The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 256 Ten thousand ghosts in the world

Chapter 258 Ten thousand ghosts in the world

"Have you heard? Another person died yesterday. She was the eldest daughter of the Zhang family. She suddenly went crazy at night, muttering about looking for her brother. Before her family could stop her, she ran out at night."

"Wait a minute, the Zhang family only has one eldest brother, right? Where did she get her brother?"

"Who knows? This morning, her family found her in a shallow pond. She was submerged in water up to her waist. She was soaked in it and was already gone. I heard... it seemed like she had been soaked for half a month. He almost looks like no one anymore, but I can still identify him by the birthmark on his clothes..."

"Not only the Zhang family, but also the two Zhao brothers from Yanqi Village next door... The day before yesterday, they were drinking with people in our town. I saw them walking back on the main road, but then they saw a red shadow flash past. This The two brothers walked into the woods as if they were blind... The people in their village searched for him all day but couldn't find him, so they all just went to the city to report the case to the government."

"Hey, if we add it all up, there will probably be more than a dozen people in February, right? It's only the beginning of the month. If this continues, I don't know when it will end."

"Early this morning, I saw Li Yuanwai's family driving away. I heard they were moving out of Shuiyang Town and never coming back. Rich and powerful people can move away, but how can we poor people live? ?”

There were only a few pedestrians on the desolate street, and elderly people with gloomy expressions were sitting on the street chatting. The cold wind blew by, rolling up pieces of white paper and floating in the air.

The young man walked quickly across the street. He had no time to listen to the chatter of these elderly people. The gloomy sky was suffocating, and it looked like a heavy rain was coming.

In this kind of sky, even if it is not yet midnight, the sun may still be hanging on the thick clouds, but it is no different from dark. At this time, you can't wander outside anymore, you have to return home as soon as possible.

This world has become more and more unfamiliar and frightening to him. The peace and harmony that existed when his parents were still alive are gone forever. All changes seem to have originated from the death of their old emperor of the Yan Kingdom.

Originally, the existence of the emperor was too far away for the young man in the small town, so far away that it was not as real as the statue of the earth god in the temple.

But five years ago, when the old emperor suddenly passed the throne to his youngest son before his death, the young man felt the presence of the emperor.

I heard from merchants who passed by the town in the early years that because the newly enthroned little emperor was too young, his brothers and even his many uncles were not very convinced. In just a few years, they started to rebel one after another to fight for the throne. .

Although most of the rebellions have been suppressed and the little emperor's position has been secured, the young man can feel that his life has become worse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The first thing that weighed heavily on the young man was the taxes imposed by the government, which became increasingly heavy. So when his mother was seriously ill in bed, his father did not even have money to buy medicine.

After his mother died of illness, his father was taken away by the government because he could not pay the increasingly heavy taxes. It is said that he went to serve as a slave in a far away place to repay the unpaid taxes.

Because of his father and his youth, he does not have to pay taxes for the time being, but this is only temporary. In another year, he will also face taxes that will cause many neighbors to complain.

However, he doesn't have to worry about next year now, because he doesn't seem to live until then. I don't know when, everything around him that he can come into contact with starts to become strange and weird.

Two months ago, a well-known cloth merchant and shopkeeper in the county came back with four assistants to collect goods. It was already midnight at that time. It is said that they encountered a string of red lanterns floating in the air on the official road.

One of the youngest clerks was so frightened that he ran away in fear, while the cloth merchant, shopkeeper, and several other older clerks were so frightened that they did not dare to move. From that day on, no one saw those people again, as if they had disappeared from the world.

More than half a month ago, a group of warriors seemed to be searching for something to hide from. They passed by Jiming Village next door and stayed overnight. However, when the next morning, the villagers who entertained these warriors were horrified to find that all these warriors had been beheaded. He died tragically in the middle of the night. What was strange was that there was not even a drop of blood at the place where the head was severed, and all the heads were missing.

This case caused a sensation in all the towns and villages. The county government sent people to investigate the case. A whole group of policemen suddenly went crazy for some reason and drew their swords to slaughter the villagers who were watching. After killing all the villagers who had entertained the warriors, they then They killed each other and eventually died.

