The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 146: Lyon's paradise (four thousand three hundred)

   After sending Rhodes away, Tony sat on the sofa alone and drank some more wine.

   However, this time he was really the only one left, and he was drinking himself.

   When he woke up again, it was already bright, and he stumbled up from the sofa and looked at his watch. It was already noon.

   Tony doesn't know when he fell asleep, but the sofa is really not a good place to sleep. After sleeping all night, his stiff neck and sore arms reminded him of the days he lived in the cave.

   That is not a good memory.

   Painfully moving his shoulders and neck, Tony walked to the bathroom.

   He wanted to take a cold shower to wake up, the headache after a hangover is really not a comfortable experience.

  Waiting for Tony, who was wearing only a yukata with his wet hair, returned from the bathroom to the living room, ready to ignore it and have a special drink. He squatted and opened the lower wine cabinet. Just picked a bottle and bought it at the auction. Now there is half of the brandy left. Tony, carrying the bottle, suddenly heard that behind him, the living room should have been empty. There was a stranger's voice!

   "Gosh! Don't tell me, you just woke up from drunkenness, now you have to go back and drink again."

   In shock, Tony turned around holding the wine bottle.

   At the small coffee table by the window, a person sat there with backlighting, one hand supporting the table, one leg raised on the knee of the other, in a comfortable posture.

   It seems that he has been sitting there and waiting for a long time.

   Without saying a word, squinting his eyes slightly, Tony tried to see the person's appearance by changing the angle while squinting the steps under his feet.

My mind is spinning fast, thinking about possible candidates, but the combination of a hangover and a cold shower that I just woke up is so powerful, Tony’s eyes hurt, and I can’t tell who the dark guy is. .

   It’s just that the sound seems to be...

   is familiar.


   Before Tony moved to the vicinity of his armor, the man stood up, and while talking, he escaped from the backlit environment and walked slowly toward this side.

   And only then did Tony see this guy's face clearly.

   is the big bald head who was blind with one eye and appeared in front of him inexplicably last time, asking him to join a certain team.

   is also the director of SHIELD, numb Farker: Nick Fury.

   Actually, I should have thought of it long ago. I always like to pretend to be a force every time I play, and I am the one who is the best in the world. It is estimated that this person has to spend a lot of brain cells on researching his way of playing.

"Tony." After stopping four or five steps away from Tony, and looking at the wine bottle that Tony was relieved to put down, Nick Fury said in an elder tone: "I am the closest to you. Performance, a little disappointed."

Tony didn’t know if he heard what he was talking about. He turned around and went back to the table. He took out a cup and poured himself a little wine. He hesitated, but he didn’t pour too much, only a shallow one. Bottom of the bottle.

   Turning his head, Tony raised the cup in his hand: "Are you going to have a cup too?"

  Nick Fury just looked at him, unmoved.

   Spreading his shoulders, Tony sat on the sofa himself, and just about to pick up his glass to drink, Nick Fury's voice sounded again: "The palladium poisoning problem is actually hoped to be solved."

   Tony raised his head, his eyes were slightly cold, and the wine glass was gently placed on the table.

"So, you have always known the predicament I face. Then, you chose to wait and see, and you chose to watch that I had to hand over one of my own armors, and a special choice suddenly appeared in my house and scared me. Jump! Right!"

At first Tony was able to control his emotions, but as he spoke more and more, his voice and movements became louder, and his emotions became more and more agitated. Finally, the whole person stood up and pointed at Nick Fury loudly. roar.

   Fury still has a calm expression, not even raising his eyelids, as if the person who just woke up from the hangover was not Tony but him.

   When Tony finished yelling, and gasped with his nose, he nodded: "Yes."

   After finishing, Tony snapped his fingers when he choked on him.

After   , Tony felt a pain in his neck. Under the stimulation, he loosened his body, which was not too stable, and fell back on the sofa.

   A figure walked behind him, came to stand in front of Nick Fury, raised a long burgundy straight hair, turned and said, "Good noon, boss."

