"Where did the bald donkey come from? It looks like he has a lot of moral integrity!"

As dusk falls, Feng Qingan looks to the west and sees a thin golden light rising straight into the sky, which is particularly conspicuous under the gradually darkening sky.

This golden light was different from the Haoran righteousness that his family was gradually recovering. At first glance, it seemed similar. However, Feng Qing'an had no special reaction to his own Haoran's golden light. If it really had any impact, it was to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind. You can enter meditation practice faster.

But the golden light in the sky that ordinary people can't see is different. If he stares at it for a long time, the sound of Buddhist chants will sound in his mind, which is very annoying.

Feng Qing'an knew where the golden light came from. It was an old monk who came nearby at the end of last year and funded the construction of a large temple. Needless to say, this old monk was really rich.

Of course, it would also be inseparable from the money and efforts of the landlords and gentry from all over the country. The old monk has real skills, so it is not difficult to get these wealthy landlords to pay for it.

However, Feng Qingan was only on the day when the Bodhi Temple was built. Because of the vision of the golden light bursting out, he went there and took a look. He was far away and never came close again. He was not interested in Buddhism, even if the old monk inside was An eminent monk with real abilities.

But he has no interest in becoming a holy monk. He doesn't want to abide by any of the Buddhist rules. Not to mention not being close to women, he can't tolerate just not eating meat.

Therefore, even if he really wants to practice martial arts, he will definitely choose Taoism. To cultivate immortals, it is best to be like Donghuang, who can practice a sword box, ride a sword on the wind, and slay demons in the world. It is so cool.

It was not that Feng Qing'an had never asked Donghuang for cultivation methods, but the leader of Youhuang Kingdom did not hide anything. She told him clearly that she could teach any magical method, but she could not teach the fundamental cultivation methods. Even if you don’t teach, you don’t dare to teach.

The young man remembered that the king's leader said that it took too much time for her to be reincarnated after being robbed. After she woke up, a particularly long time had passed, so the Taoist practices she mastered were already quite ancient versions.

In the Immortal Way, even the fundamental methods practiced by immortals will undergo some small changes every once in a while. It may not make any difference to modify it once or twice, but hundreds or thousands of changes are enough to change a method beyond recognition, or in other words Becoming more sophisticated and complex.

Therefore, Donghuang believes that the immortal cultivation method she mastered may have been good back then, but now, it may have been eliminated and shelved as a reference, and it is not suitable for practice at all.

You can practice, but after practicing, compared to today's monks, those in the same realm may have more weaknesses, which can be targeted. The same cultivation level may be instantly suppressed in a fight.

After some introduction, Feng Qingan had to admit this reason. Although he had no requirements for it, even if it was an ancient version, it would be fine if he could practice it, but Donghuang would not teach it.

She believed that if Feng Qing'an wanted to practice immortality, he should practice the most profound and top-level methods now, rather than the outdated version she mastered.

Although it is not impossible to change the basic cultivation method, it is something that an immortal with a life span of eight hundred and more than a thousand years can spend time and do slowly. For ordinary practitioners, it is best to choose a method from the beginning rather than changing it while practicing.

“It feels like it’s getting more and more lively!”

Feng Qing'an knew that he had caused a catastrophe, but he did not know how vast the scope of the catastrophe he had caused was, and how far away the impact was.

Although he felt something was wrong with the appearance of the Bodhi Temple, he didn't take it too seriously because Donghuang had told him that a mere small temple could be wiped out with a single sword.

Therefore, Feng Qingan still maintained his past living habits without much change, and his daily practice was orderly and unaffected.

He condensed the seventh soul contract and set foot in the realm of the Heavenly Beast Lord, and his soul power was transformed as a result. However, he can only be considered a soul if he condenses the tenth soul contract and contracts a creature with potential or combat power above the lord level. A qualified beast master.

As for the target of the contract, Feng Qingan chose for himself and was cultivating the giant skeleton.

Although after nearly half a year of unremitting efforts to revive the giant with his soul power, the giant's skull and part of the collarbone have been infected with a red gold color, exuding a faint luster, but there is still quite some time before the giant can be awakened. Long way to go.

