The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2867: God knows

But remembering that Mr. Qinglong is one of the four ambassadors around Tian, ​​it is more important that he is a man, and he shouldn't like men, so Li Zedao took this for granted.

"You are so cheap!" Li Zedao couldn't help but cursed himself.

Die Yi quickly agreed, yeah, you really are really cheap.

Li Zedao was inexplicably sad, and left his hometown to come to this kind of ghost place. If it is not cheap, how can I survive? Your sister's.

What makes Li Zedao sad even more is that the thigh is gone like this, can't enter the original space?

Li Zedao wanted to give himself a slap. Why hesitate? Sect Master is still waiting for you to take the Ice Dragon Core back!

Li Zedao looked at the entrance of the primitive space, took a deep breath, his eyes revealed determination.

The next moment, his body turned into an afterimage and swept into the entrance.


Yun Yu's big eyes stared at Mr. Qinglong firmly, as if he wanted to see through his flesh and blood, reaching the depths of his soul.

Mr. Qinglong is calm and calm, with a touch of doting looking at this sister who always makes him a headache.

"I helped you find a spirit dog almost exactly like Xiao Hei." Qinglong said.

Yun Yu was unmoved, and even felt that Qinglong's approach was a bit stupid.

What if that dog is exactly the same as Xiao Hei? It is not Xiao Hei after all, Xiao Hei is irreplaceable.

She still stared at Qinglong's eyes firmly, and said, "Why are you here?"

Qinglong said: "I am responsible for presiding over this ranking conference."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Yun Yu's voice: "Where does Mr. Qinglong need to show up in person for the mere list conference?"

Mr. Qinglong was silent, and he did not need to show up in person at the mere list conference, but this time on the list is different from the previous ones, this time on the list is very important.

It's really important.

"And as far as I know, the so-called Tianjiao of Tianyu will also participate in the previous entrant conference, but none of them appeared in the entrant conference this time. Why is that?"

Mr. Qinglong remained silent.

Upon seeing this, Yun Yu gritted his teeth and said: "Yun Qinglong, you are ugly, if you don't satisfy this lady's curiosity, this lady will ignore you in the future."

Such a threat was too heavy, so heavy that Qinglong thought he couldn't bear it.

So Mr. Qinglong finally said: "In the past, the 36 powerful soul formation masters of the Tianjiang Department repaired the imprisonment that was blasted by the billions of beasts led by the nine-headed dragon at the expense of the soul. It needs to be repaired."

Yun Yu's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

She is a natural born spirit body, and now she has shown extremely terrifying talent in the soul formation, so she naturally knows what it means that the imprisonment becomes thinner.

"If you want to repair, naturally you have to use the soul, and it must be the soul of the strong."

Yun Yu frowned and asked, "But what does this have to do with this ranking conference?"

Qinglong said: "Those who participated in the ranking conference, their cultivation base is said to be strong or not, weak and not weak, so their soul can be used to mend the imprisonment."

Yun Yu's little pink face immediately became extremely stiff.

She never expected that Tianyu would take this opportunity to harvest the lives of so many powerful people and seize their souls.

In this way, the sect forces behind the Tianjiao who participated in the ranking conference will only think that the primitive space is too dangerous, and they will not think that this is a trap at all.

Qinglong looked down at the primitive space shrouded in weird black mist, and said, "The primitive space does have a threshold, but it's not too low."

"As long as it is a strong person with a high-grade cultivation level or above in the great realm, they can enter."

Yun Yu understood, she said: "So, you will enter in a while to kill the arrogant talents who participated in the rally and grab their souls?"

Mr. Qinglong shook his head and said: "Someone has helped kill them and take their souls. What I have to do is to take those souls from those people."

"Then what's in the original space?"

"Some shemales, and some fierce beasts, even if they are in the same general state, they will be swallowed by them." Qinglong's tone was flat and casual, obviously not paying attention to these shemales and fierce beasts at all.

Yun Yu stared at Qinglong fiercely, and said: "In this case, you still let him in? Do you know that ugly monster is the perfect host for this young lady?"

"I'm looking for a perfect host for you." Qinglong said.

For people born with spiritual bodies, the perfect host is hard to find, but it doesn't mean that you can't find it.

If Mr. Qinglong wanted to find it, he could still find it after all.

Yun Yu exasperated her cheeks: "Look for your sister, this lady only wants him!"

"He is not worthy of you." Qinglong said seriously.

"Don't repeat something so obvious." Yun Yu said, "but this lady doesn't dislike him, this lady doesn't dislike him, so why do you dislike him?"

"Just because his blood is too dirty, too evil, and because his ending will not be too good, you are too close to him, not a too smart choice."

