The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 204 9 babies? Xiang Liu? Great Sage!

Chapter 206 Jiu Ying Xiang Liu? Great Sage!

"That's it! No wonder you can see me!"

Before Feng Qingan could answer, the voice that suddenly sounded in his ears began to speak on its own again. It seemed that the moment he asked the question, he already understood the reason.

"Whose reincarnation are you?"

"Forget it, there's no need to tell you. Even if you tell me, I probably don't know you. I've been sealed here all the time. I don't know what the outside world looks like from the beginning."

It was obviously a majestic voice, but probably because he had not communicated with other beings for a long time and did not give Feng Qingan a chance to speak, he spoke a lot in rapid succession, with undisguised melancholy and sadness in his voice. have no choice.


Feng Qing'an, who was forcibly brought here, twitched his lips and looked at the towering silhouette looming in the mist. Although his mind was tense, his face was not too nervous.

Because he didn't realize the danger, the guy who forced him here didn't have any ill intentions towards him. Now it seems that he has been holding it in for too long.

[Type: Spirit of the Cave]

[Attributes: heaven, earth, spirit]

[Potential Level: Dominator·Inferior]

[Combat power level: Emperor·Medium]

This is the strongest existence that Feng Qingan has come into contact with so far, and it is also an extremely special existence, even if he is already standing in front of the opponent.

But Feng Qingan still couldn't determine the other party's form of existence, even if the other party seemed to have a real entity, it was not everywhere as he had inferred.

"After so many years, I finally met someone who can see me. Unfortunately, you are from the human race. It would be great if you were from the demon race. I can recognize you as my master now!"

A sighing voice sounded, but what he said was something that made Feng Qing'an's heart beat wildly. However, after hearing it, Feng Qing'an quickly suppressed his excitement.

Because he is from the human race, a real human race, and has nothing to do with the demon race. Oh, no, he is still very skillful in using the demon power of the demon race.

Judging from the beast master's training, his control over the creatures contracted with him must have gradually deepened, and he can now disguise himself as a half-demon.

"what do you?"

Feng Qing'an frowned. Although he had a general understanding of the existence in front of him, he only knew what the other party was. But other than that, he was vague about other aspects, and he knew nothing about its existence form.

The spirit born in the cave that is on the verge of destruction, this is the information that Feng Qingan understands. Apart from this, there is nothing more. The power held by the other party can crush everything he knows - not including him. Including her eldest brother, Donghuang is not sure, she also has some special means.

"I am the spirit in charge of the Nine Life Cave Heaven!"

After hearing Feng Qing'an's inquiry, he realized that the little human being in front of him could really communicate with the spirit of the cave. His interest suddenly rose. An incredibly large head broke through the clouds and poked out from the thick fog. .

Just for the eyes, the head was several feet in size. Even though it did not emit any special spiritual pressure or aura, Feng Qingan felt a suffocating sense of oppression. This was an oppression caused by a huge disparity in source and size.

too big!

Why is it so big?

Seeing the head in front of him that was even bigger than the real body of Heishan, Feng Qingan couldn't help but take a few steps back and put some useless distance away.

"What are you doing back?"

Seeing Feng Qing'an's meaningless behavior, the cave spirit who stretched out one head felt confused at first, then the second, third... and even the ninth head, the thick white mist, like the waves on the ocean. Huge waves surged in the sky, and the wind howled.

Nine heads that looked like dragons but not dragons, and looked like snakes but not snakes, poked out from all directions, surrounding Feng Qing'an in the center. Their eyes, as big and deep as a deep pool, stared at Feng Qing'an from all directions, making Feng Qing'an's My scalp felt numb.

Nine babies?

Xiang Liu?

Feng Qing'an really didn't expect that there was such a terrifying existence hidden in this demon clan cave that was so dilapidated that it was considered a blessed place.

The Xiao family didn't mention it at all, or the Xiao family didn't know from beginning to end that there was such a terrifying existence hidden in the demon clan cave they had been operating for thousands of years.