However, he had enough time to prepare, because the cultivation of the Heavenly Beast Lord was becoming more and more difficult. The feedback from the soul contract could only improve him very little, and his own cultivation only lasted three or two days. Only then can one feel such a weak growth.

His practice has moved from the rapid progress in the past to the slow accumulation stage. Every step he takes takes a period of accumulation.

Practice that is so slow that it is difficult to see the effect is a great test of the character and resilience of the beast master. It is not that he has never thought of seeking help from Donghuang. However, after some exchanges, Feng Qingan still chose to slowly accumulate souls by himself. force.

It is not a good thing to keep making rapid progress in the process of practice. This means that the practitioner will gradually get used to it. However, once there is a slight stagnation, or encounters a realm barrier, the mentality can easily become unbalanced and it is difficult to accept this kind of stagnation. status.

It is not a good thing to suddenly master powerful power in a very short period of time. If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster. Mortal minds can easily be distorted by extraordinary powers.

Practice should be relaxed and relaxed. Now that you have experienced the rapid progress of practice, confirmed your qualifications, and know that you are suitable for this path, now it is time to calm down, hone your character, and make your state of mind and what you hold match the strength.

Not only is the growth in strength a form of practice, the tempering and transformation of the state of mind is also a form of practice, even more difficult because it is difficult to see, let alone touch.

"Tonight, the flowers of the Blazing Sun Tree should bloom!"

Feng Qing'an didn't stare at the Buddha's light rising into the sky for long. He turned around and walked towards the gap in the Netherworld. It was his daily routine to go to the Netherworld every night.

Entering the Netherworld, the power of the blazing sun filled his body, and he was not afraid even if the wind was howling. He found Nan Ge, looked at the girl's excited eyes, held her in his arms, and then took her to that place. Dilapidated ancient battlefield ruins.

Not long after, Feng Qingan ran without hesitation, and he climbed onto a mountain that exuded a cold air like ten thousand years of black ice. On the top of the mountain, he saw a seven-foot jade tree that exuded fiery power.

The main trunk is slender and straight, with only three branches, and there are only more than twenty green jade-like leaves. Feng Qing'an feels that he can just cut down this Blazing Sun Tree by its roots. He only needs a little rest. Obtain a wooden stick of excellent material.

Of course, even if his brain was twitching, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing. He had been cultivating this tree for half a year, and he couldn't even remember how much soul power he poured into it.

"It's time to bloom. If it doesn't bloom, it will be inappropriate!"

Feng Qing'an pressed his palm on the tree trunk, and the light red soul power poured out from his palm. As always, the Blazing Sun Tree did not reject anyone who came, and absorbed all the soul power. However, while receiving the soul power, it It also swallows up the huge cold energy accumulated in the rooted mountain.

Gu Gu!

Red firelight flashed on his shoulders, and the big Gugu, which seemed to be a lot bigger, appeared. He looked at the huge bud on the second branch that had not yet bloomed, and there was a hint of expectation. It seemed that it was going to have the same kind, no? No more lonely.

Gu Gu!

The cry of the little firebird became excited, and a fragrant floral fragrance penetrated into the soul, lifting Feng Qing'an's spirit. The feedback from the soul contract also let Feng Qing'an know that the second flower bud was blooming.

It was also at this moment that a secret skill was presented to him

[Xuan Beast Sect·Side mission: Founding a sect, completed! 】

[Reward: "Spirit Swallowing Soul Empowering Technique", do you want to receive it? 】


After obtaining this secret technique, Feng Qingan checked the condition of the Blazing Sun Tree.

[Fourth Soul Contract: Blazing Sun]

[Race: Blazing Sun Tree]

[Attributes: Yang, Wood, Heaven]

[Potential Level: Commander·Superior]

[Combat power level: Commander·lower]

The potential and combat power have increased at the same time, but Feng Qingan is not very satisfied because the potential of the Blazing Sun Tree has not been raised to Lord, but this is the fact. He also knows that he cannot be impatient. This tree seems to be saving up just like him. stage.


The crisp and melodious cry of the young bird rang out, and the big coogu that stayed on the shoulder flew up and landed on the already blooming blazing sun flower, looking at the body of its kind that was being built.



