The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 91 Battle to Death Locking System

In the fight between the two behemoths, the steel giant's body was disintegrated inch by inch. Even if it absorbed part of the metal and recovered, as the two gold-devouring giants fought for it, the metal in the surrounding dozens of miles had already been used less and less.

"What? Human beings, fight back quickly! Where did your bold words go? They are indeed just low-level creatures, vulnerable to a single blow!"

Facing a swipe, his right leg disappeared directly. The Iron Giant's body staggered, and with a bang, he knelt on one knee. Tiexiong quickly controlled the mecha to support the ground with one hand, trying to get up.

But at this moment, the Storm Dragon King stepped on its back and pushed it heavily to the ground. Then he stretched out a big hand and held down its head with a grin.

Faced with the other party's ridicule and humiliation, Tetsuo tried to struggle to stand up again several times, but his body trembled crazily for several times, and after all, he did not have the strength to get up again.

"Jie Jie Jie, inferior creatures, let me tell you a truth!"

"In this world, whoever shouts the loudest slogan will never win, and it is never possible to change facts just because of the will and thought of an ant!"

"The world is always real and cruel, and this is why power is the eternal truth! Man can conquer nature? Is that just an illusion that you humans want to escape from!"

"So...lower ones should look like lower creatures. If higher beings want you to die, you must stick out your neck obediently, because this is the fate of the weak. Why are there always some people fantasizing about stupid resistance? ?”

"The Great Lord once said that weakness itself is a sin, the biggest sin in the world, and the unforgivable sin!"

The Storm Dragon King's eyes were filled with joy, and he laughed crazily. He punched the opponent with punch after punch, constantly devouring the metal giant under him.

"Oh, what do you mindless machines know? What are higher beings and what are lower beings? It's ridiculous to open your mouth and shut up. Don't forget, the creators of you machines are us humans!"

Listening to a machine's tirade at him, Tiexiong showed a disdainful smile, spit out blood, and spoke sarcastically without fear.

"Shut up, shut up! Our machines are advanced creatures and the most beloved children of our great lord. Ah, ah, what qualifications do you humans have to compare with us!"

After hearing the last sentence, the eyes of the Storm Dragon King, who was enjoying the pleasure, changed. He felt that he had been insulted like never before, and his murderous intention suddenly increased. He tore the opponent's mouth to pieces in anger, and then condensed a handful of nanometers in his hand. The long sword stabbed directly at the main mecha hidden in the belly of the metal giant.

Tiexiong had no choice but to brace himself, dragged his weak body, controlled the magnetic field power to explode, and blocked the sword from thrusting down.

At this moment, his spirit was weak and haggard, and the latent infection broke out instantly. A strange evil eye appeared between Tiexiong's eyebrows, which stabilized his overwhelmed body for a while, and his body gradually returned to health. The feeling is really fascinating.

Tiexiong's eyes became increasingly red and bloodshot, and it seemed as if someone was whispering crazily in his ears. As long as he served the great Lord, he could get everything he wanted.

"Old man, just devour me! Activate the battle death locking system!"

Shaking his head violently and temporarily freeing himself from this horrific depravity, Tie Xiong hurriedly yelled. This is a drastic measure currently developed by humans to deal with infection.

After all, there are no restrictions at all. Once their high-end combat power is infected by the unknown, it will definitely be a disaster for humans in today's situation.

"As you command, my master!"

The highest authority command built into the body system took effect. The intelligence of this steel mecha replied with a sad tone, but it still carried out the command without hesitation. Several saw blade chains hung down, locking the owner.

"Stop, stop, Steel, I order you as the master, stop!"

The next moment, Tiexiong's eyes were once again swallowed up by violent blood, and more and more eyes and tentacles came out of his face. His consciousness began to become confused and corrupted, and then he struggled crazily and yelled.

Steel hesitated for another command from his master, but the permission settings of the battle-to-death lock system were higher than anything else. Once the system started, all permissions would be locked, including the mecha itself and the driver.

There will be a remote central system that wakes up, forcibly takes over the body, cleans out the infected drivers, and then relentlessly carries out the combat objectives. The only way out is to be scrapped on the battlefield.

The combat death system ignored the driver's curses and screams, and without hesitation stretched out a dozen pipes and stabbed into Tetsuo's body, decomposing high-concentration acid and dissolving him like garbage.

At the same time, these pipes also tore up Tiexiong's last consciousness, extracted it, and fused it with the mecha to ensure that the mecha would not lose its combat power due to the loss of its mecha master.

Fused with the soul of the master, Steel's brain data was instantly disordered, and he also went crazy and was severely infected. This made the movements of the Storm Dragon King's hands pause. The same kind of aura?

The metal giant roared like an explosion, and took this opportunity to push away the nano-giant that was pressing on him. UU Reading gasped and stood up. Part of the metal on the body surface turned to flesh and blood, and the body was damaged. He squirmed and recovered.

Although the body has been infected, it is not a problem for the remote control system. After all, it has left behind a bunch of false data models with a large number of detour routes. The data maze will drag down the electronic infection tracked. It cannot be contagious in a short period of time.

"What's going on with you?"

Looking at the evil metal giant who looked crazy and even his body movements were disordered, the Storm Dragon King shook his head angrily, not sure whether he should kill this guy or not?

Just as he was about to report it to Skynet for evaluation, the dancing metal giant rushed out and hugged him. The nuclear fusion reactor on his chest directly started the self-destruction process, and the dazzling red lotus flames flashed.

Sensing the danger, the Storm Dragon King instantly became filled with murderous intent. He pierced the metal giant's head with a sword and wanted to kick the opponent away. No matter if it was a friendly force or not, anyone who dared to attack him was an enemy and would die!

With a bang, the mushroom cloud exploded, like a small solar storm erupting. The terrifying high temperature destroyed everything in the core area, leaving behind a bottomless scorched black rift valley. Even a section of the fortress wall was slightly affected. Direct coking.

Soon, more than a dozen mechas rushed into the charred abyss despite the high temperature. In the end, only a few broken mechas were left, holding a half-melted metal nanocore and flying out, flying all the way to the rear of the war zone.

Seeing this scene, Skynet breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the nano-core is not broken, the tool man will die as well. Hey, that guy Baofeng seems to have some life reaction?

Oops, it turns out it was my eyesight that was dazzled. He must be dead. There is no need to waste troops looking for it. The most important thing is to win this level as soon as possible!

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