The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 170 Ceremony

"What should we do?"

After leaving the underground shelter, the two of them walked in the corridor. Hill glanced at the little guy who was following her step by step. She remembered the observer's words, which meant that there was indeed a problem, which made her couldn't help but caress. Touch your forehead.

She has a headache about this matter. Logically speaking, this kind of suspicious situation can be handed over directly to the people in the containment department. They will handle it professionally and provide one-stop service of capture, containment, research, and utilization!

Just looking at this little guy who can't even speak or even understand, it's so pitiful to be sent to that place. After all, it's not a good place. There are many crazy people among those research doctors who do everything. It is not that there are no examples of weak containment objects being destroyed by research.

The most important thing is that when she looks at the other person, she always thinks of her niece's appearance as a child, with the same vague sense of loneliness and inexplicable stubborn eyes. They are really similar, and there is a sense of intimacy. This is also The reason why she was confused.

"The situation is unclear anyway, so I won't report it yet. Let's take it with you and take a look!"

In the end, Hill made a decision. Although it was indeed not in line with the rules, she had the confidence to handle it all. It would not be too late to decide whether to stay or leave until she asked clearly what the observer meant next time.

After returning to the office and packing up her things, after all, the normal off-duty time had arrived. After hesitating for a while, Hill generously took the other person's hand. Under the other person's seemingly surprised gaze, he smiled slightly and pulled her along. Walk.

"It's already this date, and it's approaching the annual assessment time again!"

Opening the car door, she put the curious Intis into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. Hill was about to drive home. She glanced at the recorder in the car and suddenly remembered something, as if she hadn't had time to find it yet. What about that thing that people ask for?

Then Hill shook her head again, forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow, there are still a few days anyway, and she also wants to try to persuade her again, but she doesn't want to use that method after all!

Sitting in the passenger seat, Intis kept her head down in silence at first. Gradually, she seemed to get used to it. She secretly raised her head and looked through the car window at the rapidly passing urban scenery outside. .

But soon her pupils shrank, as if she had discovered something. She quickly lowered her head and looked away. In the dark corner of the street, she saw a dark and rotten semi-mechanical transformation squatting in the corner, looking at the prey she was about to select. .

The next moment, the body of the semi-modified body had a seizure. After receiving some order, his eyes flashed crimson, and he turned his head suddenly, locked onto a red vehicle that was quickly moving away, jumped between the houses with great agility, and chased after it.

Driving to a sparsely populated road, suddenly, the speeding vehicle suddenly stopped. The modified body that was catching up behind made a fierce pounce and turned into a stone statue in mid-air. Its posture froze and fell to the ground.

"Why is this type of anomaly again?"

The car door opened. Hill walked to the side of the road and stepped on the stone statue. A snake head emerged from his chest. He crossed his arms and looked at it. It looked very similar to the abnormal creature he had just encountered before. He always felt that something was wrong?

Let the petrified snake wrap around her and continue to stare at her. After opening the trunk, Hill stuffed the stone statue in and started to drive back. Really, why did you come here to increase her workload when you have nothing to do? But since she saw it, she couldn't ignore it. .

While driving, Hill glanced at Intis who was relieved in the passenger seat. Hill couldn't help but squint her eyes. Naturally, she also noticed the change in her demeanor. It seemed that this little guy was there both times. Could it be that these Was Anomaly specifically targeting her?


"When did this new sect appear?"

At the same time, Haisen secretly lay on the top of an abandoned factory and peeked through the gap to see what was going on inside. He saw a few strange figures wrapped in black robes stretching out their arms and inserting them into the ground, using something. An unknown method melted a small liquid crystal pit.

In recent times, he has been tracking down the mysteriously missing anomalous creature based on the intelligence support from observers and clues in nearby areas. This is the latest tail he has touched along the new clues, although he always feels that there is not much connection. .

He was actually not too surprised by the scene that was happening now, because many people were obsessed with the power of contained objects, so there were so many sects, especially the cults that used abandoned dangerous contained objects to develop, which were repeatedly banned and cut off. One batch after another, the weeds are burning endlessly.

"Quickly, bring the sacrifices up and prepare the sacrifice points according to your instructions!"

After the pool was prepared, one of the men in black robes made a hoarse and unpleasant sound, just like a worn and rotating mechanical gear. Upon hearing this, the faces of the other men in black robes hidden in the shadows showed twisted and painful expressions. His expression and movements in his hands accelerated, not daring to delay.

Bags of guaranteed fresh blood were slowly poured into the pool, and it was quickly filled with blood. There seemed to be warm steam rising from the surface. It looked extremely bright red, with the pool of blood rippling, giving it a coquettish beauty. .

After preparing all this, one of the men in black robes came over with an unconscious little boy in his hand. A long spiked shelf had been erected in the middle of the blood pool, ready to hang this fresh sacrifice. good.

Seeing this scene, Haisen couldn't continue fishing. He could only kick open the roof. With a bang, it fell from the sky. The huge movement instantly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone turned their heads to look over.

"Hey, good evening everyone!"

Haisen stretched out his hand to say hello and whistled. The roaring engine quickly approached and broke through the wall in an instant. A red and silver motorcycle rushed in, made a sharp turn, and stopped beside him.

"Can you tell me what exactly you are doing? And who is the mastermind behind you? You will be lenient if you confess, and strict if you resist. You must know that this evil ritual is illegal!"

"Oh, UU Reading By the way, if you can, if you know about any abnormal objects, you'd better tell me. Illegal possession of contained objects is a serious violation!"

Leaning against the motorcycle, Haisen took out a cigarette and took a puff, then asked confidently.

"It's someone from the asylum! He must... be killed!"

"We can't let him get out alive!"

The men in black robes looked at each other, put down the sacrifices in their hands, their eyes flashed red, and with a roar, they tore the black robes used to hide their bodies to pieces, revealing the strange appearance of black rot all over their bodies. From time to time, a bunch of dark insect bodies tumble and squirm.

"Your appearance..."

Haisen dropped the cigarette in his hand directly to the ground, expressing his surprise. This was the first time he had seen such a ghost. What kind of ghost ability was this?

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