain of the escort and that person don’t look alike, but it’s kind of strange that they’re related by blood.

The captain of the escort is a bear, and the other is a fox.

It’s not something I’d be inclined to do during a serious conversation like this, but I really don’t like it.

The escort captain smiled wryly as if he knew that fact.

“We don’t match our personalities as much as our looks. That’s why he and I don’t even come into each other’s territory. But well, we know each other’s skills and tendencies well, and if we escort someone without anyone knowing, there’s no one better than that man. I’m sure. I’m sure you’re good at it.”

“Then, as that person. But we have to hurry. Prince Emil’s departure is in two days, so even if we join in the middle, time will be running out.”

“Okay. I’ll contact you right away.”

The captain of the escort left, and this time he wrote a letter to Benno.

The number of soldiers sent to Prince Emile should not be too large.

In order not to lose face to the royal family, we must send fewer soldiers.

It’s good enough to give the feeling that the Duke’s family is only condescending to the royal family’s beast subjugation.

If you mention it like this, Benno will take care of it and send out appropriate soldiers.

At first glance, the man the escort commander spoke of seemed like a man who would just play around.

It doesn’t look like you’re very good at it.

In fact, he is a very talented person.

‘Come to think of it, he’s just the right person.’

But do I even have to care about a place like this?

I sighed and pressed the wax with the ring seal to seal it.

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