Palace Gate Arena Spectatorium——

"This is Charmander!!"

"That's right, it's Charmander, one of the three fire-type families in the Kanto region."

"I didn't expect Charmander to appear in the wild. The probability is too low."

The audience at the Gongmen Arena all recognized this Pokémon.

Charmander is not a niche Pokémon.

But why do so many people know it?

In the final analysis, it is because the trump card Pokémon of the world's strongest king, Dandi, is Charizard.

And Charizard... is evolved from Charmander.

Coupled with its own powerful strength and appearance, the Charmander family is one of the most popular Pokémon.

"No, no, your focus seems to be wrong."

"What went wrong??"

"The flame at the tail of this little fire dragon...seems to be going out."

The words of a certain audience member seemed to attract everyone's attention.

As we all know.

When the little dragon is born, there is a red flame burning on its tail.

The flame on the tail is basically a symbol and representation of the little dragon's vitality.

If the spirit is good, the flame will burn fiercely.

If the motivation is insufficient, the flame will become weak.

When the flame on the tail goes out, it means that the life of the little dragon has come to an end.

In addition, the flame on the tail also represents the mood of the little dragon at this time.

When the little dragon is happy, this red flame will sway.

And when it is angry, the flame will burn violently.

This flame is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of life, so even if it is soaked in water, it will not be easily extinguished.

However, it is worth mentioning that when the little dragon is wet by rain, smoke will come out of the end of the tail.

If it is very healthy at this time, the flame on the tail will burn very vigorously even if the whole body is wet.

On the contrary... if it is quite weak.

This bad rainy weather will make the little dragon's situation worse.

In the picture of the video——

【The little fire dragon was holding a tiny lotus leaf, and the flame at its tail seemed to be extinguished at any time in the heavy rain.】

【Not only that, the second most powerful wild Pokémon villain, Spearow, also flew out of the bush.】

【The sharp beak kept pecking at the dying little fire dragon, making the flame even weaker, like a candle in the wind!!】


"Hurry up and save Charmander!!"

"This Lieque, if he doesn't become a villain, he will die!!"

The audience couldn't help but get anxious.

Fortunately... several figures appeared in the video


In the picture——

【On the way to the Vermilion Gym in Vermilion City, the first generation trio encountered a Charmander that was attacked in the wild.】

"Pikachu, electric shock"

【The golden electric shock poured out, instantly scorching the three little flamebirds.】

【After defeating Spearow, Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward to care for the little Charmander.】

"What do you do in the rain?"

"Your current situation is very dangerous. I will take you to the Pokémon Center first."

【Xiaozhi hurriedly cared about Charmander】

【But Charmander didn't appreciate it at all and kept shaking his head to reject Xiaozhi.】

【Xiaozhi didn't know the specific reason, but he knew that Charmander's life fire was almost exhausted. If no treatment measures were taken, he would probably lose his life.】

【Unable to persuade Charmander, Xiaozhi quickly took out the Poké Ball and wanted to take Charmander to the Pokémon Center for treatment.】

【But I never expected……】

【When the Poké Ball touched Charmander, it bounced back. 】

This action... made everyone understand what was going on!!


Gongmen Arena Champion Guest Seat——

"This little fire dragon has an owner.

Uncle Adek said quickly.

"This explains why you can encounter rare Pokémon like Charmander in the wild." said Karuna

"Where is his master? The flame of Charmander's tail is about to go out. If he is not sent for treatment, his life will be in danger."

As a trainer of Charizard, Yulongdu understands how bad Charmander's situation is now...

"Could it be that... it was abandoned?"

When Chibana finished speaking, the eyes of several champion trainers suddenly became sharp.

Abandoning Pokémon... and not caring about the life and death of Pokémon.

In their eyes, what is the difference between this behavior and being a villain?


Team Rocket Headquarters

""Haha, are all the trainers in the league this kind of people?"

Lance, a cadre of Team Rocket, laughed coldly.

Usually, new trainers who want to get Pokémon like Charmander usually get it from the Pokémon League.

But now...

Charmander has been abandoned.

The trainer abandoned it in the wild and didn't care whether it lived or died.

From this point of view... how are the trainers in the league any better than Team Rocket?


Palace Gate Arena.

Image continues——

【Xiaozhi was a little distressed that he couldn't leave with Charmander.】

【At this time, Charmander saw the figure behind Xiaozhi and immediately became alert.】

【He quickly walked down the boulder, stumbled to his master, and hugged the trainer's thigh.】

"So there is a trainer."

Xiao Gang said

【It seems that they can rest assured.】

【But before the first trio could breathe a sigh of relief, the trainer kicked Charmander away, leaving the first trio stunned.】

【Xiaozhi quickly ran over and picked up Charmander, then said angrily:】

"Are you a Charmander trainer?"

【The visitor showed a look of contempt】

"Why are you so excited? Yes, maybe I was."


"This guy is too weak. You can have as many Charmanders of this level as you want."

"My future is to become the strongest trainer, so I can't be held back by a little dragon like this."

"I wanted to throw it away a long time ago"

"But it was too clingy, so I told it to wait here until I could take care of something."

"But I didn't expect... it would actually stay here like this, what an idiot."

The original owner of the little fire dragon laughed coldly.

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