The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 167 Goodbye Infected Body

" this place?"

Walking on the unfamiliar streets, Intis carefully shuttled between the crowds, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible, but many people's eyes still fell on her frequently, which made her highly nervous.

But gradually she seemed to get used to it. She was dazzled by the high-rise buildings standing everywhere and the endless flow of square-box vehicles. Apart from looking a bit primitive and backward, it was really very similar to her previous world.

But this is impossible. Her world has long been destroyed by those crazy monsters. In addition, these incomprehensible words and unintelligible languages ​​are undoubtedly stating the fact that this Maybe another new world.

This guess is not surprising to her. After all, the Tianyuan people had already begun to explore space during the peak period of Tianyuan history, and they had always believed that there were definitely other worlds outside this world.

The only thing that surprised her was that those mechanical monsters had advanced technology to such an extent? In just a few years, they have achieved what Tianyuan humans have been pursuing for hundreds of years, and have even found other worlds!

"I didn't expect that aliens from other worlds look similar to our Tianyuan humans!"

Seeing a piece of green grass with a relatively dense crowd in the distance, Intis looked around first and determined that it should be the kind of public place where you can rest. She sat down with a sore back, escaped secretly, and ran away for so long. The long journey is really too much for the body.

Listening to the laughter and laughter around her, although it was a strange alien world, but feeling the peaceful atmosphere that she had not felt for a long time, Intis began to relax. Just watching, she felt a little lost. No matter how good the world is, it is only the outside.

"This beautiful lady, wow, your hair is so beautiful!"

At this moment, a little girl with twin ponytails suddenly crawled over mischievously, stretched out her little hand, and touched her long, smooth golden hair curiously. After all, the hair color of human beings in this world is basically the same. It is black, and even if it is dyed later in life, it cannot make it look so dazzling and golden.


Suddenly attacked by a stranger, Intis was startled and subconsciously raised her knife to fight back. However, when she discovered that the other party was a child, her attack movements suddenly stopped, although she could not understand what the other party was saying. What, but a small child should be harmless!

Intis could only smile stiffly and deal with it in a hurry. Fortunately, a couple soon took the naughty child away and apologized a few times. looked like it should be Bar!

Looking at the child pulled in the middle by his parents, Intis was slightly absent-minded for a while, as if he had recalled something. Then he lowered his head and wiped his eyes, smiling from the bottom of his heart. Human beings in this world are so happy!

"But how long can this peace last?"

Immediately after thinking of something, Intis's expression darkened again. She thought of the aura she noticed last night. She was exposed to it every day and was so familiar with it. It was the special aura of those mechanical monsters!

It's right to think about it. I followed those monsters to come here inexplicably. Isn't it normal for those monsters to exist in this world? Maybe they were specifically targeting this world, and ended up destroying it just like they destroyed her world.

And how could this world with its backward technology be able to resist those monsters!

After thinking about it, she pulled and a touch of warm blood suddenly sprayed on her face. This made Intis stunned for a moment. The next moment, her expression changed drastically and she hurriedly stood up.

I saw an afterimage flashing across the grass, leaving behind a figure that was nearly torn to pieces and wailing in pain. The blood stained the area. The originally fine leisure place turned into a bloody hell, and the crowd also let out a horrified cry. Yelling, fleeing in all directions.

"Infected body!"

Intis looked over, nervously, and made a fighting stance. An extremely ugly-looking hairless dog stood in a pool of blood, but the exposed hairless areas were different. They were all tiny, black, squirming metal.

The opponent casually took a mouthful of flesh and blood first and then gave Intis a cold and disdainful stare with his rotten right mechanical eye, not caring about the ants that were hurriedly fleeing.

"Fortunately, it's just an ordinary modified body!"

He secretly scanned the surroundings and found that there was only one infected body. The nervous Intis breathed a sigh of relief and touched his bracelet, preparing for a quick victory. After all, these things often gather in groups and have intranet connections. If we don't solve it quickly, support may come soon.

Just when she was about to take action, the mechanically modified dog raised its paw and stomped, and a large range of ion current was instantly injected into the ground. The blue and white arcs were scurrying around, looking extremely gorgeous, and instantly paralyzed her body.

"No, how can an ordinary model of modified body be equipped with such a weapon!"

Intis's expression changed at this, and she struggled to get up. She had to continue fighting, but the nano bracelet made a sizzling sound of electricity, as if it had been directly damaged and shattered!

The mechanical dog then opened its mouth, and the laser muzzle poked out, aiming at Intis, who was paralyzed and crawling on the ground. But as if he remembered something, he retracted the weapon and walked over slowly, preparing to capture him alive.

"Are you really going to die this time?"

The weapon she relied on for survival was destroyed. Looking at the smelly mouth so close, Intis closed her eyes. She had already been prepared to accept death at any time, but she didn't lose her composure. She just hoped that it wouldn't hurt much. Bar!

But after a while, Intis opened his eyes in confusion. Why was there no movement at all? UU Reading raised his head and saw that the infected body was maintaining the posture of opening his mouth, but his whole body was Turned into stone.

"Fortunately, I happened to be nearby, otherwise I would have been in trouble. Why do I feel like more and more abnormal events have happened recently? What on earth did your containment team do?"

I saw a heroic-looking woman with short hair rushing over panting. She glanced at the grass where many corpses were left, sighed, kicked the statue hard, then turned her head to the side without knowing what she was saying, and turned her head back. He smiled at Intis and comforted him.

"Okay, little kid, don't be afraid. Everything is fine. Where is your family?"

Intis looked confused and lowered her head in a hurry, but she couldn't help but peek out curiously. Apart from a strange snake wrapped around her arm, she didn't see any powerful weapons. How did she do it?

Seeing this scene, Hill didn't take it seriously. Instead, he thought she was overly frightened, which was a common thing. After all, for such a young child, he couldn't help but reach out and touch her head.

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