The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 445: He is my son

Li Zedao coldly looked at his eyes that he didn't even want to close when he died, and his mind surged.

Hate him? That is natural. Li Zedao knew that he was not the only experimental subject. Before and after him, many people had been taken away by them to serve as the experimental subject, but they were not lucky. They escaped by chance. , But they are all dead.

That human trafficker that He Xiaofeng led people to chase at the ferry terminal that day was with this evil doctor at all. It was not at all abducting homeless beggars or people with mental problems as He Xiaofeng analyzed. Their organs, but to use them as experimental subjects.

So this evil doctor...Oh, of course, and his accomplices, especially the little old man who likes to pretend to be a kind-hearted old man, they are not sorry to die!

Thinking of Li Zedao stretched out his foot and stepped on his face, forcing the doctor’s wide eyes to close on the corpse. Li Zedao didn’t like his wide eyes, not because he was afraid, but because he felt like him. You should have died a long time ago, not the kind of vain so you can't stand your eyes. Why open your eyes?

Then he squatted down, fumbled for the clothes he was wearing, and finally took out three small glass bottles from the pocket of the white coat he was wearing. One glass bottle was filled with a black one. The second glass bottle contained a dark pill, but it was a circle larger than the first lesson. As for the third glass bottle, it contained some white powder.

Li Zedao opened the first glass bottle and poured out the medicine inside. The eyes that were already a little brighter became brighter. His guess was not wrong. This pill was a ghost pill, but he didn't know it was a ghost pill. The number is still Onimaru number two.

As for the other bigger pill and the specifics of the white powder, Li Zedao doesn’t know exactly what it is, but presumably the white powder should be the kind of bone disintegration the evil doctor said... Let Zhou Xiaotian in the pit Eat some and try to see if it really melts the bones?

After putting the three glass bottles in his pocket, Li Zedao stood up, then drew a foot on the doctor's body as if pumping a ball, and accurately kicked him into the hole he had dug before. Then, he walked to the front and looked inside, only to see that Zhou Xiaotian's eyes were full of fear and staring at him.

Zhou Xiaotian knew who was here, because he heard the sharp knife-like voice of the evil doctor, and also heard the dialogue between Li Zedao and the visitor. What made him feel incredible is that Li Zedao was also arrested. Experimental subject, even, he is still the most perfect experimental subject.

Of course, he heard the gunshots, knowing that Li Zedao had killed the doctor, and sure enough, he saw the doctor's half of his head on the edge of the pit.

"Presumably you have heard my conversation with the doctor who reformed you. Unfortunately, I don't need to learn anything from you." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"No... don't kill me... don't kill me..." Zhou Xiaotian pleaded, eyes full of fear, and even Li Zedao saw that his crotch was wet again.

"You are peeing your pants again."

"...Don't kill me..." Zhou Xiaotian continued pitifully begging, "You can't do can't do that...My parents are in bad health, what should they do if I die?"

"I have given you a chance, but I almost killed Teacher He." Li Zedao didn't show any pity on his face. "Have you ever thought that if your shot killed Teacher He," What should I do? But for the sake of classmates once, I will not make you too lonely."

As he said, Li Ze raised his foot, and the doctor's body turned over in a circle, then rolled into the pit, lying heavily on Zhou Xiaotian's body, like a pair of close lovers, the two were tight. Closely attached.

"No... don't..." Zhou Xiaotian yelled in horror, "Don't...Li Zedao, you can't do can't..."

Li Zedao seemed to have not heard his words, picked up a shovel and shoveled the soil into the pit.

"No... don't..." Zhou Xiaotian cried out with a bleak and sad voice. After knowing that he was hopeless to survive, he suddenly became extremely vicious again, "Li Zedao...I curse must not die... ...You will definitely go to hell...haha..."

"Bang!" Zhou Xiaotian's extremely vicious insults stopped abruptly when the gun sounded.

There is a blood hole in the middle of his eyebrows, and the vicious gloom in his wide-open eyes has not faded. He does not feel any pain, but it does not mean that he will not die!

