The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2792: The ground collapsed

Yun Mengyao looked at the figure who was far away from him again, his face was so angry that the muscles on his face twitched wildly, he spouted a few mouthfuls of old blood, and his body was enveloped by a strong devilish energy. It's good to be in pieces.

Less than a stick of incense, Li Zedao fled into the Qinglong City, which had become a dead city, and came to the ruins where the Hanfengzong sect was before.

Without hesitation, Li Zedao jumped directly into the pit.

In Li Zedao's view, only by entering this cave, with the help of the intricate passage under the ground and the chaotic land that is still in a state of chaos, can he escape the pursuit of this terrifying powerhouse.

At the same time, the extremely angry Yun Mengyao had already chased the big pit, and was about to swoop down to continue pursuing, but the two big fools flew out of the pit in a violent posture.

Upon seeing this, Yun Mengyao's face changed slightly, and he could only step back again, avoiding the hidden weapon that made him hateful.

"Boom!" The big idiot burst open.

The terrifying power of the explosion actually directly exploded the entire cave entrance, and the thick sand directly covered the entire cave entrance firmly.

In this way, Yun Mengyao would not be able to enter, unless he could escape from the earth.

But he won't, so his anger reached the top all at once.

He had never expected to say that he could not help even a weak person with a low-grade peak cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, and he was even so embarrassed, deeply poisonous, and seriously damaged!

"Damn! You damn!"

Yun Mengyao shook his long sword tightly, and his body was enveloped by a strong devilish energy, and the posture demon descended.

But breathing, there was a huge magic ball condensed from magic energy in the sky.

The magic ball was shrouded in black flames and seemed to burn everything.

"go to hell!"

At the next moment, Yun Mengyao slashed fiercely.

In an instant, the huge magic ball burned by the raging black flame fell from the sky, and smashed fiercely on the messy ground.


As if the sky was falling apart, the entire Azure Dragon City trembled violently.

In the tunnel, Li Zedao didn't dare to stay at all, and continued to flee madly.

Later, he was horrified to find that the entire space was shaking violently, and there was an extremely terrifying sense of oppression that swept from above his head.

But breathing, I saw the terrifying black flame carrying a large amount of mud and sand, pouring down frantically, that posture, as if the end of the world had come, and the fire of **** began to burn the land.

Li Zedao was so scared that his soul was almost gone, and he quickly revealed the golden cover.

After a few breaths, Li Zedao's celestial aura was directly consumed, and the hard-supported golden cover disappeared.

Then, the earth that was burning with black flames slammed down.

The ground collapsed!

"It's over!"

This thought flashed through Li Zedao's mind, and then there was darkness before his eyes, and his thoughts were completely broken.


Luguang Villa.

Han Guang Canghai looked a little surprised at the old Crocodile who had returned to the villa to visit.

"Old Crocodile, did you bring that person back to Luguang Mountain Villa?" Han Guang Canghai frowned.

Crocodile Lao Zuoyi replied: "Owner, how can such a weak person qualify to step into my Luguang Mountain Villa? I let him stay in a safe place and return to the Villa alone."

"Tomorrow is the day of the young lady's wedding, and the old man wants to be there to give away the young lady."

Han Guang Canghai sighed and nodded slightly.

He knew that Lao Crocodile had a deep relationship with his daughter, and he had always regarded him as his own granddaughter. It was natural that Crocodile came back on the day of her wedding.

Han Guangcanghai said: "Let you protect that kid personally. You are really wronged by the crocodile. You don't need to protect him afterwards. I just send a disciple to protect him."

Han Guang Canghai felt that such arrangements were both disgusting and humiliating.

The owner of the Luguang Mountain Villa who wants to be dignified, has to ensure the safety of a weak person who is not a mere sublime spiritual world. This is simply ridiculous.

Thinking of her daughter seemed to have such a touch of affection for the weak person, Han Guang Canghai wanted to spit blood.

If it weren't for the owner, it would be hard to deny it, let alone guarantee the safety of the weak, Han Guang Canghai even wanted to slap him to death.

The old Crocodile smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The young lady specifically explained that she must ensure the safety of Deputy Sovereign Ning, and I should protect him with all my heart and dare not talk about grievances."

"How can that kid, He De, let you protect his safety? Maple Leaf is just a mess, you don't need to bother." Thinking of her daughter being so headstrong and daring to disobey her, Han Guang Canghai was extremely annoyed.

"The owner..."

Hanguang Maple Leaf waved his hand: "You don't need to say more, this is the case."

"Yes." The old Crocodile can only make a move.

"I'll visit the old owner." Old Crocodile said again.

Hanguang Canghai's complexion turned bitterly, and said, "My father doesn't necessarily see you. For so many years, the girl of Maple Leaf can enter the Luguang Pavilion."

"Even, the Maple Leaf wedding tomorrow is an extremely humiliating thing in the eyes of my father. He will not go out of the Luguang Pavilion to attend the wedding banquet."

Old Crocodile also smiled bitterly and said: "If you can get half of the fire marble from Yunmeng Villa, the old owner will be better. The old owner is better, and my Luguang Villa will be able to return to the past. I'm wronged Miss."

