The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 95 Summary of intelligence from other worlds

"Is this the target world?"

In a corner of the ruins of a certain city, a small space crack was violently torn open, and a short figure with black robe and red hair slowly walked out, scanning the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

"Hey, the air in this world seems to contain some unknown infection force, which can corrode mental power. It is somewhat similar to the long-term pollution radiation effect of high wizards. I don't know if this area is special or the world environment is like this. If it is The latter is not recommended for apprentices to enter this world!”

Miguel sniffed his nose gently, and his escaping mental power fluctuated. He couldn't help but frown, and took out a projection stone, recording the surroundings, and also attached his guesses and suggestions.

Shocked by this pollution power, Miguel was extremely vigilant and skillfully performed the third-level witchcraft - invisibility, hiding his figure, breath and even mental fluctuations. After confirming that there was really no one around, he leave.

Walking on the deserted ruined streets, Miguel carefully observed the surrounding environment with a scrutinizing gaze, thinking deeply about the abandoned metal buildings along the way.

"Are these creatures native to this world?"

After walking around for a long time, Miguel naturally noticed the strange creatures living in the city, a race with semi-metal bodies but flesh and blood, and very weird shapes.

"From the observation of a series of behaviors of these natives, especially the existence of similar words, they should have high intelligence and not weak strength, but they are quite easy to fight!"

After carefully observing the life of these indigenous people for a period of time, Miguel sat on the top of a tall building at night, looking into the distance, and also recorded it. As a world hunter, no detail can be missed.

"After my preliminary judgment, this world is likely to be a technology-oriented world, and its potential needs to be further explored!"

Miguel has actually encountered this kind of world several times, so it is not unfamiliar. However, those technological worlds do not seem to be as advanced as here. Most of them are treated as breeding farms, and their value can only be considered average.

"This city is still in ruins for unknown reasons, but from some traces, it is found that subhuman creatures should exist or have existed in this world, but they disappeared for unknown reasons. Everything is being explored!"

Suddenly, Miguel narrowed his eyes, and his piercing gaze penetrated the cover of darkness. He really couldn't find anything through the iron shoes. It took no effort, and he actually discovered several remaining sub-human races. .

Miguel followed cautiously and quietly observed the behavior of these humans. It seemed that these sub-races were scavengers who lived in the cracks and were at the bottom.

"No traces of extraordinary power have been found on these subhuman species, which is in line with the positioning of the demon-free technological world, but all this is not enough to draw a serious conclusion!"

Secretly escorting these sub-races, Miguel finally followed these cheerful-looking sub-races to an extremely hidden place, which seemed to be their hiding place, a large underground space where many people lived. Less other sub-races.

For the next period of time, Miguel stayed here to observe these indigenous humans, digging out specific information about this alien world to make sure there was no danger of exposure. He also used some mild dream witchcraft to further obtain information. intelligence.

"It is now certain that this world is a very developed technological world. There once existed a highly cohesive human federation with a large number of high-tech weapons. It once ruled the entire world, called itself Tianyuan Humanity, and named the world after it - Tianyuan Star!”

"But about a few months ago, this human civilization encountered an unknown infection crisis. The mechanical infection rioted. The civilized order instantly collapsed. The machines began to turn against the guest, and the human power was struggling to survive!"

"Although it is only after a short period of inspection, I can basically confirm that this other world has great development value!"

"First, highly developed technology! According to the memories of these indigenous people, there are all kinds of technologies. Some technologies even give me a feeling that they are vaguely involved in the realm of the soul. It is absolutely precious knowledge!"

"Second, this world has its own specialties - machinery and weapons! The first is machinery. This kind of machinery can be produced continuously on the automatic assembly line as long as there is a sufficient supply of materials, and it is not weak in strength. It is definitely a cheap machine. Cannon fodder has an excellent consumer market; and then there are weapons, whether they are low-level weapons or weapons of destruction that are no less powerful than Morning Star witchcraft, there is definitely a huge market for witchcraft!"

"Other exploitable values ​​are yet to be determined. It is not clear whether this world has minerals and special resources suitable for the wizard system. I will continue to investigate!"

"I hereby recommend that the invasion should be carried out as early as possible. UU Kanshu For a world where the civilized order has collapsed, it will definitely be much easier to capture. And these natives, whether they are machines or humans, once a unified force appears again , it will all be very troublesome!”

"However, this world still has risks that require vigilance. According to the vague dream memories of these indigenous people, the infection crisis that broke out here does not seem to be that simple. The weirdness remaining in the air may have some secrets. I will do my best to investigate this. !”

Miguel quickly sorted out the results of the inspection during this period and recorded them one by one with a projection stone. This was necessary work.

Suddenly, an unprecedented commotion broke out in this gathering place of survivors. Brutal roars came from outside. With a bang, the entrance to the underground camp was smashed by a large engineering machinery infected body, and a large number of infected bodies rushed in.

Most of the survivors were crying and being brutally eaten, and only a handful of people escaped through another alternate passage. In this regard, Wizard Miguel just watched all this with indifference, and even observed these with interest. Strange behavior of machinery.

As a world hunter, he has a deep understanding of the truth, that is, to be cautious and cautious, and when the information is not yet clear, he must not take any useless actions that increase the possibility of exposure.

In their line of work, if one step is missing, they will fall into the abyss and be doomed. This has nothing to do with strength. Those who are not cautious enough will die long ago.

Moreover, he is an invader. In his eyes, these alien natives are not worth mentioning at all. They are even enemies that need to be eliminated. Who cares about their life and death? He is here to colonize, not to save the world. You see. Which colonist ever cared about the life and death of the natives!

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