The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 20 Thunder Sword Technique

"Tianmeng, I'll just wait..."

Looking at Liao Fan's dead body, Chen Fan smiled coldly.

As his cultivation level continues to improve, his self-confidence is also constantly rising. If anyone bullies him, he will definitely rise up to resist.

I'm afraid Liao Fan himself didn't expect that he went to great lengths to kill Chen Fan, but was eventually killed by Chen Fan instead.

"By the way, "The Art of Seizing Heaven" can plunder the talents of warriors, and it must be done by those who have just died. Now is the perfect time to test it to see if it is true."

Chen Fan endured the pain in his body, sat directly next to Liao Fan's body, and began to use the method of "Seizing Heaven".

An invisible force enveloped Liao Fan's body, and immediately, traces of transparent smoke-like gas emerged and penetrated into Chen Fan's seven orifices.

This trace of transparent smoke is the substantial manifestation of Liao Fan's talent.

Immediately, Chen Fan felt that his mind became clearer, his brain power became more active, and his calculation ability became more agile and durable. His talent had indeed improved slightly.

"Sure enough, it's possible, but the improvement is so little that it's almost imperceptible." Chen Fan muttered to himself, shook his head, stood up and walked to Yan Zheng's body, doing the same thing.

Unfortunately, Yan Zheng had been dead for some time, and his body was already cold, so he was unable to plunder Yan Zheng's talent.

Afterwards, Chen Fan began to touch around the two bodies and began to collect the loot.

Yan Zheng's cultivation level is not high, and he doesn't have a big background. It's also the time when the outer sect competition is about to begin, so he doesn't have many cultivation resources. He only scrapes out two yuan stones and a yellow-level archery martial arts book. .

He walked to Liao Fan's body again, and his eyes fell on Liao Fan's waist. There was a gray cloth bag about one foot long and half a foot wide. He smashed it and said, "Tsk, tsk, it turns out to be a storage bag. Inside There must be something good.”

A storage bag is a low-level bag for storing items. It doesn't have much space, but it is also a luxury item for outer disciples. Very few people can afford it. Each bag costs at least twenty yuan stones and is worth a lot of money.

After taking off the storage bag, opening it and pouring out the contents, Chen Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.

There are about twenty yuan stones inside, as well as a bottle of healing elixir, a book of martial arts, and other daily necessities.

Chen Fan picked up the jade bottle containing the healing elixir. There were three elixirs left in it. They were one-star intermediate muscle-building elixirs. After taking them, the wounds could be healed immediately. The effect was very fast. It cost three yuan at the outer door. One elemental stone.

Chen Fan poured out one pill and threw it into his mouth. The elixir melted and flowed all over his body instantly. Immediately, itching appeared on his back, shoulders, chest and other places, as if ants were crawling.

Chen Fan knew that it was a manifestation of flesh and blood regeneration.

"It is indeed a one-star intermediate elixir. The effect is so obvious and it takes effect immediately. It is really a good thing."

Immediately, he picked up the martial arts book again, opened it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turns out to be a yellow-level superior martial arts!"

"Thunder Sword Technique" was used by Liao Fan when he fought with Liao Fan before. It was so powerful that every sword was like thunder, so violent that even his Mysterious Saint Body couldn't withstand it.

At that time, he thought it was an intermediate yellow-level martial arts skill, but he didn't expect it to be an excellent yellow-level martial arts skill.

"It seems that Liao Fan has not broken through to the sixth level of Qigong for a long time. He has only learned a little bit of "Thunder Sword Technique" and has not even reached the level of Xiaocheng. Otherwise, the power will be stronger and he can cut me off with one sword." bones.”

Looking through "Thunder Sword Technique", Chen Fan said to himself.

This sword technique is quite powerful. The sword technique is fierce and domineering. After all, it is related to thunder. Thunder is the most powerful natural force in the world and can easily kill a warrior.

Myths and legends in ancient books record that mortals have to go through several great catastrophes to achieve Taoism. When they become immortals, they have to experience thunder tribulations. Many people who are about to become immortals are annihilated under these thunder tribulations, which shows the power of thunder. terrible.

"It's easier on me."

Chen Fan smiled.

Those who reach the sixth level of Qigong can go to the third floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion to choose martial arts. It seems that Liao Fan went to the Martial Arts Pavilion to select this "Thunder Sword Technique" after he broke through to the sixth level of Qigong.

After that, Chen Fan found out the useful things and put them into the storage bag. He burned the useless things along with the two bodies with a fire, destroying the bodies without leaving any traces.

After doing this, Chen Fan changed places, found a cave, got into it, and began to retreat to heal his injuries.

Although Jishengdan cured his physical injuries, the internal injuries still need to be recovered slowly.

After all, before he broke through, he was beaten so miserably by Liao Fan that he suffered serious internal injuries and even had blood congestion in his body, which made his luck a little uncomfortable.

Five days later, in the woods, the sword light roared, and there was a faint sound of thunder exploding in the space. What was shocking was that the sound of the explosion actually came from the sword light.

Bang bang bang...

Where the sword was directed, the trees exploded, and the sword flew in the hand of a handsome young man. The sword was as powerful as a giant sword.

"It is indeed a Huang-level martial arts skill. It is really powerful, even more powerful than the Lun Hai Seal." This young man practicing swordsmanship is naturally Chen Fan.

Three days ago, his internal injuries recovered. He has been practicing the "Thunder Sword Technique" for the past two days. The more he practices, the more powerful he feels that this sword technique is. It is explosive and very powerful.

He has cultivated to the level of Xiaocheng. With one strike of his sword, the light of the sword is like thunder and the sound of thunder is shocking.

"Fortunately, the vitality in my Dantian is strong, not inferior to that of a martial artist at the sixth stage of Qigong. Otherwise, I would not be able to exert the power of this "Thunder Sword Technique" at all."

The higher the level of martial arts, the stronger the power, but correspondingly, the more vitality is consumed to perform it.

An ordinary martial artist at the fifth stage of Qigong cannot practice the "Thunder Sword Technique" at all, because there is not enough vitality to support it.

This is also the reason why the Spring and Autumn Sect's Outer Sect Martial Arts Pavilion requires a corresponding level of cultivation to go up to each level. With the corresponding level of cultivation, you can practice martial arts of the corresponding level, and you can't be too ambitious.

Only people like Chen Fan who have encountered a miracle, whose Dantian is ten times the size of others, and whose meridians are several times wider and tougher than others, can withstand the consumption of vitality, and the meridians can withstand the huge impact when the vitality is running.

Sweating profusely, his clothes were wet with sweat, and more than half of the vitality in his Dantian was consumed. Chen Fan stopped panting and sat on a half-person-high stone to rest.

"I have been out for two months, and my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Liao Fan is dead, so I don't need to hide in the Qingyang Mountains anymore."

"But before returning to the sect, I must go to the Violent Ape's cave to see if I can use the profits from the pool to make my body stronger and let the "Wanxiang Divine Art" break through to the fourth level of "Bone Tempering."

Chen Fan made up his mind, quickly recovered his vitality, and ran towards the Violent Ape's cave.

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