"I'm still too kind, I should bury him alive to make him suffer, instead of letting him die like this." Li Zedao sighed and muttered to himself, and then harvested the desert eagle. I got up, then picked up the shovel again, and filled the pit with the soil around the pit little by little.


In the middle of the night, on Fengming Mountain, the surrounding area was dark and quiet, but at this time there were three dark shadows standing there quietly.

"Judge, the doctor and the experimental subject were killed, so just bury them here and dig them up?" One of the black shadows pointed to the ground beside their feet and said. In the dark, you can vaguely see that the dark figure is not tall, slightly fat, and wearing a black gentleman's hat on his head.

"Why dig it up?" The judge asked in a low voice. This is a well-proportioned man, who is vaguely visible in a white coat.

As for the last dark shadow, wearing a simple set of sportswear, but with long hair fluttering, it is vaguely visible that this is a woman.

"He's already dead, isn't it better to let him stay in this pit?" the judge said, "Or do you want to dig him out and say goodbye to bury him?"

The man in the gentleman's hat shut up. His relationship with the doctor was not very good, so he didn’t want to say goodbye to him. He originally thought the judge would want to dig out the doctor’s body and bury it. After all, The doctor can be regarded as the core figure of this organization, right?

"You let me down. Years ago, I gave you the core information. You want money to give you money. If you want people, I give people to you, and let you research on your own without interfering. , As a result, after so many years, nothing has been achieved." The judge continued in a low voice.

"This..." There was a stiff smile on the face of the man wearing a gentleman's hat. "The judge, it can't be regarded as a failure. After all, we have also researched a lot of things..."

"Plap!" With a crisp sound, the judge already slapped the man in the gentleman's hat with a heavy slap on the face, and directly slapped back his words that he hadn't had time to finish, and said in a cold voice: " You know what I want."

"Yes, yes, judge, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." the man in the gentleman hat said with a slightly lowered head in fear.

"Judge, that experimental subject...what should I do?" The man in the gentleman hat asked again after apologizing. He still knows the judge's temper. After he slapped you, it means that the matter has been exposed. , Won't trouble you anymore.

"What to go and kill him?"

"Uh..." The man in the gentleman's hat was about to cry, and even the doctor with well-developed limbs was killed by him. He was tortured to death in the past for eating with his brain?

"Let him go, don't trouble him in the future." The judge said coldly.

"Yes, judge." The man wearing a gentleman's hat said quickly, although it is not clear why the judge did not let people go and kill him. After all, he was the one who killed the organization, and he was the only experimental subject that achieved great success , Very valuable for research, but he dare not have any objections to the judge's decision. If there is any objection, the judge will draw his face.

"Otherwise, you will lose your life in vain." The judge continued, "You are not his opponent at all."

"..." The man wearing a gentleman's hat already felt a knife in his chest.

"And if you go to trouble him, even if he didn't kill you, I will trouble you." The judge looked up at the crescent moon and said lightly, "Because he is my son!"

"Oh...what? Son...son?" The man in the gentleman's hat turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost, his short legs were almost soft, and he just sat on the ground.

"I was watching when you tricked him back to the base from the sky bridge that day." The judge continued, "The pill the doctor fed him was not developed by you, but I brought him. He is mine. Son, can you eat the kind of garbage you developed that is no different from poison? So I changed the medicine."

"..." The muscles on the face of the man wearing a gentleman's hat twitched violently, with an expression of extreme horror, and almost choked to death by the judge's words. He knows that the judge has such a strength that he can appear next to you without knowing it, just like a ghost, which is completely invisible to you, so he has no doubt that the judge sneaks into the base and then The medicine was changed.

It's just...what the **** is he doing? Why did he do this? Also, how could that kid be his son?

You must know that before he went to the overpass and tricked him back to the base, the kid knelt down and asked for money. The reason for asking for the money was that he had no money to heal his life.

But the judge did not continue to help the man wearing a gentleman's hat. Instead, he glanced at another shadow and said: "Girl, try to get close to him and become his woman..."

"I will do it well, Master," the woman nodded.

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