The rules here are basically that the maid of the palace does not know words, unless the master Kaien let you learn or the concubine who was taken from the maiden's family, or after climbing on the emperor's dragon bed and becoming a concubine, But I don’t know any words, and it’s too ugly to learn. ((((Catino Novel Network Otherwise, the girls who came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not know words.

Baizhu is also good, or the newly sent girls are all illiterate.

And even if you know the characters, you can't use such a clever method to directly catch fire immediately, and the smoke disappears.

This is not a general technology, is it also from South Xinjiang?

Is Du Yu's party even here? And what is the content inside, does the emperor use fetal blood?

If this matter is passed on, is it not to shake Jiangshan Sheji! She shuddered and leaned on the side nervously, her tears came down, so it turned out so!

If the emperor used fetal blood, it would be mine? If you don’t want to charge your jade, you can use mine, but my fetus is already like this. Can you use fetal blood?

Lin Fei is now in vain, the only hope is the emperor, but the emperor turned out to be such a person! How to do?

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Fei looked at Bai Zhu: "Tell me, who is coming to my palace today, make it clear to me!"

"Yes, because you have already sealed the concubine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a lot of things, such as porcelain, furniture, furnishings, and a bed. When you are away, all of them are sending things, many Everyone has been here, but they are all from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, most of them are eunuchs, honestly, there is no deviant place at all.

But Lin Fei knew that the person who sent the note was inside. I didn't know the meaning and where they sent the note, but it was definitely not good! Must have its own purpose. Could it be that I called Li Wanrou?

Li Wanrou is extremely clever and can certainly help solve this matter, but Li Wanrou said that he will not come back recently, and I can only forget it. She sighed, grabbed the cup tightly, forget it, it should change forever, no matter what happened, I would have finished without knowing it, anyway, it has disappeared. Lin Fei went to bed tremblingly and fell asleep.

What she didn’t know was that Yufei also received the same note here. At that time, the emperor had just eaten with Yufei and sent him out. Yufei was in a good mood and wanted to change her clothes and take a bath. Who You know, there was an extra note on the table. The content on the table almost made Yu Fei fainted!

What is this, the emperor wants our fetal blood!

"Niangniang!" Several people supported the crumbling Yufei together.

Yu Fei said in shock: "It's not really vicious, it's not true."

"Ma'am! What's the matter! What happened?"

"Who has been to my house?"

"Ah, there is no one." The girl's statement is similar to that of Lin Fei. Among her minions, only two girls knew the self-word, which was brought from her own house. She was close to the girl. The remaining people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not know how to read. Seeing the paper that suddenly became dust, all of them What is going on in a daze?

Yu Fei thought about it and said, "Let my parents enter the palace immediately! Hurry up!"

"Yes, the slave-maid will go."

"Well, if you can, let Li Wanrou come over."

"This is afraid of..."

Yu Fei hurriedly said: "What are you afraid of? In short, I want to see them. There is something important to say, can't you help me?"

"No, this is it." The girls quit. In my heart, how could the Jade Princess be suspicious?

This is the pregnant woman, because the heart is very heavy, so no matter what happens, do you think someone is hurting?

They left without thinking too much, but Yufei couldn't survive completely.

She felt that gold was going to be scared to death. Like a pancake on the bed, she couldn't sleep completely, and she was in a bad mood.

Li Wanrou has already started to pack things here. Most of the luggage going to Nanjiang was packed by the prince. He wanted to disguise himself as a doctor next to him, so he could not wear women's clothing. If he wanted to wear men's clothing, Furong made it for himself. Several men's clothes.

Also brought a lot of detoxification pills, and two sets of silver needles. These are all things that can save lives. There are some silver belts, mainly to guard against the accident if the prince is in trouble.

Tingting and Furong helped to clean up together, neither of them spoke, their expressions were sullen. Li Wanrou laughed: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, miss, it's just that you are going to follow the prince to Nanjiang, who is the right one to follow?"

"I am pretending to be a scary person, how can I take you to serve me? Never mind."

Furong was crying: "Miss, what are you saying?"

"You are here to wait for me, I will be back within a month." Li Wanrou laughed.

"No! I don't want it!" Furong cried, "Miss, let me go, I will take good care of you, I don't want to leave you, don't you don't believe me, I have to go through so many things this time to Nanjiang, No one is waiting for you, how difficult. Miss!"