   It was the level 10 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who returned to his true identity and was sent to Tony by Fury to monitor him: Agent Natasha Romanoff, known as the Black Widow.


   Looking at the full-body black leather combat suit that looked exactly like Nick Fury, his image changed drastically, and the whole person was a "little assistant" with a bitter temperament. Where could Tony know what was going on.

   "Oh! Great! Oh, my company has everybody, even commercial espionage, but it's always missing an agent."

   Touching his neck, Tony knew that since this has been the case, his grievances won't hurt anyone. As an agent, he doesn't have any other abilities, and he must have the ability to always pretend to be like a okay person.

   "What did you call me?"

   Tony didn’t have much anger, but he got a **** on his neck for no reason. Of course, it’s better to ask.

   and widow sister made it to Tony's sofa together, and Fury silently reached out from under his **** and took out a slice of bread.

   Tony's mood improved by three points: "Oh, that's a good burger crust, do you need me to provide a meatloaf?"

Ignoring Tony’s teasing and widow’s secret ridicule, Fury still maintains his aura of an outsider, and still calmly said: “That’s a potion that can inhibit toxins in your body. Although it’s not completely clear, we have ..."


   Tony interrupted Fury’s talk: "The toxins in my body have been cured by my friend."

   Ferry: ……⊙▽⊙


   Widowed sister: O(∩_∩)O

  The silence is Cambridge tonight.

   After a while, Fury regained his aura and said again: "Um...that's good, but you will still use palladium in the future, in that case. I have something that must be handed over to you."

   is worthy of the trump card of the older generation. After all, the **** of secret agents has seen the big scene, and he changed the topic calmly, but still maintained the theme.

   Everyone has to say: Master!

   But Tony didn't want to let him go: "I don't have toxins in my body now. There shouldn't be any adverse reactions when you give me this thing? Ah? Don't be unpredictable, you just give me a word!"

   As a last resort, Ferry, who couldn't maintain his expression, snapped his fingers again. A person walked out of the porch again, smiling on his face and said, "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Stark."

   Colson is also here.

   "How many people are you hiding in my house! Let those who are hiding on the ceiling, those who are hiding in toilets and drawers come out!"

   Tony is very helpless for Fury's unscrupulous use of "Grand Summoning" in other people's homes.

  Fry did not speak, but Coleson with a smile on his face politely replied: "You don't have to worry about the inhibitor. We have conducted related experiments. At this dose, he is completely harmless."

   After a pause, Coleson continued: "By the way, Mr. Stark, it's really convenient for you to hide people in your big house!"

   Aside, Tony's face turned black while covering his neck.

   "Let's go." Nick Fury said: "Go and do a comprehensive examination to see if there is any problem with your body, by the way..."

  Fry leaned out and looked at Tony with one eye through the widow sister sitting in the middle: "By the way, hand over your father's belongings to you, and tell you about him."

   Over there, Tony lowered his hand from his neck and his attitude became serious.

   He really wants to know about his father, Howard Stark, and also wants to know why, his father has relics left in S.H.I.E.L.D.

   got up, everyone, led by Fury, sat on the Chevrolet of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Tony who had changed clothes.


   some unknown location.

   Leon looked foggy and stood blankly in a wide and dim place.

   heard the sound of wind that didn't stop for a moment. The smell of sulfur in the nose is extremely pungent.

   Looking around, the dim withered yellow tone, red and black dominate everything here.

   "What kind of place is this special size? Didn't I turn the flower rope in the field in Monaco?! How..."

   Leon knew it well. He knew that the reason why he suddenly came to this strange environment must have a close and direct connection with his gesture of "turning the flower rope".

  Perhaps, what brought him to this unfamiliar environment was the power of [Undead Ghosts].

   No wonder it is still a skill that requires active gesture assistance to activate. Emotion is a portal!

   Knowing how he came here, Leon was relieved a lot.

   If there is no time limit, I guess it would be nothing more than using the gesture again when I go back.

Not urgent.

