The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 85 Strange knowledge plus 1

The Golden Fortress, a super military fortress standing in the third area, successfully survived the first wave of mechanical infection mutations. Relying on the terrifying background of the Golden Family's focus on heavy industrial weapons production, the rearranged absolute fire blockade allowed this The fortress remains standing.

At this moment, an urgent high-level meeting was being held. Sophia was wearing a white military uniform, curling her blond hair with her fingers, crossing her legs, and frowning as she listened to the reports of her subordinates.

"Lord Sophia, according to the intelligence exploration of several teams under me who risked their lives, the riots of infected bodies are not only in the surrounding cities, but spread all the way from the third district and even the fourth district. According to analysis and calculation, the number of them gathered It’s extremely terrifying, at least billions!”

In the conference room, Tie Yang, who is now the leader of the newly established development team, stood up, with thick dark circles under his eyes, opened a picture and video with a serious face, and clicked the infected body with special emphasis. Those mechas that stand out from the crowd in the frenzy.

"Also, everyone, please look here, here and here. These weird mechas appear in almost every rioting city. It is they who are driving the infected to migrate. This is definitely not a coincidence!"

"And all their actions and goals appear to be so organized and disciplined. I have reason to suspect that this riot was premeditated. The biggest suspect behind the scenes is the infected person-Skynet!"

"Especially this one!"

Tie Yang clicked again, and a blurry video was shown in the conference room. The sky was gloomy, and the shadow of a huge spaceship moved slowly in the clouds, surrounded by dense mecha guards, covering the sky. The sun was blocked, and the next moment, a laser cannon swept across, and the video ended.

"Huh? This should be the large city ship - Ark. It is the latest model developed and produced by Galaxy Heavy Industry. It is extremely rare. Currently, it is only owned by Galaxy Heavy Industry and Ramon Group. Which ruins did the Skynet infection come from? ?"

Seeing the giant ship in the video, Sophia raised her eyebrows slightly. After all, the weaklings of Galaxy Heavy Industry had already fled to outer orbit on the Tianxing, and had briefly communicated with their Golden Fortress before.

"Ms. Sophia is right, but according to my analysis, this ship should not be pulled out by Skynet from other ruins. I am afraid it is the ship that Galaxy Heavy Industry gave to the Ramon Group. I have compared the data in detail, and there are some differences in all aspects. conform to!"

"The most important thing is, apart from the Ramon Group's mecha production capacity, it's hard for me to believe where these standard mechas, which already number in the hundreds of thousands, have been gathered. You have to know that the number of mechas the Federation has maintained in the past ten years has also been That’s all!”

Tie Yang nodded first, and then added.

"You mean... the Mecha City of the Ramon Group in the Fourth District has been captured, and even the Mecha production lines have fallen into the hands of Skynet!"

The old man in police uniform who had been sitting under the conference table without speaking suddenly raised his head, stared at the nephew sharply, and asked with a serious expression.

"Master Tetsuo, although I don't want to admit it, there are various signs that this probability is as high as 80 to 90 percent. We must consider this worst-case scenario!"

Hearing that all the senior executives in the conference room were silent, Sophia also rarely straightened her posture and kept tapping her fingers. It would be fine if there were just a huge number of infected bodies. They don't have many powerful weapons and they can't stand against an iron wall. The threat of the Golden Fortress is not very great, except that it consumes more ammunition resources.

In addition, Skynet, a terrifying infectious agent that has stolen a large amount of human heritage, is already a headache. If the Ramon Group, which is also a war factory, is also annexed by Skynet, it will be even more powerful. This war will probably be a In a bloody battle, if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

"Can you request support from Sea City and Star Garden?"

Another senior executive asked worriedly.

"It's difficult. The sea city is too far away from us. They can't protect themselves and can't send support at all. As for the old fox in Tianxing Garden, don't even think about it!"

Sofia rubbed her hair impatiently and shook her head. She still didn't know the old guy's bad behavior. He was not the one who caused the last incident, otherwise the giants wouldn't be the only ones left.

"Based on the recent reports from foreign survivors, an infected riot also occurred in City No. 3, which is more than ten kilometers away from us. All directions gathered, and the infected army is not far from the first level of checkpoint on our south wall!"

Tie Yang then called up a route prediction map and reminded.

"Ms. Sophia, let me, the old man, guard the place. It's time for my old bones to use their remaining energy. Don't worry, unless they step over my corpse, old man, they won't even think about crossing the pass!"

Tie Xiong straightened his military uniform, stood up, patted his chest, coughed, and had a murderous intent on his wrinkled face.

"Then please ask Mr. Tie!"

Sofia sighed. She didn't know Tetsuo's physical condition, but she still nodded. The importance of an A-level ace mecha master to this survival war is self-evident, even if he dies, he must be there.


"My Lord, UU Reading The forward army has been assembled, the space weapons system has arrived at the designated location, and the Skynet Legion is also ready to launch a general attack at any time to bring destruction to those humble ants for my Lord!"

At a glance, one could see the boundless wave of infected bodies, and the Ark was floating quietly behind the army. Skynet was now attached to a blank machine body, kneeling on the ground respectfully.

"Well, you did a good job, remember not to kill them all, and leave some humans to raise, especially that kind of girl, I am still useful!"

"Yes, your will!"

Tianwang didn't dare to have any doubts and quickly expressed his understanding.

Heath leaned lazily on his seat, and a bunch of tentacles squirmed in mid-air, gathering into a big ball of meat. After a while, the ball of tentacles threw out a human investigator who had played badly with some lack of interest. .

"By the way, is there anything unusual about Tianqi recently?"

"My subordinates have been monitoring him all the time. There is no time gap. There is no problem!"

"so be it!"

Heath waved his hand impatiently and dragged out a reformer from the crowd. Huh? This model... seems to be a fake? Just make do with it and see if it's not fun, drag the designer out and feed it to the dogs!

After a while, Heath's eyes showed a trace of interest. The smell of new things seemed pretty good. The combination of human and mechanical style was four times more enjoyable.

"By the way, this kind of modified human machine model will be modified into several more flavors in the future!"


The red mecha guard on the side knelt on the ground with longing on his face, and his strange knowledge increased by one again. He is indeed a great master. Always serving my master has made him deeply understand a lot of teachings. He will try it when he returns from his shift. try!

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