Chapter 175 Myth Feedback

"Brother, what happened to you?"

After taking Jiangbei back to his city defense camp, the captain couldn't wait to ask.

He knew that this guy was sane, but because he saw something beyond common sense, he was greatly shocked, so he said some words that sounded like crazy words to other people's ears.

It was precisely because he had understood something that the captain was so curious that he felt like his heart was being scratched with a hundred claws. He wanted to know so much that this unruly colleague in front of him ran into the other courtyard where he was staying in the middle of the night and met him. What happened to that Second Young Master Feng.

"Armor! I fought with a piece of armor all night, hahahaha, I'm a waste, a useless loser!"

Jiang Bei, who was being questioned, cried and laughed, and his expression was extremely broken. No matter from every aspect, he looked like he was stupid.

"What armor? Why did you fight with armor all night?"

Jiang Bei told what happened to him, but the words fell into the captain's ears, like crazy words. He couldn't understand the meaning at all. Armor? Can this thing be used against people? Became a sperm?

Some old objects that have been around for many years may indeed develop spiritual intelligence and turn into spirits, but even if they become spirit armor, they won't be stimulated to this extent.

The captain couldn't understand!

"It has learned everything about me, hahaha. It took me thirty years to understand the wave-breaking knife. It only took one night to master it. Wuwuwuwu, I am a waste. All I have learned in these years is What!"

Jiang Bei's mood collapsed, but the words revealed in his words made the captain even more incomprehensible and unwilling to believe that he could master the sword's intention in one night? What the hell are you talking about?

Where can such a monster exist? It's not that he has never seen geniuses, but how can mastering the meaning be so simple? Without going through hundreds of battles and rich experiences, how could he possibly comprehend his own "meaning".

Crazy talk!

But even so, the general became more and more itchy and unbearable, so the top military commander of Anqing Prefecture made a decision that was not considered bold in his own opinion.

He decided to follow the example of his colleague and visit the place where the Second Young Master Feng was staying at night. He wanted to see how powerful that Young Master was, and he was actually able to beat the Gangsha Realm warrior stupid. He asked himself that he didn't even have this ability. ability.

He even felt that he didn't have to reveal his identity before coming to the door, because he felt that the Second Master Feng was quite abiding by the rules in his dealings with others, and there was no violation of the rules, and there was no danger to his life. Look at this person. Mr. Jiang knew it, and there wasn't even a decent scar on his body.

After making up his mind, the captain turned around and ordered his soldiers to find out where the second young master Feng was staying. This was not a difficult task. After only half an hour, he knew the specific location.

"Qingyang Restaurant, Jia Qi Villa, this second young master will really enjoy it!"

As night fell, the watchman's gong sounded on the deserted streets. A tall, seven-foot-tall man appeared outside a strange-looking courtyard following the slightly chilly evening breeze by the lake.

"Huh? What's going on with this courtyard wall?"

The moment he approached, the big man noticed something was wrong. Although the walls of the other courtyard in front of him looked similar to those of the surrounding courtyards at first glance, as a Gangsha realm warrior's keen insight, It can make him detect abnormalities.

The opposite wall in front of you seems to be quite regular at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find the difference. It seems that after being broken, it was glued back together by an unusual force. It is not very smooth. , simply cannot stand a closer look.


Such a discovery made the big man's expression become excited. This meant that a battle unknown to the outside world took place in this courtyard last night, but the movement caused by the battle was covered up.

This makes sense. Innate warriors can smash rocks with their fists, tear apart tigers and leopards with their hands, and move a hundred feet with one step. How can there be no movement when warriors in the Gangsha realm fight, and how can they not cause damage to everything around them?

"Second Young Master Feng, let me see you!"

Because there were no wounds on Jiang Bei's body, the man was sure that his life would not be in danger. He jumped over the wall and entered the yard just like Jiang Bei did last night.

The moment he entered the yard, the muscles in the big man's body tensed instantly. He raised his hands, revealing a pair of dull fist armor. He stared at the fragile bamboo forest, lying on the ground, raising his head. Look at his black and white wolves!


A very strong demon!

What are those ghosts and gods doing in the Chenghuang Temple? They collect so much incense every day that they don’t even know the demons are sneaking into the city!