  Since I’m here, I always have to explore it and understand this space.

   Out of this consideration, Leon did not choose to rush back. Anyway, he is now in a full state. The first time he got here, he checked his equipment and skills, and they can be used normally.

   There is no such thing as inadvertently entering a secret realm that often appears in novels, all kinds of mana are sealed, the space bag cannot be opened, and the skills cannot be used.

   What are you afraid of.

   Wearing a mask, Leon summoned the clones, turning them into turtles, snakes, bees, and cats, hiding them around him, following him, and starting to explore this "small secret realm."

   At the beginning, Leon did think that this might be a small secret realm, a space for a certain boss to hide treasure or something.

   But as I explored more and more places, what I can see is still the dim sky and black-red land, black-red rocks, black-red rivers...

   Gradually, Leon had a different view in his heart.

   Later, when Leon ventured to become a profound bee and flew into the sky to observe, seeing the extremely distant horizon, seeing the river that seemed to have no end and no source, Leon felt a little clear in his heart.

   "Here, it is by no means as simple as a small space..."

   Sitting on a towering stone pillar, Leon felt that he might already know where this ghost place is.

   Now, one more proof is needed.

   The avatars have spread out to find the corroboration that Leon needs. Leon's body has been sitting on the stone pillar, thinking quietly, and waiting quietly.

   Not long after, a clone took the initiative to dissipate on its own, and the returned memory made Leon's eyes shine brightly: " looks more and more like..."

   Following the route in the memory from the clone, Leon hurried away from the sky.


   Leon came to another stone pillar standing upright on the ground and stood still.

   walked to the edge of the stone pillar and looked down. On the ground, two "ghosts" that looked like people and were inhumane were fighting forgively.

   "Hey, maybe the three words ghost things are not nonsense..."

Landing quietly against the stone pillar, Leon also came to the ground, and the two ripping ghosts did not notice Leon's arrival at all. They attacked each other as soon as you grabbed me and bite each other, without knowing it. At this time, there was an unkind old Yinbi who was observing the two of them with a very interested look.

   Under Leon's gaze, he was taller and had more flesh missing on his body, and it was not like the human one...that thing gradually took the upper hand in this battle. And his opponent, the little man with half of his head missing, and his ribs leaking out, was obviously invincible.

   Obviously, when both sides of the battle are not very wise, the one who is tall and strong obviously has a natural advantage.

   However, the final direction of the matter did not develop as Leon expected.

   looks even worse, the smaller guy actually won!

   pretended to fall, and when the big man jumped over, the more miserable one rolled sideways and avoided the big man's "Tarzan top", and then swiftly moved on to the big man's back.


   bit his neck bit by bit!

   And just as he was about to feast on, a beam of light hit his headless corpse on the ground, turning it into ashes.

   Even worse, no, it was the winner who once again showed his agility and quickly jumped to the other side of the clearing, leaning against the stone pillar.

   looked up, there was nothing where the light was just now.

   "Are you here, looking for me~"

   is behind!

   Just about to jump out again, a hand like pliers pinched his neck in the and pulled him back fiercely!

   Looking at the face with black stripes and color blocks swimming, the winner felt an inexplicable panic.

   couldn't help taking a deep breath, but immediately, he discovered something that frightened him even more!

   "! You are the living!"

   was not afraid of the nausea of ​​this half of his head, Leon pulled him closer: "This kind of title... sure enough..."

"Small things~ They look so chic!" Leon rubbed the winner's head with his hands on the stone pillars, and asked kindly: "You can also see that I am not a local. Can you tell me what is here? Where? Huh?"

   didn't mean any resistance. The winner squeezed a word out of the half mouth against the stone at the fastest speed.

   "Earth... hell!"


Ha ha ha ha! !

   Leon laughed with satisfaction: "Sure enough, this is a good place! It's a good place for bad guys..."

   Take a deep breath of the air full of sulphur smell, Leon sighed with emotion.

   Is this heaven!

   (Ps: ask for a monthly pass!)



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