Tingting was calm on one side, Li Wanrou looked at her and said, "You have no opinion?"

"I must follow the young lady, because I will work hard, with my help, the young lady can concentrate on what you want, and you can do what you want." Tingting said seriously.

Furong was anxious as soon as he heard it. If you would do anything, what should I do?

"Miss, I will cook. I will cook and wash clothes, and I will serve you. Take me with you!"

Li Wanrou said with a smile: "Okay, don't say it, I'll take you there, but I have to run around obediently. Cobb in South Xinjiang is a normal place, but it's a terrible place, a lot of poison, One accidentally your own life is gone."

"Well. I understand." The two nodded together.

Li Wanrou said: "You are given two days to pack your things. Unfortunately, there is only one burden. It must not take up too much space. After all, we are following the prince."

The two didn't think it was an important thing, they won together.

The three men were ready to wear men's clothing, and then blackened their faces, trying not to talk. No flaws can be revealed.

Li Wanrou asked the two of them to pack up their things, and then they went to rest. They turned around quickly in their heads, thinking about the things they might encounter. This matter is still very troublesome. It is necessary to think about it carefully.

At dinner, Mrs. Qing asked for someone to say that she wanted Li Wanrou to rush over, something was wrong.

Li Wanrou looked at the wife and said, "What's wrong? Didn't you just meet yesterday?"

"Yes, our wife met you. But there is still a problem. It is necessary to talk to you." The man said in a low voice: "Something went wrong."

"Whose question?"

" will know when you go." The man left after he had finished speaking.

Li Wanrou looked at the wife's back and wondered what was going on? Forget it, let's go check it out first. Li Wanrou instructed the girl to prepare some tea, and delivered it to Mrs. Qing. She likes the best white tea, so this time it happened that the prince came over and sent it quickly.

Li Wanrou asked the person to wrap up the tea leaves and passed by himself.

The distance between the two families is very short. So Li Wanrou passed quickly. Mrs. Qing saw the three-color orchids in the surrounding garden blooming very beautifully, and the fragrance was very obvious. Li Wanrou saw these flowers suddenly move. At first, she did not have a good relationship with Nangong Rongji. He didn’t like himself very much, but Once, when she was pregnant, Nangong Rongji took an orchid and hit him on the head, saying that her temperament was very similar to the orchid.

Li Wanrou said, maybe I am such a person? As long as you praise me, you can make me a cow and a horse. I have no sense of happiness in my previous life. What about this life? Can I live my own life.

Li Wanrou crouched down and picked a small orchid, which was worn in the hair room. Very happy feeling.

At this time, someone said, "I never thought you would like such a flower? Such a tacky!"

This turned out to be the voice of Nangong Rongji! Li Wanrou thought he had heard it wrong, but he looked up, but it was Nongong Rongji. He wore a black robe and came with his hands dashingly, looking at Li Wanrou, a little funny.

"That's a majestic princess. Do you like such flowers?"

"Don't you like it?" Li Wanrou asked.

"Yes, I don't like it, how?"

Li Wanrou nodded, the only thing that felt warm in the previous life was because he did it at will. Pity. My previous life was really wrong.

Thinking of this, she really didn't feel anything: "I have nothing to say to you, if the three princes have nothing else, I will go to see Mrs. Qing first."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Qing has nothing to do with you. I let her call you over."

It turned out that the third prince was afraid he would not come. So Mrs. Qing asked Li Wanrou to come over. No wonder the mother-in-law was so nervous, her expression was wrong.

Li Wanrou looked at the three princes coldly: "I don't know what the three princes are looking for me?"

"Why are you nervous. I won't hurt you." The three princes walked a few steps in the direction of Li Wanrou, but Li Wanrou raised his hand and hid.

"Don't hurry me."

"Why do you treat the main hall like this! It seems that the first time you see the main hall you are going to die. Am I guilty of you somewhere?"

Li Wanrou said with heart, you gave me nothing in this life, but in the previous life, you did too much wrong.

"I had nothing to do with the three princes. Men and women don't accept each other. Wouldn't it be funny to ask such questions?"

"Li Wanrou, you are arrogant!" The three princes sneered.

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