"Sister, I'm scared!"

Outside the dark cage, there was the sound of flesh being bitten and chewed, and the child shrank back in horror.

"Don't be afraid. My sister is here. She will always protect you. Those people can't hurt you."

The skinny girl looked at the darkness outside, her eyes also full of fear, but the younger brother in her arms told her that she must be strong.

"Sister, have your parents been eaten?"

The child no longer dared to look at her anymore. He turned around and buried his face in his sister's belly. The trace of warmth comforted his fearful and uneasy heart.

Led by their father, their family fled to the sparsely populated mountains and forests to avoid the war. There were fewer and fewer people traveling with them, until not long ago, their parents disappeared in front of them.

They were obviously people who looked exactly like them. When they first met them, they were extremely kind, smiling, and seemed extremely friendly. They even brought out food to entertain them. However, after late at night, those people became More terrifying than the monsters encountered on the road.

"My parents are fine, they are still alive, don't be afraid, and nothing will happen to us."

The girl held her brother, who was also skinny and skinny, in her arms. The inexplicable chewing sounds and heavy breathing outside the wooden cage also frightened her, but there was no one behind her who could hide from her.

"We will definitely escape from here alive."

"Will an immortal come to save us?"

Hearing his sister's comforting voice, the child raised his head, his eyes filled with anticipation.


The girl was startled for a moment, and then recalled that before their family fled and the world had not become as bad as it is now, her brother's favorite thing to do was to quietly ride on the tree and listen to the storyteller next door telling the fairy games. In the human world, a story about punishing rape and eradicating evil, saving lives and healing the wounded.

"Yes, there will be immortals who come to rescue us."

In extreme despair, the girl can only place her hope in the illusory immortals who only exist in legends and live in the mouths of storytellers.

But it was uncertain whether immortals really existed. After all, there were man-eating demons in the world. She had seen with her own eyes that some of her companions were captured and eaten by demons.

There were also those who captured them and put them in cages. The ferocious and violent attitude they showed last night made her shudder more than any monster she had ever encountered.

Even thinking about it now, she was filled with fear. How could a person be so cruel and tyrannical? Are they really her kind?


On the small face covered with dust and unknown bloodstains, the dark eyes reflected an unknown light in the distance, shining brightly in the darkness, blooming with the light of hope.

"Really, there will be immortals coming to save us."

The girl's tone suddenly became firm.

Although she knew that this was an almost impossible dream, she still let her brother immerse in this dream before encountering real despair. This kind of world would never come again in the next life.

"Where is the immortal now?"

"On the way to save us."

"Storytellers all say that immortals live in mountains. Did the immortal who saved us also come down from the mountains?"

"Yes, the immortal who saved us has come down from the mountain."

The girl murmured softly, following her brother's ignorant and innocent words, imagining the immortal who did not exist at all.

"What sweet dreams are you two little devils doing? There are only gods on this mountain, how can there be any immortals?"

Just when the pair of siblings were giving each other spiritual comfort, the flickering light of the fire shone over, and a mocking voice also sounded. The dim firelight outlined a burly man with an unshaven beard, and behind him seemed to be What else are you dragging?

"Just be honest with me."

The chains of the wooden cage were opened, and the fierce man threw the things he was dragging in. The two siblings looked over and saw a man with whip marks all over his body. His body was hunched and curled up. People who keep moaning in pain?

Looking at the open cell door, even though they were very close, the siblings had no urge to escape, because their whole bodies were weak from hunger, they had no strength at all, and there was a burning hunger in their stomachs from time to time. Feelings well up.

"You are lying. Many gentlemen have said that there are immortals living on the mountain!"

The girl lowered her head, not wanting to provoke this burly man with an evil appearance, but the younger brother in her arms raised his head stubbornly at this moment, wanting to argue with him.

"Mr. Storyteller, the nonsense they say is only to fool children like you. I ate mountains when I was a child, and after marrying my wife, I lived by mountains.

I have been in and out of this forest countless times, and I have never seen any immortals. On the contrary, I have encountered those charming and charming people several times. "

The man opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of black and yellow teeth, like some kind of wild beast that chooses people to eat. With its fangs exposed, some invisible but real evil energy flowed from his body.

"I recently met the true God, who gave me divine power. In the past, I could only hide away from Hu Meizi, but now I can have a taste of it.

Just stay here honestly and don't think about escaping. God likes little brats like you who haven't done anything yet. If you run away, I will have to catch you hard and give you another beating. Trouble! "

The big man saw that the siblings had no tendency to run away, so he walked out of the wooden cage with satisfaction, closed the door with a bang, and tied the chains.

In the cage, the child who had just wanted to argue was as frightened as a quail. He huddled in his sister's arms and shivered. He just looked at the big man for a moment, and the courage and stubbornness he had just aroused disappeared completely.

"Sister, what is a god?"

After a long silence in gloom and depression, the child recovered from the fear caused by the burly man just now, and asked cautiously but curiously.


But such a question immediately stopped the girl. She didn't know what a god was. She guessed that it was the same thing as the statue of the god sitting in the temple. She only knew how to sit on the altar and accept the kneeling worship of them. and offerings, but of no use at all.

"Well, there is no such thing as a god. The one who lives on the mountain is an evil god who likes to eat people."

Suddenly, a light cough sounded. The "person" thrown in by the burly man stretched his body and made a painful movie, but he still gritted his teeth and made a disdainful mocking sound.

"That evil god eats a pair of boys and girls every day, just like you."

Even the "man" whose face was covered with bloodstains and even his flesh was rolled up raised his head and showed a chilling smile. His face was more intimidating than the strong man just now, and the children were almost frightened. Cried.

