These people are indeed very arrogant, but it is not how big they are, nor because of how big Du Fei is, so that they can bully people in the palace unscrupulously, but because they are behind southern Xinjiang, and southern Xinjiang people They can do this by controlling some of the emperor's handles. (((Kartino Novel Network

But it won't work now! Toffee Du is dead, no matter whether it was killed by the prince or not, the master behind them is gone. Who can care about their life and death? If you dare to be arrogant now, it is clear that they want their lives!

Therefore, all of them kneeled down cleverly and kowtowed: "Yes, we were wrong. We did take care of Toffee Du all night, and no one left. The toffee was old, so she died of palpitations."

The **** kicked the first person on the ground with a kick: "What palpitations die! Are you a doctor? How can a doctor know the cause of death of the concubine?" The man said nothing, and died like this. Now! It's not light at first glance!

It is estimated that several ribs have been folded. The **** glanced for a week: "If you dare to have any thoughts, just give it a try and see if I will die you all!"

"Yes, we were wrong." The others were terrified. With a kowtow begging for mercy, this person is too cruel!

But this **** really makes sense. They only serve people. How do they know how to die? It can only prove that they all came from Nanjiang and knew the cause of death! If it spreads, if the emperor thinks about it for a long time, it will be a trouble. It's still important that they close their mouths first!

These people saw this eunuch's vicious start, and his eyes were sharp, and no one dared to bother.

The **** sneered: "I know that most of you are from Nanjiang, but now here is the harem of Dayin Kingdom, you are just some servants, and you are not as proud! You will know why the osmanthus died yesterday. ?"

These people bowed their heads, sweating and sweating. It was the crown prince who said the osmanthus ran into her and directly killed him with twenty boards. At first I thought it was such a princess's favorite pet, who knew that she wanted to use this as a bait to deceive Mrs. Du to her side, really a very treacherous woman!

Toffee Du is the best piece placed by Dayang in South Xinjiang, and now she is killed by this woman!

And who is Toffee Du? It may be considered that the poison has been studied for 20 years, but he has not found himself poisoned at all! What's this called? The crown prince and the crown prince cooperated seamlessly, and one person took Princess Du out of the house to poison, and turned the tiger away from the mountain! The other **** cleaned up all the girls in there, so that the news that no one could get the help from Mrs. Du!

The **** said: "You people should have died, but the prince had a good life and won't let you die together, but the death penalty is exempt, the living crime is inevitable, you have to be sent to Pingshan Temple outside The concubine has been keeping spirits for three years. Let’s start now, don’t waste time.”

These are ten thousand people who don't want to go! What is Pingshan Temple? That's where the errant family and some other criminals went. The conditions inside were tough. Every day I ate green vegetables and radishes. The temple was in the deep mountain. I couldn't walk in front of the village or the store. I wanted to go out. There is no other way to go. There is only one official way. It is simply unworthy of being cut off by others. The other roads are all cliffs and even fairies can't get out. This is to make them all locked up!

But anyway, he could have a life, much stronger than that of osmanthus, everyone sighed, packed up, and followed the eunuch.

The palace of a concubine was huge, and no one was there in an instant!

The emperor rested in the front hall last night. His recent mental state is very bad, and he is always very tired. Thinking about how long it took to take the medicine, why not? Fear of being found by these concubines, something is not right, so he will not go to the harem at all. He is not nervous anymore, how to be good!

If I die like this, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain? He is an ordinary person with a slap in the face. Who wouldn’t want to live in prosperity forever and live for a long time? He is unwilling to give his throne and wealth to others! Those medicines are needed. When he got up, he thought of going to find Mrs. Du. He needs these drugs.

Who knows that he hasn't dressed yet, and someone rushed in: "The emperor is not good!"

"What's the matter?" The emperor looked at him coldly, and he was already in a bad mood. Such bad news was uploaded early in the morning, which made people even more depressed: "What the **** are you doing?"

I saw that the **** was shaking like sifting chaff, and he could not speak for a while. He knew that something was wrong! Because the eunuch's main duty is to secretly monitor Toffee Du, it's because Mrs. Du is in trouble. What's the matter!

