Under the deliberate control of fishing boats at the headquarters of the navy, newspapers under the headquarters of the navy began to write news, and they still put the headlines on the front page of the newspaper, and 80% of the entire newspaper was devoted to the reinstatement.

The Navy headquarters also domesticates a number of news birds, because news birds can not only be used to deliver newspapers, but also to transport all kinds of intelligence.

Each news bird carries a satchel with two layers of bags.

The first floor contains 100 copies of the newspaper, and the other floor is for collecting money.

After all, the Navy also needs to generate all kinds of revenue!

It is impossible to rely on military spending from world governments alone.

Relying on those few barely enough military expenses.

Although the headquarters of the Navy will not starve to death …

But don’t think about it too well.

Countless news birds soon covered the first half of the great voyage, and every ten news birds were responsible for the delivery of newspapers in a small area of the sea.

And the Navy headquarters also borrowed a lot of news birds from other newspapers.

For example, borrow news birds from the official newspaper of the world government.

The official newspaper of the World Government is the second largest newspaper.

Second only to Morgans’ World Economic News Agency

So, in less than a day or two… The news that the fourth admiral of the navy headquarters, Admiral Bai Ze, was not killed and had been successfully reinstated, spread throughout the sea!

The headquarters of the Navy is one of the most powerful forces on the sea.

Its every move naturally attracts the attention of others all the time.

East Sea, West Sea, South China Sea, North Sea, No Wind Belt, First Half of the Great Voyage, New World… Pirates, merchants, gangsters, naval branches, etc. in the seas.

All saw the amazing news in the naval newspaper, this news is appalling enough!

What is the concept of the fourth senior general of the Navy headquarters? With only three admirals, the naval headquarters can already single-handedly single out two Four Emperor regiments.

Plus if another admiral comes in … Wouldn’t that be able to pick three of them?

If the world government gives the navy, a certain amount of strong assistance will be enough.

Wouldn’t the Navy headquarters be able to pick four?

And it is quite possible to turn the four emperors over?

Countless people were shocked by the news released by the navy and did not know how to react.


East Sea, Goya Kingdom, Windmill Village, a small bar…

With the sudden sound of “bang”, the door of the small bar was directly pushed open.

Noki’s beautiful eyes were slightly surprised as she broke in.

She smiled gently and reminded, “Luffy, every day I push the door, I feel that I have to change the door in less than a month.” ”

Luffy, who is only 15 years old this year, ran to the front of the bar panting.

He put a newspaper on the table and hurriedly poured a glass of boiled water into his mouth.

As if to get a little more comfortable drinking water, Luffy grabbed the newspaper and pointed to the contents on it, as well as Rona’s photo, his face full of shocked exaggerated expressions: “Marcino, did you see it?” Brother Rona turned out to be a senior admiral! This is a level higher than grandpa’s rank! ”

Marcino was startled and asked curiously, “You don’t know?” Didn’t Mr. Rhone tell you? ”

Hearing this, Luffy’s face froze, and his face was full of puzzlement: “Huh? What was said? ”

Marcino chuckled, “Mr. Rona was a senior admiral, more than ten or twenty years ago, when I was just a child.” ”

“Ten… Ten or twenty years ago!? Luffy’s mouth opened wide, his face full of shock, this kind of thing he really didn’t know.

Because Rona never spoke to him, Karp never mentioned such a thing.

Marcino nodded and said with a smile: “The year he became a general, you just happened to be born, I remember… It seems to be the year 1505 of the Haiyuan calendar, right? ”

“Then he… That Rona big brother he… Before becoming a general, did you fight Roger the One Piece? ”

A look of excitement appeared on Luffy’s face, and he felt as if Marcino knew a lot.

Marcino pondered for a moment and replied, “Monsieur Rhône once told me… He had a conflict with Roger’s Pirates, but he was still weak at that time and couldn’t beat each other, but Roger didn’t seem to be able to help him. ”

“Huh? Why didn’t Big Brother Rhone tell me these things? Luffy scratched his head, puzzled.

Marcino shook her head and said, “I don’t know, he is a very strange man, people unconsciously want to get close to him, want to understand him.” ”

Suddenly, Marcino seemed to feel like she had said something she shouldn’t.

She coughed slightly, and hurriedly covered up the slight blush that appeared on her pretty face.

Looking at the newspaper in Luffy’s hand, she quickly changed the topic, and she said: “After Mr. Rona is reinstated as a senior admiral, I don’t know if he will have time to come to the East China Sea. ”


East China Sea, Rogue Town, naval branch …

With two cigars in his mouth, Smogg looked at the naval newspaper in his hand and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he spat out a puff of smoke and muttered, “O youngest admiral! ”

The protagonist in the newspaper was not much older than Smogg.

But more than ten years ago, he was already a senior admiral of the headquarters of the Navy.

Now it’s just getting back a former rank.

And what about Tasmogg? He is still a branch colonel.

And also a colonel of the branch of the Tokai.

The most unsurfaced sea!

Although he once stayed at the headquarters of the navy and was a student of Zefa instructor, he later followed the warship of the green pheasant and went to sea to practice.

However, he had never had close contact with that “General Bai Ze”

Smogg’s perception of “General Shirasawa”…

Limited to materials from the headquarters of the Navy …

As well as newspapers of various newspapers …

And the oral transmission of veterans …

He suddenly looked to the side, Dusty who was helping with official documents.

Smogg remembers Dusty in the windmill village.

Came into contact with the legendary “General Shirasawa”.

The two sides also seemed to have exchanged a few words.

After a few seconds of silence, Smogg suddenly spoke in a deep voice and asked Dusty: “Sergeant Dusty, what kind of person do you think this General Bai Ze in the newspaper is?” You’ve been in contact with him, and you should know better than me. “_

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