The big man cursed in his heart. When he saw the black wolf lowering his head to lick the white wolf's fur, he was stunned. Was he ignoring him?


Only then did the big man remember that this was not a wilderness. He broke into the courtyard where others were temporarily staying. The two demons in front of him were probably the spiritual beasts tamed by the second young master.

When he thought of this, the big man suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to deal with himself. He climbed over the wall and came in. It would be too shameful to leave like this. After all, he came here.

"A warrior from the human race?"

Bai Yao stared at the big man for a moment, then looked uninterested and put his head on the green grass that was just born today.

"You climbed over the wall in the wrong place. Go forward. There is the opponent you want to find there!"

"Oh, okay, thank you!"

Hearing the white wolf speak, the big man nodded subconsciously and walked a few steps. Then he realized that his body stiffened. He couldn't enter the yard and fight with other spiritual beasts. These two monsters It's not the opponent he was looking for, and it has nothing to do with armor.

"Everyone is coming in!"

As soon as the big man gritted his teeth, he followed the white wolf's prompts and walked deep into the courtyard. As he walked around a verandah, a wide courtyard soon appeared in front of him.

However, his attention was instantly attracted by a golden-armored figure wielding a knife in the courtyard. His expression suddenly became excited, lingering in every corner of the courtyard, with the ubiquitous "meaning". So clear and obvious.


The light of the snow-white sword flashed in the air, and the sound of rolling waves was heard. In this sword, the big man saw an endless vast ocean. It seemed calm, but it could make those who looked at it feel an extremely heavy pressure.


Such a powerful "meaning" of the sword instantly aroused the warlike heart of the city defense captain, and his unique "meaning" also lingered on his fist.

Just by showing such a gesture, Minglongjia knew what the human race was looking for in the middle of the night. It dropped the training knife in its hand, looked at the human race who only wore a pair of fist armor, and clenched its fists.

Needless to say, two figures, one golden and one black, collided together. A wave of air visible to the naked eye erupted from the place where the two collided, sweeping across the newly repaired courtyard. The two figures stood within a ten-foot radius. All were destroyed by the air waves.

"Is there something wrong!?"

Sensing the fighting that broke out in the courtyard where he was staying, Feng Qingan, who had just repaired his house, suddenly turned dark. He really couldn't understand what the warriors in this city were thinking about?

"Are you going to stop them? Master!"

Sen Miao, who assisted Feng Qing'an and spent a day to completely repair this courtyard, asked in a low voice. Whether it was the armor or the human warrior who came to fight for no reason, she could suppress it with all her strength.

"They've already started fighting, so let them be!"

Feng Qing'an waved his hand and said that there was no need to intervene. Although the guy he found this time was much stronger than the fool yesterday, he could not cause harm to Minglongjia.

The level of materials used to cast the Minglong Armor is beyond the reach of warriors at this level. No matter how hard they try, it is impossible to leave even the slightest trace on it.

In this case, Minglongjia may be defeated, but it will never be defeated. For a special existence like Minglongjia, if it does not have overwhelming power and falls into a war of attrition, it will inevitably be defeated. Human race.

The guy named Jiang Bei had already verified this with himself last night, and what he had verified was not only the Minglong Armor's long-lasting combat ability, but also its outstanding talent in martial arts.

After just one night of fighting, Minglongjia, who was beaten and knocked away continuously in the first half of the night, realized the "meaning" of the sword in the second half of the night, and used the "meaning" of the sword in battle. In the head-on confrontation, he defeated That warrior also defeated his will.

The warrior named Jiangbei suffered severe trauma from body to mind. Feng Qingan couldn't do anything about the mental trauma, but for the physical injuries, Feng Qingan wanted to let Sen. for the sake of making his armor stronger. Miao treated him so that his appearance was intact and no scars could be seen.

"Then I just need to prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the outside world?"


Feng Qingan nodded.

"Sir, I want to ask you something!"


Feng Qingan glanced at Senmiao,

"you say."

"Do you have any special connection with Montenegro?"

After getting along with each other for a few days, Sen Miao, as a great demon, observed a lot. For example, the wolf named Black Mountain was the closest to the boy in front of him. Their relationship was no longer even close, but a spiritual connection.

