The Navy headquarters, Justice Island, and Propulsion City, three important locations, are all located in a “triangular whirlpool sea”.

In this area, there are various countercurrent whirlpools.

If you want to arrive at Justice Island from the headquarters of the Navy, or you want to arrive at the headquarters of the Navy from Propulsion City, or you want to arrive at Admiration City from Justice Island… You need to go through a specific route to get to the desired location.

That route can’t be bypassed, and there is a door in the route.

That door is called the “Gate of Justice”, and there are three of them.

I have to say… The seas of the Great Shipping Route.

It’s really not your usual eccentricity.

Of course, if you go to the Navy Headquarters from Justice Island and Advance City, but from other places to the Navy Headquarters, you do not need to go through the Gate of Justice.

The naval headquarters in the first half of the Great Route was like a huge fortress.

Outside is a huge wall of immense thickness.

The city wall encircled the entire headquarters.

There is a heavy cannon on the wall, and the huge black cannon port gives others a great deterrent and makes people shudder.

If pirates attack the naval headquarters, they will be bombarded by thousands of heavy artillery.

That’s like raining shells … Definitely a nightmare for all pirates.

The huge area can accommodate at least one million people living in it.

Of course, it is impossible for one headquarters to stuff so many people into it.

Otherwise, it’s just all kinds of overhead.

It’s going to be a headache.


At this moment, on the wall of the naval headquarters, there are big people standing.

These are the top personnel inside the headquarters of the Navy!

The second rank is also Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters!

Quite a few naval non-commissioned officers, lieutenants, colonels … Or ordinary soldiers.

They all looked at the big people in amazement.

I don’t understand why they got together.

Is it a meeting?

But isn’t this kind of thing a meeting, in general, in a conference room?

Nothing clear.

Even a major general.

It’s all unclear.

Those who learned that Admiral Rona had not yet died and was returning to the headquarters of the Navy… In addition to the personnel of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the Navy, only the marshal of the headquarters, the senior general of the headquarters, and the vice admiral of the headquarters know.

I have to say that in terms of secrecy, the Navy has done a very good job.

In a group of high-ranking naval officials, the Warring States as a marshal naturally stood in the middle.

To his right are the pheasant, the karp, and the crane.

To his left are the yellow ape, the red dog, and the peach rabbit.

As for the other general of the headquarters who replaced the lieutenant general “Tea Dolphin”, he did not come, because he had a task and could not get rid of his body, and he was still on the side of the New World.

Behind the Warring States are a group of lieutenant generals in the headquarters, such as ghost spiders, burning mountains, and so on.

Put these high-ranking naval officials in the new world, I am afraid that they can fight with the two Four Emperor Regiments!

Because there are at least ten elite vice admirals in the headquarters, one general backup, one naval marshal, one heroic vice admiral, and three admirals.

With this luxurious lineup and scale, who can withstand this?

One of the most powerful organizations on the sea, apart from the world government.

That is undoubtedly the headquarters of the Navy located in the first half of the Great Route!

“Is that kid really coming over today? I heard that his route back to his headquarters passed through the Devil’s Triangle Sea, and I don’t know if he will meet Moonlight Moria, if the two meet… Then Moriah is afraid that it will be gone. ”

Karp sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a pack of senbei in his hand, muttering while stuffing senbei into his mouth.

He was Rhône’s physical teacher and taught Rhône Domineering and Six Styles.

So for Rhone’s various ways of doing things….

Karp is really not generally familiar.

After hearing Karp’s whispered muttering, Sengoku pondered for a moment, and then spoke: “Rona said that he will arrive at the naval headquarters within today, and he is not the kind of person who does not believe in his words, just wait slowly.” ”

The green pheasant turned his head to look at the Warring States, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly asked: “Mr. Warring States, is Rona directly reinstated as a general when he returns to the headquarters this time?” ”

His question also represents the question of everyone present.

They were all curious about Rona after he returned to the naval headquarters.

Exactly from scratch step by step.

Or is it directly reinstated as an admiral?

To this question, the Warring States gave an affirmative answer: “Marshal Air has already told me that Rona was a general of the Navy headquarters, and he can be directly reinstated!” ”

Listening to this, the yellow ape on the side had a slightly abrupt expression on his lewd expression, and sighed: “Then there will be four admirals in the naval headquarters in the future!” Coupled with Rona’s attitude towards pirates, this is really scary…”

Although he said “terrible”, there was no fear on the yellow ape’s face.

Because Rhône is the navy, he is also the navy, all navy … Why be afraid?

The people who should be afraid should be those pirates of the New World!

Because Rhone was in the New World.

Slaughtered nearly half of the pirates.

Hit a great name.

“This guy is restless wherever he goes! As soon as it appeared, he destroyed a group of fish-man pirates, and then killed a colonel of the branch who was unforgivable, and then cut down the overlord of the South China Sea… I heard that a cadre under Doflamingo died on the Long Roundabout. ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru chuckled thoughtfully: “And Rona’s voyage this time also passed through the Long Roundabout, and I don’t know if the cadre of the Don Quixote family was killed by him, if so… That Doflamingo was unlucky. ”

Although Doflamingo said that His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, he also has a special identity.

But in the eyes of Lieutenant General Tsuru, he could not be inferior to Rona at all.

If that cadre was really killed by Rona.

Doflamingo don’t want revenge in this life.

It is simply impossible to succeed in revenge.

Just when the atmosphere was slightly quiet, the red dog, who had been expressionless and did not speak, suddenly raised his eyelids and looked at the sea not far away.

His calm and very calm voice sounded in everyone’s ears: “Coming! ”



ps: It has been more than ten days since the book was opened, and the 120,000 words in ten days should not be slow. It will be on the shelves tomorrow, it should be tomorrow afternoon or evening. The testimonials are in the next chapter, which contains the amount of updates on the shelves and the update time.

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