Sure enough, the **** hurriedly said, "It's Mrs. Du!"

when! The emperor threw a cup of tea directly on the ground and shattered it: "What's going on! The concubine was okay yesterday, and I saw her walking in the palace with her, why not now!" "

"Yes, the minions didn't know, and the minions in the service also said that they were good last night, but when they wake up, they... find that their master is motionless!"

"It just doesn't make sense!" The emperor still wanted to find a way to get himself up! Why are people dead now? He doesn't care about this woman, but he cares about his life! So we must find out!

"Check, find someone to check! Why would you die for no reason!"

"But the emperor, the prince has ordered the minions in the palace to go to Pingshan Temple to guard the tombs and concubines. Now there is no way to check, it has been out for an hour..."

"Indiscriminate!" The emperor was furious. Such a thing is so important that he went without telling me? Don't you take me too seriously? The emperor thought that his body was not good, could it be that the prince wanted to replace it?

He sullenly said, "Let the prince come! Come here now!"

"Yes." The man picked up a life and ran out with a crawl. The prince was ready to see him, and he waited outside. When he saw the minion coming, he walked over. When the **** saw the prince, he was startled and hurriedly saluted.

"His Royal Highness!"

The prince said: "Well, get up, did the father emperor let you come to me?"

"Yes, because of the affairs of Toffee Du, the emperor did not know some things, so let us invite you to come. I want to ask me what is going on, or please go in and talk to the emperor."

The prince said, afraid not to ask me what happened, but to trouble me,

But since I have done it, I can’t regret it. The emperor is his father and even a monarch. What he wants is to live for a hundred years and never allow anyone to destroy his authority! He is still very dangerous this time. He thought about it and walked in.

The emperor was drinking tea at the table. The servants around him knelt on the ground, and they looked terrified. Just now he was so angry that he watched his son come in quite angrily, and he didn’t say anything, coldly. Watch him.

The prince went in and saluted: "Children see the father emperor."

"Well, you still have my father in your heart?" The emperor said with a sullen face: "Now you are older and have your own ideas. I think a lot, far away, and I am more capable than me. I believe It won’t take long for you to govern the country very well, without me.”

The prince listened, and quickly knelt down, but this is a problem! He knelt down in a panic: "The son doesn't dare, the son doesn't mean that. The son's whole heart is for the sake of the emperor, he didn't...

"Shut up! I ask you, is Mrs. Du really dead? Or was you killed? You told me the truth and let me listen!"

The prince thought for a while and thought, "Tou Fei's current situation seems to have been a natural death. In fact, she was poisoned by a child, so she died of heart palpitations. But her son did it for a reason."

The emperor was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his son to tell the truth, but he was still angry: "Nangong Chengde! Don't you know that it's wrong to kill? Mrs. Du is useful to me now, why do you want to be like this!" "

The prince knelt in front of him: "It is very important to ask the emperor to retreat to others, the son has something to want to return to the father emperor alone."

The emperor waved his hands, and all those people went down, and the atmosphere did not dare to go out, nervously dying, and several times thought he was dead. The emperor said, "Okay, you can say it now."

The crown prince said: "The son-in-law doesn't know what to do to help the father emperor, but the son-in-law knows that this woman has a close relationship with Nanjiang, and keeping her in the palace is very dangerous to us. Things, South Xinjiang tiger staring at us is not a year or two, and the emperor really does not care?"

The emperor sullenly said, "Well, I know, but I have my own opinion, you can't interfere with my things..."

"Father Emperor!" The prince said: "The son knows what the father emperor is worried about, so the son asks the emperor to give orders and let the son go to southern Xinjiang!"

The emperor stood up and said in shock; "What are you talking about! What are you doing in Nanjiang?"

"Father Emperor!" Nangong Chengde lowered his head and kowtowed: "My son hopes that the emperor will live for a hundred years! Are you drugged by the people of Nanjiang! Can you only take the antidote through Princess Du?"

The emperor's brain buzzed and thought that such secret things would be discovered by his son! How much did he know, did he even know the inside of the drug?

"What do you know?" the emperor asked abruptly. There was a murderous intention in my heart!

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