"Why do you say that?"

Feng Qing'an was surprised that the great demon observed them so carefully. He remembered that he did not treat them differently, almost treating them equally.

"That white wolf is too in awe of you, and your attitude towards her is also very dull, far less close than you are to Black Mountain. The reason why you are so kind to her is probably because of that ghost wolf! "

Sen Miao replied, although they all look the same, a lot can be seen in the changes in eyes, the contact in movements, and the subtle differences in tone during contact.

"Your observation skills are very good!"

"Heishan and Bai Yao have different statuses in your heart!"

Although it was a question, Sen Miao was very sure.

"Heishan was raised by me!"

Feng Qingan smiled and did not deny it.

"Soon after it was born, it entrusted everything to me. I mean everything to it, and it is irreplaceable to me."


Sen Miao was thoughtful and enlightened, and she roughly understood that Bai Lang probably relied on the relationship with Heishan, so he was able to follow the young master. If this is the case,

"What would you do if I were willing to trust you with everything I have?"

Now that she has chosen to follow, she should simply do it. Although it looks the same, it is only temporary. She wants to be the same as the ghost wolf called Black Mountain, not become the white wolf.

"I will be very happy, and at the same time I will give you everything you have never felt before, and I will not let you down!"

Feng Qing'an originally wanted to find an opportunity to sign a contract with Sen Miao, but this young demon who had lived for hundreds of years was smarter than he thought. He made a decision after just a few days of observation.

"In this case, sir, I am willing to offer you everything that belongs to me!"

Sen Miao, who has experienced the mystery of Feng Qing'an's power many times, did not hesitate at all. If she misses the person in front of her, she will never meet the second person again. She is extremely sure of this.

"If that's the case, then I'll accept it!"

Feng Qing'an stood up, and the light red soul power rose up in his palms, intertwining into a circle under Sen Miao's blank gaze, and a wonderful aura rippled from it,

"This is a soul contract. Once you accept it, you will share weal and woe with me. Whether it is disaster or blessing, you will face it with me!"

"Soul contract?!"

Sen Miao understood clearly that only by accepting the soul contract could he be truly trained by the young master in front of him. In this case, there was nothing to say.

"Master, please let go and do something!"

"Don't be nervous, just don't resist. It may hurt a little when you enter, but after the pain passes, I guarantee you will experience a wonderful taste you have never experienced before!"


Sen Miao nodded a little uneasily, and then saw Feng Qingan put his palm on his forehead. The radiance of soul power was rising, and it was also intertwined with the soul of the big demon, leaving a mark that was unique to Feng Qingan. .


The signing of the soul contract this time was more difficult than ever before. Although Shen Miao said she would cooperate, she still had an instinctive resistance in her heart. But it was just an instinctive resistance. Her rationality was subjectively inclined to surrender to Feng Qingan. .

Therefore, although there were some twists and turns, it was innocuous. UU Reading The brilliance of soul power finally left an indelible mark on Sen Miao's soul.

When the contract was successfully signed, the two parties complemented each other, and the Qingmu spiritual energy rose from Sen Miao's body again, turning into the sacred outline of the wooden unicorn. The wooden unicorn formed this time was clearer than the last time. Obviously, her The Qilin bloodline has been improved.

However, compared to Sen Miao, whose potential has been further enhanced, the feedback from the big demon has caused Feng Qing'an to change completely. Vigorous blood surges in his body, and the majestic water and wood spiritual energy interweaves in his body. .

Feng Qing'an, who was originally six feet tall, was nourished by this power, and his figure grew several inches taller. Divine patterns with ancient Taoist charm appeared on his cheeks, and fine blue scales were on his neck and shoulders. emerge.


Feng Qing'an took a gentle breath. He felt that his body was about to be torn apart by the blood energy fed back by the big demon. However, this majestic blood energy contained an incredible vitality, which eliminated his pain. Erase the damage caused by the rapidly increasing body.

This allowed Feng Qing'an to gradually adapt to the pain in a very short period of time and indulge in the pleasure of rapidly increasing strength. This pleasure was the first time he had experienced it.

After all, Sen Miao is a great demon creature with mythical bloodline and vivid blood.

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