Yun Yu's eyes shrank: "What do you know?"

Qinglong said: "I only know that he comes from the Pangu domain and is a creature bred by Pangu."


Yun Yu was stunned and couldn't believe what her ears were hearing.

Possessing spirit in Li Zedao's soul can naturally see some of Li Zedao's inner secrets, unless Li Zedao doesn't want anything, but this is obviously impossible.

What Li Zedao likes most is his imagination, his inner world is quite rich.

Therefore, Yun Yu knew Li Zedao many secrets, that he came from the Pangu Realm and was a descendant of Pangu, that he came to the Heaven Realm to prevent the sky from completely destroying the Pangu Realm, and knew that there were many women waiting for him to return...

Regarding the fact that there were many women waiting for him to go back, Yun Yu said that this ugly monster was suffering from paranoia.

He is so ugly, so shameless, so shameless, so weak, how could a girl like him?

Li Zedao naturally knew that this little loli knew a lot of her secrets, but the only thing he could do was to believe that this little loli would not go out and talk nonsense.

Naturally, Yun Yu didn't tell anyone, and she even selectively forgot about it.

But unexpectedly, Yun Qinglong knew it!

"How did you know?" Little Lolita's eyes were a bit fierce, like a cute puppy whose food was robbed, a posture that if you don't tell the truth, you will kill you.

Mr. Qinglong said: "When he escaped from the imprisonment of Pangu Region to the heaven, I knew it. Not only I knew it, but the four ambassadors also knew it, even the sky."


Yun Yu really feels sad for Li Zedao. You think that the biggest secret in your body is actually no secret. If God wants it, the whole heaven knows that you are from the Pangu Realm, and you are flowing with Pangu's blood!

"Why didn't the sky kill him?" Yun Yu asked puzzledly.

That high heaven would never be so benevolent at all.

Mr. Qinglong thought for a while and said, "Heaven can't see him at all, how can I kill him?"


It's not that you can't see it, but Li Zedao is really too weak, so weak that even if you come from the Pangu domain, you are of Pangu's blood, and the sky is too lazy to move you.

Yun Yu continued to feel deeply sad for Li Zedao, thinking that if this lady were you, she would have committed suicide a long time ago.

"Since the sky can't see him, why are you killing him?" Yun Yu asked.

Mr. Qinglong said: "Participating in the ranking meeting is his own decision, no one forced him. Besides, I have reminded twice that the primitive space is dangerous and dangerous, and giving up is a wise choice, but no one wants to believe it. "

Yun Yu said angrily: "Yun Qinglong, you are an idiot! Under such circumstances, who would choose to give up and not be laughed to death?"

Being scolded as an idiot, Mr. Qinglong still said with doting in his eyes: "It is dead or alive. It depends on his luck."

"I heard that his luck is so good that there is no reason at all, but I want to see how ridiculous it is."


The moment he entered, Li Zedao felt that the scene before him had changed drastically.

But I see here is an absolutely gray world.

The mountains are gray, the water is gray, the flowers and trees are gray, and the sky is also gray. The whole world is like a thick gray veil. It looks very weird, too. Very depressing.

Compared with the dead ashes that represents death, Li Zedao really felt that the blue of the Yinyou Mountain Range was actually quite beautiful, at least it didn't look so depressing.

At the same time, Li Zedao was shocked to find that he could not see anyone, and he didn't know where the hundreds of strong men who had entered this primitive space had gone before.

Even Li Zedao couldn't feel any breath of being alive, which was undoubtedly quite strange.

After all, less than two sticks of incense Kung Fu, there were enough strong people to enter this primitive space, but now there is no one in sight.

At this moment, Li Zedao's already tense nerves tightened again, because he suddenly smelled an unusual smell, which seemed to be bloody!

Someone got hurt as soon as they came in? Or even killed?

While the little heart trembled, Li Zedao had an extra long sword in his right hand, and a few more idiots in his left hand.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao cautiously swept forward and began this journey of primitive space.

I don't know how long I have been moving forward, and the surrounding area is still gray, but it is not the same as when I first entered, there is no movement at all.

From time to time, there are the neighing sounds of powerful poisonous insects and beasts, and there is also a violent breath surging, and it seems that there is a life and death duel between the strong.

Li Zedao was far away from those conflicts, so he immediately changed direction and shuttled among the gray mountains.

He is not fast, he wants to restrain his breath as much as possible.

Li Zedao does not seek any good fortune, does not seek to shine in this ranking conference.

He just wanted to be able to find the bones of the ice dragon. It would be better if there was an attractive core on the bones... His idea was as simple as that.

Of course, I think too much.

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