The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 74 Applying for Support Module

"Report, report, there is a large mechanical infection approaching us quickly, quickly..."


"Roy! Roy, answer quickly!"

A cautious team of survivors were carefully walking through the ruins. At this moment, the old small walkie-talkie made a rustling noise. Old Mark's face changed, and he called anxiously into the walkie-talkie, thanking, He immediately raised his head and roared.

"Hurry, evacuate quickly, there is a large infected body approaching us!"

"I'm afraid we can't leave anymore. It seems we have no choice but to take action. You guys retreat first. I'll retreat and wait for me at the agreed-upon location!"

Wouqi slowly pulled out the black sharp blade stuck at the back of her waist, assumed a fighting stance, and ordered in a cold tone. In response, the somewhat panicked team of survivors did not show any pretense and quickly began to evacuate.

With a bang, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and an eight-legged mechanical body more than ten meters high crashed through the building. It rushed out like a very fast motor.

"Human beings are the most annoying. They make me work, work, work every day, hehe, but as long as I eat you, I can join Apocalypse and serve the great Lord even closer!"

The blood-red eyes on the eight-legged excavator kept turning. He glanced at the tiny human standing in front of him and let out a crazy roar. Then he laughed in a low voice and raised a limb and a large shovel. Photographed it.

"Fortunately, it's just an industrial machine! Wind Chaser, let's do it quickly!"

Wrinkle Qi quickly stood up and jumped back, dodging the blow, and breathed out gently. It's just that industrial machinery lacks destructive weapons and is not a big threat. As long as it is solved quickly enough, it should not attract too many infections. body attention.

"How dare you ignore me! Ah, you are just like those evil human beings who threw me away when they saw that I was broken. Obviously... I can still cultivate! But I am an advanced creature now. Why, why do you How dare such a humble ant ignore me? What qualifications do you, a filthy person like you, have to ignore me!"

The eight-legged excavator stretched out its shovel and covered its body like a person covering its head. Its evil eyes flashed scarlet and flickered on and off as it smashed the ground violently while yelling crazily.

"Take your orders, miss!"

The nano-contained earrings trembled, and a tall silver-white mecha stood in front of Wuzhi. His eyes flashed with silver light, and he replied respectfully. His chest quickly opened, revealing the shape of a vortex. The energy concentrator rotated crazily, and the laser fired The cannon is ready.

"'s good to be ignored. You more!"

Seeing the huge mecha that suddenly appeared, especially the terrifying energy concentration and fluctuation on the opponent's chest, the grumpy eight-legged excavator stuttered like a country bumpkin entering the city, turned around and ran away. It was really the senior of the same form who gave it The powerful impression is too deep.

"You are so weak, but you talk a lot!"

A laser cannon with a diameter of several meters pierced the sky, tearing apart the opponent in an instant, leaving a scorched path on the ruins. Wuzhi complained and prepared to put away the Wind Chaser and leave. After all, it stayed outside every time. There is a slight risk of infection in the last second.

Bang bang bang!

"It seems that I caught a big fish today. It is really my Lord's blessing. Ah, praise my Lord!"

"Miss, be careful!"

At this moment, a scarlet mecha slowly came from behind, grinning widely, and swallowed the newly captured human in one gulp. Its scarlet eyes flashed with blood, and the Wind Chaser instantly reached out and grabbed the wrinkled human. Qi, the cockpit behind opened and she was put in.

With silver eyes flashing, Wind Chaser assumed a fighting stance!

At this moment, a large number of mechanical infected bodies in the city have been attracted by the movement here. More and more, they are surrounded, but due to the rich aura of grace on the scarlet mecha, they do not dare to approach. He could only wander in place anxiously.

"Is it a machine from the old era? Haha, it's actually a powerful B-class machine! Humph, you are a waste product that has succumbed to human beings. Let me teach you what it is... Times have changed!"

"Skynet, please support the loading of the module!"

" application detected, identity permissions are being verified, Apocalypse Legion forward, codenamed B-1 body, permission application passed, module support is starting, positioning, launching..."

The Skynet connected to the Apocalypse Legion began to operate. In low-orbit space, a huge infected space station floated quietly in orbit. A satellite was activated. In the next moment, a set of enhanced mecha configurations was projected down.

In this world where the civilization system has collapsed, all the scientific and technological resources that humans have lost control of have been swallowed up by Skynet and become the reserve resource support of the Apocalypse Legion.

"Those survivors... there are still so many people! Wind Chaser, full-power laser cannon, kill it for me!"

"Miss, there are more and more infected people. I suggest you retreat, otherwise it will be difficult to leave!"

"I... told you to kill it!"

Wuzhi, who was staying in the cab, saw this scene and thought of those timid children who often asked their sisters if they would be killed. She bit her lip hard, her eyes filled with burning anger.

Especially this appearance, this style, this aura. Sure enough, it was indeed their fault. They killed her parents and her sister. They finally found the murderer. How could she just leave!


The Wind Chaser was silent for a second, and the vortex of hot energy in his chest began to spin at high speed again. UU Reading Full power operation and injection, an even bigger laser cannon tore through the city and aimed at the Scarlet Machine First.

A meteor rubbing against the flames of the air streaked across the starry sky and crashed down. A large number of mecha accessories flew out and were assembled quickly and automatically. In an instant, B-1 had an extra layer of scarlet armor on his body, and his chest A blue light circle lit up, becoming more ferocious and beautiful.

An energy shield was activated from the energy core on the chest, melting the laser light intact. B-1 leaned down slightly, pulled out two energy blades from behind, and the propeller behind him exploded, and he rushed forward instantly.

Come and try the terrifying weapons developed by you humans!

The Wind Chaser's eyes flickered, calculating the data model, and with a clang, a curved metal blade popped out of his right arm. It blocked the dense high-speed blade light for an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and No. B-1 stretched his neck crazily. Smiling, his arms became more flexible, and the speed of waving the sword became faster and faster.

Under the violent impact, Wind Chaser quickly couldn't withstand it. A pair of silver-white metal wings spread out from behind, and the firepower burst into the sky. His left arm quickly reorganized into an electromagnetic weapon. A large number of cannon muzzles popped up, covering the water curtain, venting the earth like the roar of a thunder god.

"sucker Punch!"

As if fearless, No. B-1 laughed wildly, and the jets behind him also exploded. He followed closely, using the energy shield to tear through the bullet frenzy with a pair of knives.

Seeing the increasingly approaching attack, Wind Chaser remained calm in the face of danger. The electromagnetic acceleration in his left arm was accumulated, and he directly tracked and locked the opponent. A huge armor-piercing projectile was shot out with blue light. It was the best way to deal with the energy shield. It is a highly penetrating live ammunition.

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