Han Guang Canghai disagrees with Old Crocodile’s statement: “It’s what she should do to pay for Liuguang Mountain Villa. It’s not a grievance or grievance.”

Han Guang Canghai shook his head, and there was a bit of bitterness in his voice: "If you want to say grievances, you are really aggrieved."

"Since your father's accident, in order to find the fire marble, you have paid too much, and even your favorite grandson, the North Berserker, died in the chaos, with no bones."

Han Guang Canghai sighed: "With that child's talent, he could have become a powerhouse better than you and me, and even with time, I might be able to leave a name on the sky list."

Crocodile was old, with a trace of sadness in his old eyes, and said: "The owner must never do this. This is really a shame. I am waiting. It is his privilege for my grandson to die for the Liuguang Mountain Villa."

Han Guangcanghai waved his hand: "Don't talk about these depressing things, you should go to see your father. If he doesn't see him, you can rest well and entertain the guests. They will be responsible for their own willow leaves."

Han Guang Canghai smiled bitterly: "Of course, there are not many guests."

Most people are not qualified to enter the Luguang Villa at all. Those who are qualified to enter the Luguang Villa, basically go to Yunmeng Villa to congratulate them.

So although we are having a happy event, Liuguang Villa is really deserted.

Old Crocodile smiled bitterly, and turned to leave.

At the moment of turning around, all the sadness in his eyes was replaced by coldness.

But breathing, coldness was once again shrouded in grief.

His back seemed to bend again, and he walked out slowly.

After a few sticks of incense, the old Crocodile came to the Liuguang Pavilion where the old owner lived to meet the old owner. Just as Han Guang Canghai said, Crocodile was stopped outside the door.

The old crocodile was told that Miss Maple Leaf was inside, and the old owner did not allow anyone to disturb them.

Old Crocodile raised his head and glanced at the magnificent Liuguang Pavilion, thinking that in the near future, this place might change hands.

Some sigh, more of pleasure, the indescribable pleasure after revenge.

Although the revenge hasn't really started yet, that kind of emotion is already growing in the old Crocodile's heart.

Afterwards, he retracted his gaze and walked towards the Danqi Pavilion.

The Pill Pavilion is an important place of the Liuguang Mountain Villa. What is hidden inside is all the treasures accumulated by the Liuguang family over a long period of time.

This treasure naturally includes all kinds of precious heavenly materials, elixir, all kinds of Horcruxes and so on.

Even the glorious token representing the transcendent status of Luguang Mountain Villa was enshrined in the Pill Pavilion.

Thirty-six Glory families, each Glory family has a Glory token gifted by heaven.

At any time, the bloodline of the 36 Great Glory Clan can hold this exclusive Glory Token to go to the realm of that day, and ask that high heaven to help solve a great trouble.

Even if God is unwilling, he has to help solve it.

Of course, this kind of requirement is only mentioned once.

After that, this glory token was completely useless.

But even if it is only once, you can see how precious this token is!

But this time, the old village owner was not able to save the fire marble, but he was still not willing to send this glory token to the sky in order to obtain the fire marble.

Rather, he worked hard to support, put down his figure and begged everywhere, and sent many strong men out of the villa to find the fire marble, causing many disciples to die outside.

In the end, he accepted the shameful request of Yunmeng Villa in disgrace, and let Hanguang Maple be married to Yunmengxi as a concubine! Also pay many other benefits!

Therefore, the dignified Liuguang family became a laughing stock.

The pill pavilion is located in an important place, and no one is allowed to approach it.

As soon as Mr Crocodile arrived, he was stopped.

It was the old man Hanguang Banyan Ye who stopped him.

Even if you look at the younger generation of the thirty-six glory families, Hanguang Rongye is also an absolute arrogant existence. Now, it is already a powerhouse of high-grade cultivation in the great realm, and its strength is only slightly inferior to the elders.

"Old Crocodile."

Seeing that it is the old crocodile, Hanguang Banyan Ye nodded his head.

"Big Lord." Crocodile old Zuoyi.

"The old owner asked me to come and fetch the fire pill." Old Crocodile said again.

"Old Crocodile, please follow me in." Hanguang Rongye nodded.

Grandpa needs fire pill every day to suppress the coldness in the soul and prevent the soul from continuing to be damaged.

Previously, most of the time when I came to fetch the fire and sparse pill, it was Hanguang Maple Leaf. After the Hanguang Maple Leaf left the villa, the crocodile also came to fetch it several times, so Hanguang Banyan Leaf did not think much.

At the moment, the door of the Danqi Pavilion that was enveloped by the powerful soul array was slowly opened, Hanguang Banyan Ye and the old Crocodile walked in one after another, and then the door was slowly closed again.

"Old Crocodile, please wait a moment here, I'm going to fetch the fire pill."

As always, Old Crocodile can only wait outside the Pill Medicine Pavilion, and cannot enter the interior.

The old Crocodile nodded, but his face changed drastically, and his old eyes were full of pain.

After that, his body became weak, and he would collapse to the ground.

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