Judging from the tone and demeanor of this cave spirit's words, none of the Xiao family had ever come into contact with the nine-headed monster in front of them, but why was he the one who was targeted the moment he came in?

"Are you afraid of me?"

Feng Qing'an's behavior couldn't be easier to understand. The cave spirit laughed like thunder, and then comforted the green-faced young man in white.

"Don't be afraid, even if you are a human, I will not hurt you. If you had just woken up, I might have eaten you, but now, as you can notice my existence, you are my only friend!"


Feng Qing'an grinned, "Good guy, before he even said a few words, he was unilaterally recognized as a friend by this monster. If he was a monster, this guy might be just like what he said. Confess his master on the spot.

"Besides me, haven't you met another person who can detect your presence?"

Many thoughts were surging in Feng Qing'an's heart.

He now wants to discuss the matter of recognizing his master with the big guy in front of him. Although he is a pure human race, under the right circumstances, he can also transform into a half-demon. If you don't believe it, he can still show it on the spot.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed. Even if this guy is fed up with being lonely, Feng Qing'an feels that few people can bear it when he opens his mouth and tells others, "I want to be your master."

"You can't see. To those human beings who are similar to you, I am like a strong wind, a heavy rain, or a sudden wildfire. I have watched them for nearly a thousand years, but they never Be aware of my presence!"

There was unspeakable regret and emotion in the tone of the cave spirit. The world under Feng Qingan's feet roared and shook with the monster's words, and thunder exploded in the clouds with its voice. .

Every word and action is a celestial phenomenon!

Feng Qing'an felt the changes around him, and suddenly realized something. The small golden-scaled dragon emerged from his chest and clothes, and looked up at the sky.

As for Heishan and Bai Yao, they have lost contact. Feng Qingan can feel the presence of Heishan and knows that it is safe and sound, but the difference between him and Heishan is not a matter of distance, they are not in the same space at all.

"As expected!"

Under the "Spirit Art", Feng Qingan gained Minglong's perspective, but from his perspective, the sky in front of him was only surging clouds and mist, mighty wind, and thunder shining in the clouds.

But apart from that, there is nothing, no giant existence with nine heads at all. Compared to Feng Qing'an, Minglongjia was just confused at the moment. It couldn't see it, but it was vaguely aware of it, but it didn't help.

I don’t know whether the statue in front of me is Jiuying or Xiangliu, or it is simply an existence with no form. It is an existence that is beyond the ordinary world and even beyond the understanding of ordinary practitioners.

Even if it appears openly in front of the human race, appears in the eyes of the monster race and shows its existence, in their eyes, it is the change of the celestial phenomena in the blessed land, the natural change in line with the heaven and earth, and everything it causes , are all natural disasters or gifts.

Even practitioners find it difficult to understand its existence. Even if they stand in front of it or even in its body, they are not aware of it.

Physical characteristics: Pure Yang!

Without the blessing of any combat power, it gave him an unbelievably high perspective and gaze that was above the ordinary, allowing him to perceive the reality between heaven and earth and not be confused by the external illusion of nothingness.

"Only humans like you who are similar to my master can be aware of my existence! It's a pity that after my birth, you were the only one who entered here."

The huge head was lowered as much as possible, leaning towards Feng Qing'an. His eyes, which were several times larger than a human's, were close to him. His figure was reflected in the dark and deep vertical pupils. This guy seemed to want to imprint his appearance on his face. Remember him firmly in your heart.

"Only when you see me, even if I don't do anything, you can notice my existence. You can even hear what I say and communicate with me. I feel very happy. The human race can tell me ,What's your name?"

"Feng Qing'an!"

The shock of being surrounded by nine heads as big as mountains gradually faded away. Feng Qingan, who was beginning to adapt to all this, said his name. This guy was easier to get in touch with than he thought.

"What's your name again?"

"Jiuling, this is the name I gave myself. If you don't like it, you can also give me a name you like."

He clearly possesses the strongest combat power that Feng Qing'an has seen so far, but the attitude of the cave spirit is completely beyond Feng Qing'an's expectation, and even seems a bit humble, which makes Feng Qing'an feel dumbfounded.