Half a month ago, a person in the town screamed in horror, saying that he saw a giant about ten feet tall slowly passing by. However, even though he was close at hand, no one else saw him except this person. The next day, the man died on his bed at home, torn apart and extremely miserable.

...Similar to these terrifying rumors, the boy had heard about them half a year ago, especially in places where rebellions and wars had occurred. It was said that some people had seen the Yin Army walking at night.

At that time, the young people only regarded it as amusement, listening with relish to the merchants or warriors from far away, with a little panic and fear on their faces, vividly describing these bizarre-sounding tragedies.

But now the young man no longer has the same mood as before, because the terrifying and strange things that were extremely far away from him and seemed to be on the horizon, as if he had grown legs, kept spreading to the town where he was.

Especially in the past two months, weird and terrifying things have been happening around him, one after another, and they are becoming more and more frequent.


A thunder resounded across the ground, and the young man couldn't help but speed up his pace home.

When passing through an alleyway, the young man suddenly slowed down. He saw two people from the famous village carrying out a corpse wrapped in a straw mat from the dark alley. When the icy wind blew, the body was lifted. He opened the straw mat, revealing a face covered with maggots, and an indescribable stench filled the air.

"That's...a lame beggar..."

When the young man saw that deadpan face, he felt strong uneasiness and throbbing in his heart. He recognized it.

"Why is he dead? I saw him begging on the street yesterday, he died less than a day ago, and he is so rotten like this?"

The two body collectors threw the corpse wrapped in straw mats on the cart and left with expressionless or numb expressions.

The young man stood there and stared for a while, then his expression became more solemn and his frown deepened. Now, not only did he have no relatives, it was even difficult for him to survive.

His family had no money and was literally living in poverty. The only valuable possession was the leaky house. But now in this time of war and chaos, who would want his dilapidated house?

When the boy was secretly feeling sad, a small ball with ribbons and silk suddenly rolled to the boy's feet. It was a hydrangea, and the bright red silk was even tied into a beautiful concentric knot.

This is a small ball with a festive meaning. If it is thrown from a high place on a well-built embroidered building on a sunny day by a rich and unmarried girl, it will be enough to attract people. Hundreds of people, with their blood running high, scrambled to grab more.

But now this hydrangea rolled out of a dark alley on the eve of the storm, lying quietly on the dirty ground stained with mud and unknown blood, rolling beside his feet.


The moment he saw the red hydrangea, the young man suddenly felt a chill running from his tailbone to the top of his head. His whole body became stiff, and his consciousness froze at this moment.

The boy's head seemed to be turning bit by bit uncontrollably, and he looked towards the direction where the red hydrangea rolled out, which was the alleyway where the two body collectors had just carried out the lame beggar.

"Officer, can you help the little girl pick up the ball?"

In the dim alley, I saw a pretty girl in her twenties, wearing a dazzling red wedding dress. She asked softly with a smile on her delicate face.

No, you can’t pick it up!

The young man's eyes widened in horror. The beaded-haired girl in front of him could appear in any magnificent place, but she should not appear in this dark, cold, cold and dirty alley.

There was no color on that pretty face, and it was so pale that it reminded the young man of the high-quality rice paper he had seen in the bookstore, and a cold and strange aura hit his face.


But the young man who wanted to refuse and run away realized that his body had lost control at this moment, and a low and hoarse sound came out of his mouth that was completely unlike what he could make.

Then the young man looked horrified, watching helplessly as he bent down, easily picked up the red hydrangea that fell at his feet, and held it in his hands.

Seeing a poor young man with patches on his clothes, holding a red hydrangea in his hand, and a pretty girl wearing a bright red wedding dress, standing in the thick dark shadows, she smiled lightly at the young man.

"Mr. Lang, why don't you come over and give me your body?"

After hearing the words, the young man walked stiffly into the alleyway and came to the girl in wedding clothes. The high walls on both sides blocked the extremely dim light outside the alleyway, and the cold and biting breath came from all directions.

"Back to you!"

The commoner boy handed the red hydrangea to the wedding girl.

But the girl didn't even look at the red hydrangea, her black and white eyes stared straight at the boy in cloth.

"don't want……"

The girl's red lips were slightly opened as if they were stained with blood, and her eyes were smiling.

