The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 118 Dark blood surges in the body

On the battlefield, the crazy and fearless fighting seemed to make the whole world mourn. The dark sky became darker and darker, blood flowed thousands of miles, the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and there was a depressing atmosphere everywhere.

After cleaning up the army of servants who were covering the retreat of the Wizard Legion, especially those who were at the third level of life, hundreds of millions of infected cannon fodder rushed from the north to replenish the death squads that had been lost again. Continuously.

These low-level cannon fodder are almost inexhaustible for Skynet. Hundreds of millions are given away without blinking an eye. If it is really not enough, the human cities that have been reduced to ruins will be demolished. A large amount of this cannon fodder can be produced in minutes.

Driven by Skynet, these infected armies that had gone crazy were rushing towards the wizard's stronghold. The whole thing looked like a strange sea of ​​black flesh and blood.

The Skynet Legion, which suffered equally heavy losses, was flying in mid-air, with crimson fanatical killing intent flashing in its eyes, hiding behind the cannon fodder army. Naturally, attracting firepower was left to those humble ants. How could the output father do this? Go forward first!

After running for a while, you could see from a distance a terrifying fortress that spread thousands of miles and had copper-like iron walls. Countless wizard towers stood in layers from the inside to the outside. A wizard fortress was parked quietly above the stronghold.

Higher up in the sky is the arc-moon-shaped fortress that blocks out the sky and the sun. Farther away, the shadows of several other wizard fortresses can be faintly seen from several other directions.

Before the army of cannon fodder could approach the wizard's stronghold, the dark sky was suddenly illuminated, and witchcraft attacks flew out from the wizard towers. It was overwhelming and perfectly restored the Skynet Legion's shooting range. It is the approach of truth.

The ground in front of the stronghold was plowed over and over again, the sky collapsed, and millions of cannon fodder evaporated again and again at once. The infected army was completely using corpses to pave a road gradually approaching the stronghold.

Attracted by the steady stream of cannon fodder, the firepower of the wizard's group gradually weakened. The wizards had to stop in batches, hold the magic stone tightly in their hands, and meditate to restore the magic power consumption. However, with the magic power increase of the wizard tower, this The speed is much faster.

After the wizard's firepower weakened, knowing that there was no point in delaying it any longer, the Skynet Legion blew the horn of attack. The whole army attacked, and the sound of guns and artillery was louder. With the more ferocious firepower counterattack, the wizard's defense line was under great pressure. increase.

The impact pressure of the mechanical frenzy is getting bigger and bigger. At this moment, the complete rune arrays engraved on the defense line light up. With the magic pool supplied by the wizard tower, countless torrents of powerful flames burst out instantly and penetrate the battlefield. Leaving behind a sea of ​​fire.

Thousands of mechas were directly evaporated. Those who were slightly hit only had half of their bodies left and fell to the ground. But even so, they still crawled tenaciously, with flesh and blood squirming at the fractures, and electric sparks flying everywhere. He raised one arm and swept the cannon wildly, trying to break through the fire blockade.

The great Lord is watching here, and it is the time to give everything.

Buzzing, buzzing, along with the impact of ground troops, aerial fighter units like swarms of mosquitoes also joined in the support, passing by at supersonic speed one by one, but most of them were still shot down, even if a few fighters broke through the blockade and dropped all kinds of High-explosive missiles will also be defended by the raised shield.

The remaining few orbital weapons also joined the attack, but without exception, many powerful witchcraft flew out of the wizard's fortress, intercepting these devastating blows.

Several more flame patterns erupted, and the runes on it began to dim. However, the Skynet Legion also suffered heavy losses and had to stop charging. After all, they were not the kind of cannon fodder that didn't matter, so they had to use them sparingly.

"Let me do it!"

"Let these humble low-level creatures have a good look at the new favor bestowed upon me by our great Lord! Although I am stupid, I have always served my Lord, so it is not that I have not understood anything!"

A tall mecha slowly walked out from behind the army, and the surrounding mechas moved out of the way in awe. This man was one of the guards who had been serving the great master, and he was really enviable and jealous.

"See what great power is!"

As he spoke, he took out a small transparent ball in his hand, with hundreds of millions of jet-black fleshy nanoworms squirming crazily inside. These were fed by the power of the great master, and were transformed with the rumored blood of the master. The ultimate weapon.

He is one of the first believers to receive this gift. Every bite is filled with the Lord's love for him.

But what does it mean when Lord Edward asks him to use it and remember to upload it to him simultaneously? Humph, are you envious of the favor given by our Lord?

"Dark blood...surging within my body, this is what I seek...power!"

After swallowing it in one gulp, he felt countless numb little things crawling inside his body. Then he groaned happily, and the fuselage squirmed and deformed inch by inch, began to darken and corrupt, and turned into something like Nanogiant-like aggregates.

The next moment, he slowly raised his head, showed a weird smile, murmured, and small black tentacles sprang out from his body, wrapped around the infected bodies, and began to wreak havoc on UU Reading Devouring them, the dark nanoworms multiplied and grew infinitely, and their size expanded to hundreds of meters in an instant.

With one step forward, this dark machine walked toward the battlefield, continuously devouring these infected bodies, and frantically plundering the tiny gifts scattered in the bodies of these ants. His body became larger and larger, exuding an increasingly dark and depressing aura.

The wizard obviously noticed this scene, and turned a large amount of firepower to bombard the dark body, but the opponent's body surface opened countless small mouths, swallowing most of the attacks, and moved forward with a bunch of witchcraft attacks, even if A lot of flesh and blood was lost along the way, but the body only recovered after squirming a few times.

"Who the hell are you? There's no way you're just a machine!"

At this moment, another Morning Star wizard came out of the stronghold, floating in the air, frowning and looking at the dark machine. Looking at it, he felt a tingling pain in the spiritual sea.

This power is very abnormal!

"Despicable low-level filth, how can you look up to the gift of our Lord? You are only worthy of kneeling down and accepting death!"

The dark body paused for a moment, raised its head and glanced, then roared angrily, quickened its pace, and charged forward.

The other party squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking about what these natives meant by our Lord. Is it just a simple exaggerated belief or what?

After all, he has invaded many indigenous worlds, and there are a lot of people shouting awesome slogans such as Creator, Divine Lord, Kings, etc., but the result is that they are all crooked, and my Lord is considered low-key.

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