"Your name is quite good. Since you have already chosen it, how can you change it casually?"

"A name only has meaning when called by others. Now only you can communicate with me, and of course you need to like me!"

The head that came close to Feng Qing'an was facing him, with a matter-of-fact tone, while the other heads were looking at Feng Qing'an from all directions, making the young man very uncomfortable.

"Then I will call you Jiuling from now on."

Feng Qingan followed the good example and called the name of this special being in front of him.

"Feng Qing'an! What a pity, it would be better if you were a demon!"

The big snake's head was facing Feng Qingan, his tone full of regret.

"Why? If I were a demon clan, what would you do? Serve me as your master?"

Seeing that the spirit of the cave took the initiative to talk about this aspect, Feng Qingan took advantage of the opportunity to ask, but that was all he was asking now.

The level involved in this cave spirit is too high, and it cannot perfectly control its existence like Donghuang. Just look at the types of appraisals and you will know how the Nine Spirits can perfectly control every bit of power.

The moment he signed the contract with it, he would probably explode. He would not be able to withstand the power fed back by the soul contract. This was not an existence he could contact now.

"Of course, but unfortunately, you are not!"

Jiuling answered in the affirmative, which made Feng Qingxin's head feel hot. However, he still suppressed his impulse and asked patiently. He needed to find out more information and learn as much as possible about the origin and details of this cave spirit.

For example, which powerful person from the Demon Clan opened this cave? And for what reason did that mighty man fall? So much so that Dongtian has been reduced to the point where people mistake it for a blessed land, and what are the reasons for the birth of the Spirit of Dongtian?

These are all things he needs to inquire about. Asking directly may seem okay, but it is safer to make insinuations.

"You long for a master?"

Since spiritual wisdom was born, it was an independent individual and did not need to be attached to anyone. Feng Qingan couldn't understand the idea that this guy wanted to recognize his master when he opened his mouth.

"Not eager, but this cave needs a strong enough master!"

The cave spirit answered truthfully.

"A human race like you should be able to tell that this is a broken cave. I need to repair it, but my power is limited to the cave, and outside the cave, I have no power to interfere, so I need someone here. Owner!"

"Aren't there demon clans everywhere in this cave? It can also promote the growth of demon clans. No matter what kind of demon clan they are, as long as they come here, they can open their spiritual wisdom faster than their counterparts outside. If you really want to find a demon clan, You should cultivate a suitable demon clan yourself!"

Feng Qing'an wondered curiously, the Xiao family has been in charge of this cave for thousands of years. He doesn't know how long the cave spirit in front of him has existed, but no matter what he thinks, it shouldn't be later than the Xiao family!

"It's not that simple. I've already tried it, and the best demon clan I have trained so far is still unable to notice my existence.

If he can't even discover my existence, why should I recognize him as my master and dominate the Nine Life Cave Heaven? Even if it is a broken cave, he is not qualified! "

Jiuling shook his head, his voice full of distress. There were indeed many monsters living in the cave, but none of them could catch his eye.

"What kind of demon clan is qualified?"

Feng Qingan asked, if he must stick to the demon clan, he could let Heishan or Senmiao try. UU read

"Have the potential to become a great saint!"

Jiuling said in a matter-of-fact tone.


Feng Qing'an was silent for a while. Okay, it's time for these two guys.

"What level is the Great Sage?"

"The great sage of the demon clan does not represent a specific realm. The supreme one among the demons can be called a great sage!"

"So the original owner of this cave was a great sage?"

"Yes, according to the memory I recalled after recovering, the owner of Jiu Shou Cave Heaven is the Great Sage of the Demon Clan. And I am the spirit born after the death of the Great Sage!"

"Have you never seen the Great Sage?"

"Never seen it! But I have some vague memories!"

"Therefore, only demons with the potential of a great saint are qualified to inherit the cave!"

Feng Qingan's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Yes, if there is no such potential, how can we inherit Dongtian? Restoring this place to its original heyday!"

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