"Have you seen that evil god?"

The girl looked at the man in the cage who was also a prisoner, and she was also extremely scared. However, in order to survive, she had to understand the situation as much as possible. Maybe there was a possibility of escape. m

"I haven't seen it. If I had seen it, what you see now should be my wronged ghost, not my appearance, which is scarier than a ghost."

The guy who couldn't tell the difference between men and women, or even whether he was a human or not, chuckled.

"You haven't seen it, how can you be sure that it is a man-eating evil god?"

"How to be sure? Hahaha, guess how many people were in the cage I locked before?"

The man with rolled skin and hideous face, even scarier than a ghost, laughed,

"Every day, people disappear in front of me. The people who disappear are the gods that the guy mentioned just now. That evil god will give them everything they want."

"How could they do this?"

The girl was dumbfounded. She never imagined that she would be captured by her own people and would be used as a tribute. When she thought of this, the girl's body could not help but tremble slightly.

"If we, the unlucky ones like us who pass by, are not captured and sacrificed, the ones who will be eaten will be their own children."

"Does God have to eat people?"

The trembling child couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it okay not to eat people?"

"I don't know. If you have a chance to see the evil god, you can ask him, why does he eat people?"

"That's no need. Such a god will never be seen again."

The girl was so frightened that she quickly hugged her brother in her arms.

"This is not something you can see without thinking. The cage I was in was already empty and it was almost my turn, so I took the risk to escape from there. Unfortunately, I failed."

The "man" who was still bleeding from the corners of his eyes looked at the two siblings.

"I can't be sent into the mountains as a sacrifice in my current state. Maybe tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow, it will be your turn."

"My sister and I are very dirty and don't taste good. We really don't taste good. Can we ask God not to eat us?"

The child was so frightened by this man's terrifying appearance and words that he crawled into his sister's arms.

"If I had this ability, I wouldn't lie here anymore. You'd better take care of yourself. Maybe, there's no telling if an immortal will really come to save you, hahaha!"

In the silent night, the man who was beaten and beaten with only half a breath left his body covered in scars. His laughter was very harsh and even attracted many unpredictable monsters. Their eyes were like pale green floating in the air. Will-o'-the-wisp.

However, these monsters only dared to wander around the cage, and no one dared to pounce on them. Even if they were salivating and could even hear the sound of swallowing, the fear of something also prevented them from taking a step beyond the limit.

The sky was twilight. In the second half of the night, the girl, who was physically and mentally exhausted and couldn't help but fall asleep with her brother in her arms, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise. When she came to her senses, she saw a group of people appearing in the cage. around.

"What do you want to do?"

The girl knew these people. They were the ones who led the refugees, including her family, to the village. They entertained them warmly during the day and made them relax their vigilance. At night, they suddenly broke out and revealed their true faces.

"What else can they do? Of course they choose you as today's sacrifice to the god who lives on the mountain!"

The weirdo with bloodstains on his body also woke up at this moment and couldn't help laughing.

"Shut up."

There was a villager who seemed to be honest and honest, holding a long stick, and stabbed the weirdo hard, directly tearing open the blood scab on his body that had only healed for a long time, and blood flowed freely.

"come out."

The iron locks were unlocked, and several big men with coarse cloths covering their faces came out. Regardless of the girls' struggles and the children's cries, they dragged them out of the cages very brutally and roughly.

Then a woman brought clean water and coarse cloth and began to wash the siblings. Such treatment, combined with their previous deeds that were no different from monsters, all proved that what the weirdo said would be reflected on them. If it comes true, they will be used as sacrifices to the gods in the mountains.

"No, I don't want it, I..."

The girl's cries and desperate shouts were met with only indifference. Her mouth was quickly gagged, she was put on clean clothes, and then tied up.

This group of villagers with simple clothes and honest faces looked like they were cleaning livestock before slaughtering them. Many of them even had smiles on their faces. They even sang and danced, singing and singing, looking extremely happy.

But this joy, which is somewhat festive and extremely lively, does not belong to the two siblings who have tears in their eyes and want to struggle. They are tied to sticks, like carrying animals, UU reading www. uukanshu.net was sent to the mountain.

The mountain people seemed very ordinary at first. After setting foot in the forest, even the panicked brother and sister noticed that they were unusual.

In the mountains, there were lush vegetation and thorns, but this could not stop them at all. On the contrary, they walked faster and faster. When they arrived, everything in the mountains would separate to both sides to make way for them.

At the end, the girl even felt that this group of people was about to fly, and in fact, that was exactly what happened, because on the last stretch of the road, there were really clouds coming from all directions, pulling her and her brother away from that group of people with human faces and animal hearts. Taken away in the hands of people.

But this did not make the girl feel at ease. On the contrary, she was even more frightened because she finally saw the god she had only heard about last night on a mountaintop standing on a sea of ​​clouds.

It was not some majestic giant that was difficult to look at directly, nor was it a ferocious demon that was so frightening that people dared not take another look at it, but an elegant man who was holding a book and reading.

If she were elsewhere, seeing such a majestic man, the girl couldn't help but feel a bit of spring in her heart. But at this moment, in this place where no one is alive, the girl only has fear in her heart.

"You came uninvited, it turned out to be a bad visitor."

The two siblings, who were hugging each other and shivering, saw this elegant man suddenly looking behind them, with a warm smile on his face like the spring breeze blowing in March.

"Your Majesty is here, what advice do you have?"

The girl turned back with fear, only to see behind her, there was a young man in white who looked like a banished immortal. Facing the burly, heroic and elegant young man, this young man said nothing. Just pull out a sword, and then wave it gently...

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