The Underworld Detective

Chapter 423: Test of Dog Trainer

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

The next morning I got up early and brought the necessary things to the front of Jinlong Commercial Building. The dog trainer wore a trench coat and stood with his hands in his pockets.

He saw me smile, and I said indifferently: "Say, what do you want to play today?"

"Don't be so nervous, you can grow old so fast, haven't you eat breakfast yet?"

Four friends were killed by him. How could I have a good joke with him? The dog trainer turned to a small shop, asked for an Oden, and handed me, "Eat!"

Instead of reaching out to pick it up, I frowned, "I don't like to circle."

The dog trainer ordered: "You better be obedient!"

I said, "Don't you threaten me with such a boring little thing?"

I took the portion of Oden, and I threw it into the trash can. The eyes of the dog trainer instantly became very gloomy: "Do you know the price of disobeying me? Hope to show another face in front of you. "

I gritted my teeth and used a bamboo stick to pick up an oden and eat it, and it tasted like chewing wax in my mouth. Being forced to do something makes me feel humiliated, and at the same time I realize that this person has a perverted desire to control.

After eating a few Kantos, the dog trainer's look returned to normal, and he returned to the uncle who was harmless in appearance. He said with satisfaction: "This is only obedient."

I tossed the rest of the Oden and quickly said, "You were born in a medium-level family. Since you were a kid, you have a low self-esteem. Your father is very severe, your mother died early or divorced!"

The dog trainer froze for a moment, puzzled.

I continued: "Your boyhood was not smooth. You are a nerd who is so deceived. You are used to using fake masks to camouflage yourself and cater to others. You like everything in good order, but the reality is always contrary to what you want, which makes you aware of everything around you. Full of resentment, your marriage is also very bad, you may have children, but you are rebellious, so you find a compensation from this boring control that makes you feel like the master of everything! "

The dog trainer asked coldly, "Are you making a psychological portrait for me?"

I said, "Li Shanghang, you like controlling people, I like analyzing people!"

The dog trainer smiled: "Song Yang, I hope this confident expression will stay on your face all the time, in the future you will miss your wild and unruly."

I heard something, and today ’s task is by no means simple, so I said, “Let ’s go straight to the topic!”

The dog trainer took out a photo for me, and it was a thin man: "Today's task is very simple. Kill a witness for me. I have been locked up and the gun is ready for you."

I asked, "Aren't you not killing people?"

He replied: "Not everyone has the potential to be a dog. Some talented guys, or kill more environmentally friendly, do you think?"

I taunted: "I think the people in your organization are dead and more environmentally friendly!"

He laughed and pulled out another photo with a gun and a bullet: "If you complete the task, this is a reward for you."

I immediately responded. This was the gun Huang Xiaotao held and the bullet she fired. It should have her fingerprints on it, which is important evidence for resolving her case.

I said, "What about failure?"

"A friend of yours will die! I understand enough, right? There is an address behind the photo, so be clean."

After speaking, he turned to the boss who sold Kanto and said, "Excuse me, get another one!"

I stared at the person in the photo. Today's task is almost impossible to cheat, but if I kill someone, I will keep the handle, and I will be more in control of the dog trainer in the future.

The dog trainer urged in the back: "Don't call, don't try to play tricks!"

I clenched my fist and decided to go see the situation first. On the way, I wrote a text message on my mobile phone and sent it to Wang Yuanchao, Sun Huhu, and Sun Bingxin, with a sentence: "You may be in danger, hide!"

I came to the address written on the back of the photo. When I walked to the sixth floor, I found that the man was hiding behind a building material board. He was sitting in a chair with his hands tied, with a bag next to it, which was a semi-automatic pistol.

The man screamed as soon as he saw me. I removed the cloth from his mouth and asked, "Who are you?"

The man cried and said, "I am an ordinary businessman and I don't know why I was kidnapped."

I asked, "Have you heard the name Dog Trainer?"

"No!" The man replied.

"Are you involved in the case?" I asked again.

He didn't answer, I showed the certificate and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm from the police!"

The man immediately broke down and quickly said, "Comrade Police, you came too timely. Actually, I went out the other night and stopped on the road to the toilet because of an emergency. Then I saw two cars driving down the road. After that, a man without clothes was running on the ground with his bare feet in between. I was wondering what was going on, so I followed him secretly, and then ... and then ... I saw four young men from the car A woman was dragged down into a small mud pipe, and the woman was screaming. Later, after they had played with the woman, they came out and punched and kicked the man. "

I was surprised that he turned out to be a witness in four major evils!

I cursed with red eyes: "Why didn't you call the police then?"

The man replied crying, "I'm scared. The four young people look strangely rich. I'm afraid of being retaliated by them, but then a policeman came to me and asked me if I saw the case. I said , And ... then the other person fainted me with a piece of cloth. "

I asked, "What does the police look like?"

The man described it. It turned out to be a dog trainer, and I asked, "Do you see the looks of the four young people?"

The man nodded desperately: "It's very impressive."

"Can they recognize them if I see them again?" I asked.

"Yes!" The man replied.

The existence of this person is crucial to the progress of the four major evil cases. I suddenly realized that this test was a multiple choice question given to me by the dog trainer. Let me choose between Huang Xiaotao's innocence and overthrowing the four evils. If I don't kill him, Wang Yuanchao, Sun Bingxin or Sun Tiger will die. Is it worth the price?

I shook my head desperately, no matter what, I must not kill people, this is the bottom line!

Seeing that I hadn't moved for a long time, the man cried and said, "Comrade Police, please let me loose. I've been sitting here all night and my hands are numb."

I said, "Don't worry, I'll make a call first!"

I was going to make a phone call to Sun Hu and ask him to send someone over. At this moment, a sudden gunshot rang and the sound echoed repeatedly in the empty floor. I looked back and saw that the witness had a hole in his forehead. He crooked his head still, and a black blood flowed out of the hole and flowed along the bridge of the nose to the chin.

The dog trainer stood on the other side of the floor, holding a gun in his gloved hand, and said, "I said earlier, cheating is not allowed! Your test failed!"

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