Chapter 1386

Lu Jing is right.

 Zhou Xu is really going to die.

 The reason why I say this is because when Li Beichen was talking to Zhou Xu, his computer suddenly received a push from the computer.

 What was pushed was Su Nian’s video.

 He clicked on the video and saw Su Nian standing there and saying: I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't go against Huo Linyuan.

 I am the stupidest person in the world. I should not have done such a thing. I was wrong. I was really wrong.

Li Beichen immediately planned to get up and go over.

But Li Beichen stopped after taking a few steps.

At this moment, Li Beichen's eyes were as sinister as they were. It was no exaggeration to say that if Huo Linyuan appeared in front of him now, he would definitely kill Huo Linyuan directly.

It will definitely make Huo Linyuan's life worse than death.

 But even so, another possibility appeared in Li Beichen's mind...

 This is the meaning of reason.

Li Beichen really didn't know why, why these things appeared in his mind. If these things didn't appear in his mind, then he would definitely go directly to Su Nian.

 But something in his mind told him that the smartest thing to do now was what to do.

  is what to do.

Li Beichen's hands successfully clenched into fists.


 And Su Nian on the other side.    She stands in the center of the CBD.

  He said what Huo Linyuan specified, but he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

 You may even feel childish.

 Super childish.

At this moment, Su Nian's cell phone rang again.

Su Nian took out his cell phone and pressed the answer button.

Then he heard Huo Linyuan's voice: "Su Nian, do you regret it now? Regret why you went against me, regret why you chose to stand against me in the first place."

Su Nian sneered: "What do I regret? You are a person who can threaten me with a child. I can see that you are a good protector. You are such a problematic guy. It is also the right thing for me to go against you. I even feel that if God has eyes, he will definitely not let me suffer, and will definitely let me come back with revenge."

"Su Nian, have you forgotten what your situation is now? Are you really not afraid of what you are saying now?"

"I'm scared, of course I'm scared, but the fact that you can call me proves that you are not a man. If you are a man, then you will send my son to me."

Huo Linyuan over there sneered: "Do you think it's possible?"

 But who was Su Nian? It was easy to tell that Huo Linyuan's wry smile was forced out.

 You know they are on the phone right now.

Even if he is making a phone call, Huo Linyuan cannot continue to act. It can be seen that Huo Linyuan's current mental quality is really very poor. How could he let go of such an opportunity in such a situation.

"Then what's the use of making this call? What's the use? I beg you, it's of no use. You just want to see me make a fool of myself. You want to see me make a fool of myself. In that case, stop talking nonsense. You If you want to see how I make a fool of myself, just say it directly, and I will satisfy you well. I will definitely satisfy you well, but I hope that you, a man, can be a little more reliable. If I satisfy your requirements, then you will also You have to meet my request, after all, the child is innocent."

 (End of this chapter)

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