The second Yang Fire Essence born on the Blazing Sun Tree had not yet explored how many sounds it could make when it was led astray by Big Gugu and made a cry that belonged to a dove.

But it also made Feng Qing'an feel relieved. This newly born little guy can be called Ergugu naturally, so there is no need to worry about the name.


The moment Er Gugu's body took shape, flames ignited on the two small firebirds. Big Gugu soared into the sky and hovered over the Blazing Sun Tree. Its body expanded under the lingering flames. Start growing bigger.

The big Gugu, which was originally not much bigger than a fist and almost the same as a sparrow, has grown in size in a very short period of time to the point where it can compete with domestic geese.

Although it is still small in size, as a Yang Fire Essence without flesh and blood, its size is not the key to its combat power. The most important thing is its flaming nature.

Although it could only compete with sparrows in the past, even tigers, leopards, and wolves in the mountains did not dare to provoke it, let alone evil spirits and ghosts, and they would retreat when they saw it.

Now that the body has grown further, not only does it become larger in size, but more importantly, its essence has also further transformed and improved with the growth of the Blazing Sun Tree.

Gu Gu!

The cheerful cry sounded, and the big Gugu was very happy to feel the further growth of strength in his body. The newly born second Gugu also flapped its wings and rushed into the sky to play with the big Gugu. For a moment, Feng Qingan It's hard to tell them apart, after all, there is no difference in their essence.

"Dagugu, come back!"

Feng Qing'an only used words to summon him, and when there was a firebird hovering in the sky, it obeyed the command, and its swollen figure began to shrink, returning to its previous state of a small firebird no bigger than a fist, and landed on the young man's shoulder.


The other one landed on a tree branch, tilting its head and looking at Feng Qing'an curiously. Although Feng Qing'an made it feel kind and fond of it, it didn't realize that the boy in front of it meant a lot to it. , what does it mean.

As a result, what happened to Dagugu once again happened again. Feng Qingan used "The Art of Divine Exercise" to make the newly born Ergugu understand his status in less than a quarter of an hour. He is their father!

"Come in!"

Feng Qing'an knew that the two little guys in front of him had a very special existence form and could be integrated into his body very smoothly. When he used the "Shen Shu", all the power was under his control. m.

So, the idea that he had tried before but failed came to his mind again, and he had the idea of ​​trying again. After all, the big Gugu became stronger, and there was also an extra second Gugu. This was more than just two pairs. doubled growth.


The two Yang Fire Essences all entered his body, feeling the power that he was already very familiar with, and even though it had skyrocketed, he could still control it.

Then, he took a deep breath, and the blazing light of the sun burst out from his back, turning into a surging stream of flames. In the eyes of Nan Ge, it was Feng Qingan's back that suddenly spurted out. Four pillars of fire appeared, making her extremely uneasy.

"Feng Qing'an, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'll try another thing!"

Feng Qing'an replied calmly that he didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to try flying, that's all.

This idea had already occurred to him when he saw that Heishan could use soul-eating ghost fire to ascend to the sky, but Heishan was not really flying, it could only be suspended in the air with the help of flames.

Feng Qing'an also tried, using the soul-eating ghost fire to ascend into the sky, but the speed of moving in mid-air was not as fast as running on two legs on the ground. How could this satisfy him.

Therefore, he set his sights on Dagugu, but the strength of Dagugu, who had not been promoted at that time, was too weak, and his body was also small.

Big Gugu has no way to get bigger and can only maintain that size. It is fundamentally different from the little Phoenix Youyou. She can become the size of a fist because she wants to.

Therefore, the result of Feng Qing'an's final attempt was just to create a pair of flame wings behind his back, which were not much bigger than chicken wings.

Although he could feel a force that took him off the ground and soared into the air, the force was far from enough, but now, the conditions seemed to have been met.

The four fire pillars spurting out from behind gradually turned into the shape of wings under Feng Qingan's combing and control. They were no longer the flaming chicken wings in the initial attempt, but the Yangyan wings that matched his current body shape. .

Yang Yan Four Wings!

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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