The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 179: You know a hammer

The call was from Ferry.

After answering the phone, Leon said: "Don't call me anymore, I'm afraid Charlotte will misunderstand."

Fury didn't care about Leon's neurotic speech at all, and said as if he hadn't heard him: "Lyon, you have to come here soon, we may have a little trouble."

"What's wrong?"

"That hammer, it flew away by itself."

"...Then you are still tied to the hammer?"

"...No, I used to...I couldn't pick up the hammer."

"I said, you have to be upright! Upright, do you understand?"

"I know kindness..."

"You know a hammer, you know!"

"...If you give half a million less money, will love come!"

Toot, toot, toot...

Oh, hung up.

This is Frey that Lyon is familiar with!

He didn't believe anyone, everyone was on guard. I also like to stand in the middle of the two sides and be a seemingly innocent referee.

The means of deceiving people is also a must.

What honor the American team cares about, Tony’s father’s last wish, the eagle eye’s inescapable kindness, the widow’s perpetual atonement...

Too much to go.

He even organized a team with the phrase "Avengers".

Fury is definitely a good person, but he is not an upright person, and he will never be a kind person.

He will use conspiracy and tricks, treat people differently based on their value, lie to deceive others, and forcefully "be good for you."

It can be said: Fury is a non-standard "justice executive."

He just wants to protect the weak.

How to protect?

You can protect it anyway!

Therefore, Lyon is willing to be "fudged" by Fury, and in turn, Fury is also willing to tolerate all kinds of unreliable and troublesome things in Lyon.

Because the two of them knew exactly what kind of person each other was.

Because of this, they all know that they are too similar to each other.

Leon certainly knew why Fury had to call himself after refusing to ask for help before.

As soon as I came, I just believed but didn't believe all the things I said to him before.

Suspect. This is something that grows in Fury's Three Views.

Even people like the US team are being monitored by him, which already explains the problem.

Coleson once thought he was the most trusted person, and Hawkeye had this illusion.

There is also Mr. Alexander Pierce who has this illusion.

Leon said how to pick up the hammer, and Fury was only half believing it. That's why he went to the scene and took the hammer once by himself.

Didn't he know what kind of person he was? He tried it out of doubt.

Otherwise, does he really feel that he has anything to do with "the upright and kind-hearted"?

The second point is, of course, I want to trick Leon into doing his best.

Fury tried to figure out Leon's ability more than once, knowing what Leon could do.

Leon didn't actually hide it, but the point was that he was an open man.

His strength has been changing, and his methods have been increasing, so he can't be blamed.

And this time, I still doubt whether the unknown hammer owner is really "harmless" as Lyon said. I want Lyon to help S.H.I.E.L.D. work once. By the way, I will use this opportunity to find out about Lyon. Strength.

Leon was like a mirror in his heart.

However, he still agreed to Fury.

The main reason is that the money is given a lot...Of course it is not such a vulgar reason! The main reason is to try if I can beat Brother Hammer...not for such a selfish reason!

Mainly I want to fight for justice and contribute my own strength to this world.

That's right, it's because of this.

Uncle Wolf will follow him life and death, he said he is going, and Ophelia also wants to follow. But at this time Mariko couldn't get away from the complicated things of the family and company anyway.

Looking at Mariko's expression of "I understand, just let me bear it alone", Uncle Wolf couldn't say a cruel thing.

No way, eat soft or hard~

Mariko, as the person involved in the "cruel scumbag" incident, hasn't said anything yet, Leon is really unhappy.

The words cruel scumbag also came out of Leon!

When Leon, Mariko, and Ophelia talked about "Take care of Logan's colleague Gin Gerei" and "Ms. Monroe, a silver-haired wife who helped Logan a lot in work and life," Uncle Wolf couldn't wait to take Leon. Go out.

This **** knows so much, he has to find a way to kill him!

Uncle Wolf once again remembered the night that Lyon was crying: "If I stabbed my neck at that time... how good would it be..."


The sea is wide and leap! Sky high sand sculptures fly!

Lyon did not choose to fly back.

Too troublesome.

It's too slow.

Lyon’s current Level 4 【Dancing Art】, flying at full speed, has surpassed most civil aviation aircraft.

And stop and go, completely unrestricted, and very free.

Except for Shouhe's grinning teeth blown in the air, he was full of wind, and he had to lie on the back of Leon's neck for life and death, which caused Leon a little trouble, nothing else was a problem.

A "brake" slowed down and stopped in the air, and flew away Shouhe, who was sticking out his head and trying to adapt to the environment little by little. Leon flew over to catch the inflated belly and Shouhe, who wanted to learn from balloons, put the Sand Mouse on his back and squatted again, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the geographic location that Fury had sent from him.

"Longitude... Latitude... Fuck!"

Lyon studied for a long time and was shocked: "I won't be able to locate this thing!"


At the same time, an elderly guy in a hat waiting at an airport in New Mexico received a call from his boss.

As soon as he took it up, the pretty boy realized that he had always been spoiled and insulted, and the tone of his boss, who had always been quiet when it came to major events, was a bit irritable and depraved.

"Boss, Leon hasn't..."

"It's numb to Fak! He didn't fly over, so don't wait anymore. This little kid got lost just now. He called me and asked me where I was and if there are any landmarks such as supermarkets and Internet cafes nearby. My mother..."

The pretty boy in the hat, Colson, moved the phone slightly away from his ear.

After Fury had enough scolding, he was out of breath. He became the sensible and calm boss he was familiar with again, and then put the phone back to his ear: "Then I will go back now."

"Wait a minute!"

Coleson put the phone back to his ear questioningly: "Is there anything else, boss?"

Fury on the other end of the phone sounded very tired: "Buy me a bottle of antihypertensive medicine."

