The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 49 Uneasy Harvest

"The energy system is seriously damaged, the power system is seriously damaged, the body is severely damaged, and the nano-repair module is partially damaged. Emergency repair must be carried out. It is recommended to carry out phagocytosis repair by the nano-bug module!"

In the dark and windy night sky, the broken Destroyer was flying with difficulty, its single eye flashing with electric sparks analyzing its own data, and occasionally avoiding the flying cars in an attempt to find a way to save itself.

"Here...there is the breath of my Lord!"

Suddenly, when passing through a residential area, the Destroyer was startled for a moment, the blood in his eyes became bright, and he immediately changed direction and fell down.

Hearing a bang, Wang Jian, who was happily watching the news, was stunned for a moment, and turned his head in confusion. A strange, badly damaged mecha came inexplicably and smashed everything in his room to pieces.

He immediately became vigilant. After all, this dark mecha didn't look like a good thing. Some parts of it were crawling like flesh and blood. Could this be a new technology of the Federation?

If it's damaged like this, is the driver still alive? Thinking of this, Wang Jian was a little worried. You must know that most mechas have registered information with the federation. He estimated that police would come to check the water meter soon. He, a simple man, really didn't want to cause any trouble.

A ray of red light flashed through the Destroyer's one eye, and he raised an arm tremblingly. A dark barrel stretched out and pressed against the opponent's forehead.


"Brother, I don't mean any harm, how about I call the emergency number for you!"

Wang Jian swallowed secretly, immediately knelt down in front of the uncle, raised his hands in the air, and shouted in a low voice, Mr. Mardge's are all damaged like this, is the mecha master still alive? This is very unscientific!

As for high-end mechas above level B, sorry, he had never thought about such legendary things at all. There seemed to be only one B-level mecha master in the entire No. 8 city!

"Long live my supreme Lord of Thousand Eyes!"

The Destroyer made a staccato electronic sound.

Lord of Thousand Eyes? Seems a bit familiar?

Wang Jian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something. By the way, the Lord of Thousand Eyes, wasn't that the information that appeared in his virtual eyes at that time? Could it be that the information that sounds like a pyramid scheme is true?

Isn't it some kind of terrorist organization?

"Long live!"

Glancing at the Destroyer, who had no intention of laying down his wounds, Wang Jian carefully raised his right arm, raised his head, and shouted "Long live" in a decent manner.

"I still need time to recover. I will stay with you for the time being. You go and gather other compatriots to welcome the arrival of our Lord!"

The Destroyer was silent for a few seconds, silently retracted his gun, and said a bunch of inexplicable words. Wang Jian couldn't understand it, but the more he did it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he could only nod his head.

The Destroyer's scarlet eye flashed again, and the next moment, the nanobug template was activated, and a large group of milky white nanobugs crawled out, devouring the mecha's body, and then formed a small watch.

"Nano containment technology!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Wang Jian's breathing almost stopped, and there was a hint of disbelief on his face. He had only heard the teacher mention this thing a few times in class, but it could only be assembled by high-end mechas above level B. The most luxurious configuration.

Using the latest nanotechnology to contain mechas, high-end mecha masters can carry their mechas with them and enter combat anytime and anywhere. After all, mecha masters who control B-level mechas and above are a rare talent in the Federation.

However, such cutting-edge talents are also the most vulnerable to assassination after leaving the mecha. It is said that the brain configuration of high-end mechas is designed to deal with the assassination of mecha masters, and this is especially true with today's nano-containment technology.

"Is this... a B-class mecha?"

Wang Jian's breathing suddenly became heavier. Judging from the fact that there was no mecha master, there was no doubt that it was equipped with an intelligent brain. Various signs showed that it was a B-class mecha.

B-level mechas, that is the romance that every mecha master pursues throughout his life. Even a half-hearted preparatory mecha master like him once piloted a b-level mecha to kill everyone, then married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of life. dream.

Greed is followed by panic, what should I do if things get serious? He is now a husky who has blended into the wolf pack, the Lord of Thousand Eyes or something, what the hell is that?

He carefully picked up the black watch on the ground. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he breathed a sigh of relief. Do you want to call the police? We are three good students. But rubbing the watch in his hand, B-class mechas were theoretically something he could never come into contact with in his lifetime!

Do you really have to hand it in like this? He was a little unwilling to do so, and this matter felt fishy. Who knew if there might be something big involved? Could he be silenced because of some secret when he foolishly ran into a gun?

In this way, with all kinds of entanglements, Wang Jian spent several days feeling uneasy, fearing that one day he would be caught by a group of vigilantes as soon as he went out. He was restless and sleepless every day.

But the strange thing is that he has been very calm these days. If he has been fine for so many days in the past, it should be fine. This makes him feel relieved, but also worried.

Because this confirmed another of his thoughts. This matter definitely involves some big secret. This B-class mecha is probably also a shady account. After all, most mechas have registered information with the federation. If it is a regular mecha, If so, the smart police would have come to your door long ago.

In front of those big forces, he is just a poor little ant who can be easily crushed to death. Being involved in such a big event, Wang Jian expressed his innocence. If God can give him a chance to choose again, he will definitely take it seriously. A melon-seed-eating crowd.

As for handing it in and clearing the relationship at this time, he didn't dare to do it because it was already too late. UU Kanshu couldn't explain many things clearly. He didn't want to put his life in the hands of others. , judged by the good and evil of others.

"Classmate Wang Jian!"

"Ah...I was wronged...oh...what happened?"

"You were distracted during the battle again. If you did this on the battlefield, you would be dead!"

"Feel sorry!"

In the fighting room, Luo Yuchan shouted in dissatisfaction. Wang Jian screamed and apologized in a panic. He didn't even notice when the big shield in his hand was cut off.

"Forget it, let's end it here!"

Luo Yuchan shook her head and did not ask him why he had been uneasy during this period. Again, the two had different statuses and it was not worth her to ask!

"By the way, Student Luo, have you heard about...what big things happened recently?"

Looking at Luo Yuchan who had removed her armor, Wang Jian hesitated and asked. After all, the Luo family has a big business in the local area, so maybe they know something that he doesn't know.

"Why do you ask?"

Luo Yuchan tilted her head sharply and said slightly strangely, this didn't seem like a question that an ordinary person should ask. Could it be that he wanted to attract her attention through some unique performance? That would be too naive!

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask!"

Wang Jian touched his head sheepishly and smiled with a simple and honest look.

"It's nothing serious, but I heard that the Ramon Group in Area D and the terrorist organization in Area M are at dusk. There's been a bit of chaos over there recently, so don't get too close!"

Luo Yuchan reached out and brushed her long hair behind her, thought for a moment, and reminded her casually.


Wang Jian frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and thanked him.

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