"Since the husband has picked up the hydrangea, it belongs to the husband, even the concubine!"

Suddenly, the girl in wedding clothes stretched out her hand and touched the young man's face. The girl's hands were colder than the white ice in winter, and half of the boy's face was numb with the cold in an instant.

The fear that the young man had accumulated since then suddenly broke out at this moment and turned into anger. The hair on his body stood on end, and a rumor that he didn't know whether it was useful or not was suddenly recalled by him.

Under the strong stimulation of a strong threat to his life, the fear turned into anger, so he bit the tip of his tongue. A melting warmth filled his body, and at the same time, a burning heat spread from his chest.

The sour feeling that made him stiff and unable to move immediately faded away. At this moment, the boy regained control of his body, and the smile on the face of the beautiful girl in front of him suddenly faded away at this moment.

It was just a daze. When the young man looked again, the dim alley was empty, and the girl in wedding dress disappeared in an instant.

"Just now... was it an illusion?"

The young man found it difficult to accept the reality, but when he lowered his head and saw the thing in his hand, the joy that had not yet had time to emerge suddenly froze on his face... The luxuriously decorated red hydrangea was actually still in his hand!

A chill rose from the young man's heart, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He hurriedly threw away the red hydrangea in his hand and quickly left the alley. When the young man fled back to the street, the cold air around him seemed to be lighter.

When the blood that suddenly rose just now dissipated, only fear remained in the young man's heart. He looked back at the dark alley, quickly quickened his pace, and escaped from the dark alley, but accidentally bumped into a similar person. Passers-by walking in a hurry.

"Where does this young boy come from who can't walk without eyes?"

The passer-by who stumbled after being hit yelled in anger.

At this moment, the young man was in a state of shock, and he just wanted to go home quickly:

"sorry, I……"

However, before the young man finished speaking, he saw angry passers-by becoming frightened. Suddenly, as if they were seeing ghosts, they pointed at the young man's face and shouted in horror:

"Ghost...ghost...ghost handprint!"

The young man couldn't see his own face and didn't understand what the passers-by meant.

"He, he got evil!"

Passers-by screamed in fear and crawled away from the boy, as if they were avoiding disaster.

"He hit a ghost!"

The young man froze on the spot. On the street, a few hurried passers-by were attracted by the shouts and glanced at the young man. Then, the expressions of these passers-by changed drastically, and they dispersed in fear as if they had seen the god of plague.

"That kid...has ghost fingerprints on his face! He...he won't live for a few days!"

"Don't talk and stay away from him! Be careful of getting into his bad luck!"

"It's such a pity for such a small baby... I don't know which family's son is going to die at such a young age. Hey... what kind of world is this?"

"Don't you want to live anymore? Just say a few words."

Seeing the passers-by running away like the plague, the young man's heart sank. He remembered that the strange girl reached out and touched his face. Did she leave something on his face?

The young man couldn't bear the strange looks and looks from passers-by around him. UU read www.uukanshu. net He covered his face and ran all the way, rushing into a shabby dilapidated tile-roofed house.

After returning home, the first thing the boy did was to fill half a jar of water from the jar with a corner missing. Then he stretched out his head and saw in the reflection of the slightly rippling water, on the right side of his cheek, a palm with five fingers. The slender black-green handprints are clearly visible and particularly dazzling.

A livid look appeared on the young man's face, and then turned pale. He knew that some unlucky people would bump into ghosts at inopportune places, and at this time the ghosts had the will but no power, so they could only leave their mark and wait until the right time came.

The most suitable time for ghosts to take action is undoubtedly the middle of the night. Perhaps as passersby said, he has only a few days to live. Maybe he won't even be able to survive tonight and won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

The young man felt cold all over his body. He hurriedly scooped up water from the earthen pot, slapped it on his cheeks, and scrubbed desperately. However, even though his cheeks were sore and even bleeding, the black and blue palm prints were not the same as his. The skin and flesh are firmly together, with no signs of fading away.

"What on earth did I do? Why did this happen to me!"

In recent years, young people who have suffered serious injuries one after another seem to have been drained of all their strength. They collapse on the ground and cry loudly, as if they want to vent all the depression and pain accumulated in their hearts over the past few years.

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