Colson: "...good."

Hanging up the phone, Coleson touched the hat on his head and thought: I'm too fortune-telling!


When Leon arrived at the place Big Fury was talking about, he scared everyone present.

Anyone suddenly dropped a "meteorite" on the ground. Bang! It will be scared enough.

"Bah, baah! Cough!"

Leon walked out of the big dirt pit in the desert Gobi, stretched out his hand and waved to disperse the smoke and dust around him.

How did they land?

When Tony landed on the stage of the expo, wasn't it also Duang's cry? They were still wearing iron sheets!

Not even the glass under the feet was broken!

And me!

Leon turned his head and glanced at the big dirt pit he had smashed out: "Next time, let's try sideways parking!"

Looking around at the black suits surrounding him, these guys are stupid.

"Isn't it hot to wear a suit on a hot day? Huh? Why are you pointing a gun at me! You dare to come out without knowing me?!

Say! Where is your home, I will visit one in the evening..."

"Why are you embarrassed to say that others wear too much clothes, and you wear a windbreaker and a mask yourself? What, performance art?"

It is estimated that he heard the sound, so Fury didn't use Leon to look for it, and he came out by himself.

Turning his head to look over, Leon spouted on the spot: "You are so old in a black fur coat, you are so embarrassed to say me!

What do you think, this is the set of clothes at home! "

"At least I'm not wearing a mask!"

"You fart in leather pants!"

"Fuck is numb! I shot..."

Leon and Fury "curled" as soon as they met. This scene made all the agents present a bit of a long time to see.

What Leon had just thought was a bit wrong. S.H.I.E.L.D. did have many people who knew him, but those people were basically agents of level 6 or above, and they could only access a small part of Leon's information.

In the classified data, Leon is just an ordinary superpower.

On the few occasions when Leon went to S.H.I.E.L.D., each time it was received by a senior agent, and even once it was received by Fury himself. Moreover, he didn't wear a mask that time.

Therefore, the agents who are really familiar with most of Lyon's information are really senior agents.

Obviously, agents of that level would not be used to stand guard outside the door.

The reason why they didn’t fire a shot just now was because Ferry told them when he asked them to come out to receive someone: “Let’s wait for someone who is crazy and talks about stubborn tongues, no matter if he got out of the ground or fell from the sky. Just notify me directly."

They had already seen the one falling from the sky.

I just didn't expect it.

The three things of neurosis, tuberculosis, and poisonous tongue, turned out to be true...

After a few words with Leon, Fury vaguely felt that he seemed to be missing something important.

Turning to look at the agents with their heads down, Fury knew that he had lost more than majesty.

Flicking the windbreaker, Fury left a sentence: "Follow me!" He turned and walked into the tent.

It's been a long time since Leon had quarreled with people, and he was very cool.

Uncle Wolf's mouth is too stupid. Every time Leon is speechless, his eyes will be unconsciously dangerous. The line of sight is always on Leon's neck, and the position of his heart floats around.

Mariko is a little staid, still a hidden curious baby. When Leon told her that he didn't blink, the girl actually asked him if his eyes were dry.

This is no way to chat!

Ophelia was willing to chat with Leon, but she was too smooth and too afraid of herself.

Still can't chat.

Those gangsters and other criminals are even more boring, and in addition to yelling, they just kneel down and beg for mercy.

Please! I just killed your capable man, and you surrendered after being protected by his desperately? Isn't it wrong that the person died just now? !

Lyon certainly wouldn't let this happen.

The most important thing for a family is neatness!

I heard a lot of begging for mercy, and Leon was a little annoyed afterwards. There is not even a chance to display one's talents.

The torture instrument hasn't been taken out yet, and he has already kowtowed over there, and even explained the fact of stealing her sister's underwear to "practice martial arts".

Who really wants to hear this!

In the last few days in the island country, Lyon is really suffocated.

That's why the Thunder of Uncle Wolf exploded. Originally, he wanted to watch the plot of "Two Women Beating One Husband". As a result, the two women didn't care at all. Instead, they competed more carefully.

NS! Lyon is even worse!

"Fry! Thank you!"

I especially use you to thank a big-headed ghost!

Ferry sat behind a simple desk and looked at Leon, who offered to thank him as soon as he came in, without thinking about what he was thanking him.

Without paying attention to him at all, UU Reading Fury skipped the topic and said: "You said before that I am not the only one who wants that hammer. Then, is it possible that the hammer is no longer there now? Is it in the hands of the original owner?

Does this person need..."

Ferry made a gesture of fingers across his throat.

Lyon found it interesting.

Rocky and Fury hadn't met before, and the two had already begun to disagree. I don’t know if I really ran into...

Calculating the time, it should be fast too...

Leon was "wandering", and Fury didn't bother him. Fury knew that Leon should be thinking about something, remembering something, or predicting something with his magic.

"will not."

Leon finally said, "Since the hammer flew away by itself, it was summoned by its owner.

By the way, its owner is a silly and silly, holding the honor of a soldier and the pride of a strong man for thousands of years, so it should be very good to fool.

If you can't handle him, give him a drink. "

This is the second time Leon mentioned the word "wine" when talking about the owner of the hammer. Fury is keenly aware: Leon may not be teasing him. What he said is true.

Nodding thoughtfully, Ferry said: "I'm still waiting for your [but]".

Leon didn't hold it either: "But. Yes, there is indeed a but."

Looking back at the field agents outside the tent, Leon said, "I advise you to evacuate those outside. It's best to evacuate yourself."

Fury remained unmoved, with questions one after another: "Do you think that the person who also wants to grab the hammer will attack us directly?"

"It doesn't actually count."

Leon moved forward slightly and looked at Fury's eyes: "It will attack anyone who might prevent it from completing its task."


Isn't it a person?

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